Unverified Commit e57bb5c9 authored by DawnStone's avatar DawnStone Committed by GitHub

resolved html docs build failure with doxy-code dependency (#499)

fixed sphinx_doc target in the contrib/docker/Makefile to build the docker image as a dependency

removed doxygen_doc target from the contrib/docker/Makefile as it is included with make sphinx_doc as a dependency for make html
parent 34b1322d
......@@ -79,19 +79,9 @@ build_docker_image: expand_dockerfile_templates
build_docker: build_docker_image
# Build docs
docs: sphinx_doc doxygen_doc
docs: sphinx_doc
# doxygen html docs build
docker run --rm --tty \
--env RUN_UID="$(shell id -u)" \
--env RUN_CMD="set -e ; set -o pipefail ; cd ${DOCKUSER_HOME}/ngraph-cpp-test/doc/doxygen; env VERBOSE=1 make html 2>&1 | tee make_sphinx_html.log" \
"build_ngraph_cpp:${DBUILD_VERSION}" \
sh -c "${DOCKUSER_HOME}/ngraph-cpp-test/contrib/docker/run_as_user.sh"
sphinx_doc: build_docker_image
# sphinx html docs build
docker run --rm --tty \
......@@ -19,12 +19,6 @@ help:
%: Makefile
$(Q)(cat ngraph.doxyfile ; echo "STRIP_FROM_PATH=${NGRAPH_BASE}" ) | doxygen - 2>&1 | tee doc.log
doxy: doxy-code
@rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
@rm -rf html
......@@ -32,7 +26,10 @@ clean:
@rm -rf doxygen
@rm -rf latex
htmldocs: doxy html
$(Q)(cat ngraph.doxyfile ; echo "STRIP_FROM_PATH=${NGRAPH_BASE}" ) | doxygen - 2>&1 | tee doc.log
html: doxy-code
Markdown is supported
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