Unverified Commit d1f46c0d authored by aslepko's avatar aslepko Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3243 from NervanaSystems/aslepko/ci

Update jenkins-trigger.groovy
parents f490903b bbb00715
......@@ -40,14 +40,20 @@ timestamps {
deleteDir() // Clear the workspace before starting
// Clone the cje-algo directory which contains our Jenkins groovy scripts
git(branch: JENKINS_BRANCH, changelog: false, poll: false,
url: 'https://github.intel.com/AIPG/cje-algo')
try {
sh "git clone -b $JENKINS_BRANCH https://github.intel.com/AIPG/cje-algo ."
} catch (e) {
echo "${e}"
println("ERROR: An error occurred during cje-algo script checkout.")
throw e
// Call the main job script.
// NOTE: We keep the main job script in github.intel.com because it may
// contain references to technology which has not yet been released.
echo "Calling ngraph-ci-premerge.groovy"
def ngraphCIPreMerge = load("${JENKINS_DIR}/ngraph-ci-premerge.groovy")
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