Commit d1a9b8b3 authored by Diego Caballero's avatar Diego Caballero Committed by Scott Cyphers

[MLIR] Add ngraph-opt documentation (#3600)

parent 81b492d4
......@@ -13,6 +13,16 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/// \file `ngraph-opt` is a driver for MLIR back-end in nGraph, similar to `opt` and `mlir-opt` for
/// LLVM and MLIR, respectively. It allows invoking a sequence of arbitrary MLIR passes on a given
/// input IR. For example, `ngraph-opt my_test.mlir -optA -optC` will run `optA` and `optC`, in that
/// particular order, on the input IR in file `my_test.mlir` and dump the resulting IR to the
/// standard output.
/// `ngraph-opt` is used in LLVM-style LIT tests since it allows invoking a single MLIR pass or a
/// small sequence of passes without running the whole compiler pipeline. Please, refer to
/// ngraph_repo_path/tests/mlir/ for examples.
#include "ngraph/check.hpp"
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