Commit c9737e83 authored by arogowie-intel's avatar arogowie-intel Committed by Scott Cyphers

[Py] Python wrappers for nGraph operations (#719)

* Add test for ng.absolute

- remove unnecesary repetitive call to as_node

* Add Acos operation with UT.

- update docsrings
- refactor and parameterize unit tests

* Review refactoring fix.

* Review refactoring fix part 2.

* Add Asin and Atan nGraph operation wrappers.
parent b6e1065e
......@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
from ngraph.ops import absolute
from ngraph.ops import absolute as abs
from ngraph.ops import acos
from ngraph.ops import add
from ngraph.ops import asin
from ngraph.ops import atan
from ngraph.ops import avg_pool
from ngraph.ops import broadcast
from ngraph.ops import ceiling
......@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ import numpy as np
from ngraph.impl import AxisSet, AxisVector, Coordinate, CoordinateDiff, Node, NodeVector, \
Shape, Strides
from ngraph.impl.op import Abs, Add, AvgPool, Broadcast, Ceiling, Concat, Constant, Convert, \
Convolution, Divide, Dot, Equal, Exp, Floor, Greater, GreaterEq, Less, LessEq, Log, Max, \
Maximum, MaxPool, Min, Minimum, Multiply, Negative, Not, NotEqual, Parameter, Product, \
Reshape, Slice, Sqrt, Subtract, Sum, Tanh
from ngraph.impl.op import Abs, Acos, Add, Asin, Atan, AvgPool, Broadcast, Ceiling, Concat, \
Constant, Convert, Convolution, Divide, Dot, Equal, Exp, Floor, Greater, GreaterEq, Less, \
LessEq, Log, Max, Maximum, MaxPool, Min, Minimum, Multiply, Negative, Not, NotEqual, Parameter,\
Product, Reshape, Slice, Sqrt, Subtract, Sum, Tanh
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional
from typing import Iterable, List
from ngraph.utils.broadcasting import get_broadcast_axes
from ngraph.utils.decorators import nameable_op, binary_op, unary_op
from ngraph.utils.input_validation import assert_list_of_ints
from ngraph.utils.reduction import get_reduction_axes
from ngraph.utils.types import NumericType, NumericData, TensorShape, make_constant_node, \
as_node, NodeInput
from ngraph.utils.types import get_element_type
......@@ -54,11 +54,48 @@ def constant(value, dtype=None, name=None): # type: (NumericData, NumericType,
# Unary ops
def absolute(node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Return node which applies f(x) = abs(x) to the input node elementwise."""
node = as_node(node)
"""Return node which applies f(x) = abs(x) to the input node element-wise.
:param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
:param name: Optional new name for output node.
:return: New node with Abs operation applied on it.
return Abs(node)
def acos(node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Apply inverse cosine function on the input node element-wise.
:param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
:param name: Optional new name for output node.
:return: New node with arccos operation applied on it.
return Acos(node)
def asin(node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Apply inverse sine function on the input node element-wise.
:param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
:param name: Optional new name for output node.
:return: New node with arcsin operation applied on it.
return Asin(node)
def atan(node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Apply inverse tangent function on the input node element-wise.
:param node: One of: input node, array or scalar.
:param name: Optional new name for output node.
:return: New node with arctan operation applied on it.
return Atan(node)
def sqrt(node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Return node which applies square root to the input node elementwise."""
......@@ -128,7 +165,7 @@ def subtract(left_node, right_node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, NodeInput,
def add(left_node, right_node, name=None): # type: (NodeInput, NodeInput, str) -> Node
"""Return node which applies f(x) = A+B to the input nodes elementwise."""
"""Return node which applies f(x) = A+B to the input nodes element-wise."""
return Add(left_node, right_node)
# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************
import numpy as np
import pytest
import ngraph as ng
def _get_runtime():
manager_name = pytest.config.getoption('backend', default='CPU')
return ng.runtime(manager_name=manager_name)
def _run_unary_op_node(input_data, unary_op):
runtime = _get_runtime()
parameter_a = ng.parameter(input_data.shape, name='A', dtype=np.float32)
node = unary_op(parameter_a)
computation = runtime.computation(node, parameter_a)
return computation(input_data)
def _run_unary_op_numeric_data(input_data, unary_op):
runtime = _get_runtime()
node = unary_op(input_data)
computation = runtime.computation(node)
return computation()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ng_api_fn, numpy_fn, input_data', [
(ng.absolute, np.abs, -1 + np.random.rand(2, 3, 4) * 2),
(ng.absolute, np.abs, np.float32(-3)),
(ng.acos, np.arccos, -1 + np.random.rand(2, 3, 4) * 2),
(ng.acos, np.arccos, np.float32(-0.5)),
(ng.asin, np.arcsin, -1 + np.random.rand(2, 3, 4) * 2),
(ng.asin, np.arcsin, np.float32(-0.5)),
(ng.atan, np.arctan, -100 + np.random.rand(2, 3, 4) * 200),
(ng.atan, np.arctan, np.float32(-0.5)),
def test_unary_op(ng_api_fn, numpy_fn, input_data):
expected = numpy_fn(input_data)
result = _run_unary_op_node(input_data, ng_api_fn)
assert np.allclose(result, expected)
result = _run_unary_op_numeric_data(input_data, ng_api_fn)
assert np.allclose(result, expected)
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