As of version ``0.15``, there is a new backend API to work with functions that
can be compiled as a runtime ``Executable``. Where previously ``Backend`` used a
``shared_ptr<Function>`` as the handle passed to the ``call`` method to execute
a compiled object, the addition of the ``shared_ptr<Executable>`` object has
more direct methods to actions such as ``validate``, ``call``, ``get_performance_data``, and so on. This new API permits any executable to be saved or loaded *into* or
*out of* storage and makes it easier to distinguish when a Function is compiled,
thus making the internals of the ``Backend`` and ``Executable`` easier to
How to use?
#. Create a ``Backend``; think of it as a compiler.
#. A ``Backend`` can then produce an ``Executable`` by calling ``compile``.
#. A single iteration of the executable is executed by calling the ``call``
method on the ``Executable`` object.
Various backends are accessible via nGraph core APIs
.. _backend-api:
.. figure:: ../graphics/backend-dgm.png
:width: 650px
Various backends are accessible via nGraph core APIs
.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::runtime::Backend
:project: ngraph
.. _executable-api:
.. figure:: ../graphics/runtime-exec.png
:width: 650px
The ``compile`` function on an ``Executable`` has more direct methods to
actions such as ``validate``, ``call``, ``get_performance_data``, and so on.