Unverified Commit b5467550 authored by Chris Sullivan's avatar Chris Sullivan Committed by GitHub

Updated gpu cpp files with consistent use of namespaces (cosmetic) (#629)

* Updated namespace use in cpp files.
parent a32fdab5
......@@ -19,25 +19,18 @@
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_cuda_context_manager.hpp"
namespace ngraph
using namespace ngraph;
runtime::gpu::CudaContextManager& runtime::gpu::CudaContextManager::instance()
namespace runtime
namespace gpu
CudaContextManager& CudaContextManager::instance()
static CudaContextManager manager;
return manager;
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuDeviceGet(&m_device, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxCreate(&m_context, 0, m_device));
m_context_ptr = std::make_shared<CUcontext>(m_context);
......@@ -20,17 +20,13 @@
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_cuda_function_builder.hpp"
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_util.hpp"
namespace ngraph
namespace runtime
namespace gpu
std::shared_ptr<CUfunction> CudaFunctionBuilder::get(const std::string& name,
using namespace ngraph;
std::shared_ptr<CUfunction> runtime::gpu::CudaFunctionBuilder::get(const std::string& name,
const std::string& kernel,
int number_of_options,
const char** options)
nvrtcProgram prog;
......@@ -49,8 +45,8 @@ namespace ngraph
size_t ptx_size;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetPTXSize(prog, &ptx_size));
char* ptx = new char[ptx_size];
ptx)); // Load the generated PTX and get a handle to the parent kernel.
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcDestroyProgram(&prog)); // Destroy the program.
......@@ -59,7 +55,4 @@ namespace ngraph
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleLoadDataEx(&module, ptx, 0, 0, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleGetFunction(&function, module, name.c_str()));
return std::make_shared<CUfunction>(function);
......@@ -26,40 +26,31 @@
static const std::string s_output_dir = "gpu_codegen";
namespace ngraph
using namespace ngraph;
runtime::gpu::CudaFunctionPool& runtime::gpu::CudaFunctionPool::instance()
namespace runtime
namespace gpu
CudaFunctionPool& CudaFunctionPool::instance()
static CudaFunctionPool pool;
return pool;
void CudaFunctionPool::set(const std::string& name, const std::string& kernel)
const char* opts[] = {"--gpu-architecture=compute_35",
void runtime::gpu::CudaFunctionPool::set(const std::string& name, const std::string& kernel)
const char* opts[] = {"--gpu-architecture=compute_35", "--relocatable-device-code=true"};
std::string filename =
file_util::path_join(s_output_dir, "cuda_kernel_" + name + "_codegen.cu");
std::ofstream out(filename);
out << kernel;
{name, CudaFunctionBuilder::get("cuda_" + name, kernel, 2, opts)});
m_function_map.insert({name, CudaFunctionBuilder::get("cuda_" + name, kernel, 2, opts)});
std::shared_ptr<CUfunction> CudaFunctionPool::get(const std::string& name)
std::shared_ptr<CUfunction> runtime::gpu::CudaFunctionPool::get(const std::string& name)
auto it = m_function_map.find(name);
if (it != m_function_map.end())
return (*it).second;
return nullptr;
......@@ -16,18 +16,14 @@
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_cuda_kernel_builder.hpp"
#include "ngraph/codegen/code_writer.hpp"
namespace ngraph
namespace runtime
namespace gpu
void CudaKernelBuilder::get_elementwise_op(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
using namespace ngraph;
void runtime::gpu::CudaKernelBuilder::get_elementwise_op(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& data_type,
const std::string& op,
const size_t& num_inputs)
writer << "extern \"C\" __global__ void cuda_" << name << "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++)
......@@ -57,14 +53,14 @@ namespace ngraph
writer << "}\n";
void CudaKernelBuilder::get_device_helper(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
void runtime::gpu::CudaKernelBuilder::get_device_helper(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& data_type,
const std::string& math_kernel,
const size_t& num_inputs)
if (math_kernel.size())
writer << "__device__ " << data_type << " " << name << "(";
......@@ -83,7 +79,4 @@ namespace ngraph
writer << "}\n";
......@@ -20,15 +20,10 @@
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_cuda_kernel_emitters.hpp"
#include "ngraph/runtime/gpu/gpu_cuda_kernel_ops.hpp"
namespace ngraph
namespace runtime
namespace gpu
void emit_broadcast(
using namespace ngraph;
void runtime::gpu::emit_broadcast(
void* in, void* out, size_t repeat_size, size_t repeat_times, size_t count)
std::string name = "broadcast";
// Create an instance of nvrtcProgram with the code string.
if (CudaFunctionPool::instance().get(name) == nullptr)
......@@ -38,8 +33,9 @@ namespace ngraph
kernel = R"(
extern "C" __global__
void cuda_)" + name + "(" + data_type +
"* in, " + data_type + "* out, size_t m, size_t k, size_t n)\n" + R"(
void cuda_)" + name +
"(" + data_type + "* in, " + data_type + "* out, size_t m, size_t k, size_t n)\n" +
size_t tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(tid < n)
......@@ -69,7 +65,4 @@ void cuda_)" + name + "(" + data_type +
0)); // arguments
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxSynchronize()); // Retrieve and print output.
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