Commit ae04a1bd authored by Rob Earhart's avatar Rob Earhart

Handle negative padding

parent 505a0c3d
......@@ -212,10 +212,6 @@ void ngraph::runtime::plaidml::ImplPad::Apply()
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "Pad input dims: " << op().get_input_shape(0);
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "Pad output dims: " << op().get_shape();
// FIXME: Compatibility hack inserted by amprocte, now that nGraph's Pad op no longer supports
// interior padding.
Shape padding_interior(op().get_padding_below().size(), 0);
auto dim_limit = op().get_shape().size();
bool any_zero_dims = false;
......@@ -230,16 +226,17 @@ void ngraph::runtime::plaidml::ImplPad::Apply()
auto out_dsize = [&](std::size_t idx) {
std::ostringstream s;
std::size_t total_pad = op().get_padding_below().at(idx) + op().get_padding_above().at(idx);
std::size_t in_dsize = op().get_input_shape(0).at(idx);
if (in_dsize)
total_pad += * (in_dsize - 1);
std::ptrdiff_t total_pad =
op().get_padding_below().at(idx) + op().get_padding_above().at(idx);
std::ptrdiff_t in_dsize = op().get_input_shape(0).at(idx);
if (!any_zero_dims)
s << "DI" << idx + 1;
if (total_pad)
if (total_pad < 0)
s << " - " << (0 - total_pad);
else if (0 < total_pad)
s << " + " << total_pad;
......@@ -258,15 +255,7 @@ void ngraph::runtime::plaidml::ImplPad::Apply()
s << below << " + ";
auto interior = + 1;
if (interior != 1)
s << "(d" << idx + 1 << " * " << interior << ")";
s << "d" << idx + 1;
return s.str();
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