Commit a5bb4361 authored by L.S. Cook's avatar L.S. Cook Committed by Robert Kimball

Update new docbuild requirements to python3-sphinx (new in 1.7.5) (#1849)

* update sphinx reqs

* update sphinx reqs
parent cb7b498d
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Build the documentation
``doc/sphinx`` folder removes any generated files.
Right now the minimal version of Sphinx needed to build the documentation is
Sphinx v. 1.6.5. This can be installed with :command:`pip3`, either to a virtual
Sphinx v. 1.7.5. This can be installed with :command:`pip3`, either to a virtual
environment, or to your base system if you plan to contribute much core code or
documentation. For C++ API docs that contain inheritance diagrams and collaboration
diagrams which are helpful for framework integratons, building bridge code, or
......@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ To build documentation locally, run:
.. code-block:: console
$ sudo apt-get install python3-sphinx
$ pip3 install [-I] Sphinx==1.7.5 [--user]
$ pip3 install [-I] breathe numpy [--user]
$ cd doc/sphinx/
......@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ To build documentation in a python3 virtualenv, run:
$ python3 -m venv py3doc
$ . py3doc/bin/activate
(py3doc)$ pip install sphinx breathe numpy
(py3doc)$ pip install python3-sphinx breathe numpy
(py3doc)$ cd doc/sphinx
(py3doc)$ make html
(py3doc)$ cd build/html
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