Commit a4a3031b authored by Adam Procter's avatar Adam Procter Committed by Scott Cyphers

clang-format comments: /src/ngraph/pass (#3473)

* Plant an updated .clang-format in src/ngraph, with overrides in each subdir thereof

* Whoops, forgot to commit the actual .clang-formats

* Remove src/ngraph/type/.clang-format (it was having no effect)

* Remove src/ngraph/distributed/.clang-format (it was having no effect)

* Remove src/ngraph/codegen/.clang-format (only one file was affected, so it's a wash)

* Remove src/ngraph/autodiff/.clang-format (only one file was affected, so it's a wash)

* Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/state

* Revert "Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/state"

This reverts commit 41fc50fb92bffb7f5aca4126eb1267f00dcca727.

* Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/pass

* Remove .clang-format
parent 69c02f2c
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......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static shared_ptr<pattern::op::Label> get_broadcast_label(shared_ptr<pattern::Ma
//`simplify_concat` identifies slices-concat sequences
// that cancel each other. Namely it replaces subgraphs
//similar to the one below with `arg`
// similar to the one below with `arg`
// +----------+
// +----+slice(n/2..n)---+
......@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ static bool simplify_concat(shared_ptr<Node> n)
return false;
//slice chunks should be slice in the same order as slice nodes in concat's argument list
// slice chunks should be slice in the same order as slice nodes in concat's argument
// list
auto cur_lower_bounds = slice->get_lower_bounds();
if (cur_lower_bounds < prev_lower_bounds)
......@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ static bool simplify_concat(shared_ptr<Node> n)
prev_lower_bounds.assign(cur_lower_bounds.begin(), cur_lower_bounds.end());
//slice shapes need to match
// slice shapes need to match
if (slice->get_shape() != prev_slice_shape)
NGRAPH_DEBUG << slice->get_name()
......@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ static bool simplify_concat(shared_ptr<Node> n)
return false;
//check that no other node uses slices and reshapes
// check that no other node uses slices and reshapes
if (auto rcarg = dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Reshape>(carg))
auto default_shape = get_default_order(rcarg->get_argument(0)->get_shape());
......@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ static bool simplify_concat(shared_ptr<Node> n)
auto btip_shape = branch_tip->get_shape();
//slices should cover all elements
// slices should cover all elements
if (shape_size(btip_shape) != shape_size(n->get_shape()))
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "The number of elements in Concat (" << shape_size(n->get_shape())
......@@ -242,10 +243,10 @@ static bool simplify_concat(shared_ptr<Node> n)
//`simplify_multiply` optimizes the following 4 *base* cases
//(8 cases in total including variants due to commutativity)
//a * 0 -> 0
//a * broadcast(0) -> broadcast(0)
//a * 1 -> a
//a * broadcast(1) -> a
// a * 0 -> 0
// a * broadcast(0) -> broadcast(0)
// a * 1 -> a
// a * broadcast(1) -> a
static bool simplify_multiply(shared_ptr<Node> n)
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "In simplify_multiply for " << n->get_name();
......@@ -280,8 +281,8 @@ static bool simplify_multiply(shared_ptr<Node> n)
//`simplify_add` optimizes the following 2 *base* cases
//(4 cases in total including variants due to commutativity)
//a + 0 -> a
//a + broadcast(0) -> a
// a + 0 -> a
// a + broadcast(0) -> a
static bool simplify_add(shared_ptr<Node> n)
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "In simplify_add for " << n->get_name();
......@@ -406,10 +407,10 @@ static shared_ptr<Node> get_prod_constant(shared_ptr<op::Constant> cnst, size_t
//`simplify_reduction` optimizes the following case:
//sum(broadcast(scalar_constant), reduction_axes = ...) -> constant2 (or scalar constant)
//where constant2's values are equal to scalar_constant * shape_size(reduction_axes)
//product(broadcast(scalar_constant), reduction_axes = ...) -> constant2 (or scalar constant)
//where constant2's values are equal to scalar_constant ^ shape_size(reduction_axes)
// sum(broadcast(scalar_constant), reduction_axes = ...) -> constant2 (or scalar constant)
// where constant2's values are equal to scalar_constant * shape_size(reduction_axes)
// product(broadcast(scalar_constant), reduction_axes = ...) -> constant2 (or scalar constant)
// where constant2's values are equal to scalar_constant ^ shape_size(reduction_axes)
template <typename T, shared_ptr<Node> (*F)(shared_ptr<op::Constant> cnst, size_t multiplier)>
static bool simplify_reduction(shared_ptr<Node> n)
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ public:
//this allows to specify the order in which matchers will be run
//and also allows to register the same matcher more than once
// this allows to specify the order in which matchers will be run
// and also allows to register the same matcher more than once
ConstantFolding(const std::vector<CFTransformations>& transformations,
const ngraph::BuildNodeExecutorMap& cfmap = ngraph::BuildNodeExecutorMap())
: GraphRewrite()
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ shared_ptr<op::Constant> fold_constant_unary(shared_ptr<op::Constant> constant,
shared_ptr<Node> unary,
NodeExecutorTy func)
//check sqrt arg
// check sqrt arg
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Sqrt>(unary))
std::vector<T> values{constant->get_vector<T>()};
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ void pass::CoreFusion::construct_reshape_broadcast()
auto reshape1_m = static_pointer_cast<op::Reshape>(broadcast_m->get_argument(0));
auto input_m = m.get_pattern_map()[input];
//it doesn't seem to make sense to support shapes : [0] or [1]
// it doesn't seem to make sense to support shapes : [0] or [1]
if (input_m->get_shape().size() != 1 || input_m->get_shape().at(0) < 2)
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "input_m isn't a scalar or contains zero dimension";
......@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ void pass::CoreFusion::construct_reshape_broadcast()
size_t dim = input_m->get_shape().at(0);
//We are going to support the most common case where broadcast doesn't add 1-dimensions
//since it's also very simple to implement
// We are going to support the most common case where broadcast doesn't add 1-dimensions
// since it's also very simple to implement
size_t dim_one_count = 0;
for (auto d : reshape1_m->get_shape())
......@@ -503,13 +503,13 @@ void pass::CoreFusion::construct_reshape_broadcast()
this->add_matcher(m, callback, PassProperty::REQUIRE_STATIC_SHAPE);
// conv(56w3s1) conv(28w3s2)
// | |
// conv(56w3s1) conv(28w3s2)
// | |
// conv(56w1s1) ==> conv(28w1s1)
// | |
//elt------------56 elt------------pool(28s2)
// | | | |
//conv(28w1s2) conv(28w1s2) conv(28w1s1) conv(28w1s1)
// elt------------56 elt------------pool(28s2)
// | | | |
// conv(28w1s2) conv(28w1s2) conv(28w1s1) conv(28w1s1)
void pass::CoreFusion::construct_optimized_strided_conv()
Shape win_size_1{1, 1, 1, 1};
......@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ using namespace ngraph;
// replace nodes `Abs2` and `Constant1` if needed
// This gives Matchers a nice cascading property. For example, if m1 folds `Abs2(Constant1)`
// and `m2` folds `Neg3(Constant1)` when `m3` is called on `Add4` it will discover that
// both `Abs2` and `Neg3` were already replaced by constants, so `Add4` will also be folded into one.
// both `Abs2` and `Neg3` were already replaced by constants, so `Add4` will also be folded into
// one.
// If any Matcher succeeds the rest of the matchers will **not** be called.
// E.g. if `m1` succeeds and replaces `Abs2` with a new constant, nor `m2` or `m3` will be called
// However, sometimes, you will need more than one fusion occur on the same node.
......@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ using namespace ngraph;
// a) need more than one fusion occur on the same node
// b) you are modifying nodes after the current node in the topological order
// c) there's no linear order of fusions which will give
// the correct final fusion. i.e. the same fusion needs to occur before and after some other fusion
// the correct final fusion. i.e. the same fusion needs to occur before and after some other
// fusion
bool pass::GraphRewrite::run_on_function(shared_ptr<Function> f)
......@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ bool pass::GraphRewrite::run_on_function(shared_ptr<Function> f)
} while (rewritten && m_matchers.size() > 0 && tries--);
m_matchers.assign(original_matchers.begin(), original_matchers.end());
return (NUM_TRIES - tries) > 1; //this means a graph was transformed
return (NUM_TRIES - tries) > 1; // this means a graph was transformed
static vector<regex> initialize_fusion_regexes()
......@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ static vector<regex> initialize_fusion_regexes()
bool pass::GraphRewrite::is_enabled(const shared_ptr<pattern::Matcher>& m) const
//note, regexes are static to avoid re-initialization
// note, regexes are static to avoid re-initialization
static const auto regexes = initialize_fusion_regexes();
for (const auto& regex : regexes)
......@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ using namespace ngraph;
static bool replace_broadcast_like(const std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Node>& node)
// Replace a broadcast like with the broadcast to eliminate the pseudo-dependency on the "like" argument
// Replace a broadcast like with the broadcast to eliminate the pseudo-dependency on the "like"
// argument
auto broadcast_like = static_pointer_cast<op::BroadcastLike>(node);
......@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ void pass::Manager::run_passes(shared_ptr<Function> func, bool transitive)
for (auto f_pair : fs)
shared_ptr<Function> f = f_pair.first;
// This checks is to skip the graph optimization when the graph pass relies on static shape
// but the function state is dynamic.
// This checks is to skip the graph optimization when the graph pass relies on
// static shape but the function state is dynamic.
// we update the function dynamic state only if we run the graph pass successfully.
if (function_pass->get_property(PassProperty::REQUIRE_STATIC_SHAPE) &&
......@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ static bool eliminate_slice(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node)
static bool replace_broadcast_like(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& node)
// Replace a broadcast like with the broadcast to eliminate the pseudo-dependency on the "like" argument
// Replace a broadcast like with the broadcast to eliminate the pseudo-dependency on the "like"
// argument
auto broadcast_like = std::static_pointer_cast<op::BroadcastLike>(node);
......@@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ pass::PassConfig::PassConfig()
// Parses the semi-colon separated environment string passed through NGRAPH_PASS_ATTRIBUTES
// and returns the pass attributes and whether they should be enabled or disabled in the
// provided unordered_map. Naming of pass attributes is up to the backends
// E.g., NGRAPH_PASS_ATTRIBUTES="OptimizeForMemory=0;MemoryAssignment::ReuseMemory=1;UseDefaultLayouts"
// provided unordered_map. Naming of pass attributes is up to the backends.
// For example:
// NGRAPH_PASS_ATTRIBUTES="OptimizeForMemory=0;MemoryAssignment::ReuseMemory=1;UseDefaultLayouts"
// would set false on "OptimizeForMemory", true on "MemoryAssignment::ReuseMemory" and true on
// "UseDefaultLayouts"
......@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ void pass::RecurrentReshapeElimination::construct_recurrent_reshape()
auto driver_op = first_bound_reshape_op->get_argument(0);
auto last_bound_reshape_op = reshape_node_vector.back();
// Need to check if the user of the last bound op is a reshape since the last reshape is allowed
// to have fan-out but the matcher will discard any reshape if it has fan-out
// Need to check if the user of the last bound op is a reshape since the last reshape is
// allowed to have fan-out but the matcher will discard any reshape if it has fan-out
auto user_of_last_bound_reshape_op = last_bound_reshape_op->get_users(true)[0];
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<op::Reshape>(user_of_last_bound_reshape_op))
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static shared_ptr<op::Reshape> create_default_reshape(shared_ptr<Node> n)
return default_reshape;
//compute an axis order that converts the given axis order to default
// compute an axis order that converts the given axis order to default
static AxisSet get_quantization_axes_in_default_order(shared_ptr<op::Reshape> arg_reshape,
const AxisSet& old_axis_set)
......@@ -147,20 +147,20 @@ struct Swimmer
shared_ptr<op::Reshape> reshape;
//Swim is used to push/"swim" reshapes towards paramaters.
//This is typically done for binary ops when
//one operand is in nchw, while the other one is nhwc
//we prefer nchw since a lot of ngraph ops require this format,
//so keeping things in nchw allows us to eliminate as many reshapes
//as possible
// Swim is used to push/"swim" reshapes towards paramaters.
// This is typically done for binary ops when
// one operand is in nchw, while the other one is nhwc
// we prefer nchw since a lot of ngraph ops require this format,
// so keeping things in nchw allows us to eliminate as many reshapes
// as possible
void swim(Input<Node> input, shared_ptr<op::Reshape> reshape)
Swimmer sw{input, reshape};
list<Swimmer> work_queue;
//TODO: if we support more ops (especially, with >1 args)
//we will need to keep track of nodes we visited and their reshapes
// TODO: if we support more ops (especially, with >1 args)
// we will need to keep track of nodes we visited and their reshapes
while (work_queue.size() > 0)
auto csw = work_queue.front();
......@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ void swim(Input<Node> input, shared_ptr<op::Reshape> reshape)
broadcast_input, broadcast_reshape->get_shape(), new_broadcast_axes);
//TODO: Add cases to push through Reshape and BinaryElementwiseArithmetic
// TODO: Add cases to push through Reshape and BinaryElementwiseArithmetic
// materialize
auto new_reshape = csw.reshape->copy_with_new_args({n});
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "Materializing new reshape " << describe_reshape(new_reshape);
......@@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ void swim(Input<Node> input, shared_ptr<op::Reshape> reshape)
//convert_binary_to_default_order is used when one of the arguments
//of a binary op isn't in the default format (i.e. nhwc instead of nchw)
//We have to normalize this other argument to nchw by swimming nchw towards parameters
//as far as we can
// convert_binary_to_default_order is used when one of the arguments
// of a binary op isn't in the default format (i.e. nhwc instead of nchw)
// We have to normalize this other argument to nchw by swimming nchw towards parameters
// as far as we can
static void convert_binary_to_default_order(shared_ptr<Node> binary,
const Input<Node>& input,
shared_ptr<Node> right,
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ static void convert_binary_to_default_order(shared_ptr<Node> binary,
auto new_reshape = make_reshape(left, perm_to_def, new_shape);
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "left : About to swim " << describe_reshape(new_reshape) << " up to "
<< left->get_name();
//this should now insert and swim reshape on right
// this should now insert and swim reshape on right
swim(input, new_reshape);
mark_reshape_for_deletion(, reshapes_to_delete);
write_reshapemap(reorders, binary, read_reshapemap(reorders, right));
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ static void materialize_shapes(shared_ptr<Node> n,
ReshapeMap& reorders,
set<shared_ptr<Node>>& reshapes_to_delete)
//skip multiple output nodes and deal with GOEs exclusively
// skip multiple output nodes and deal with GOEs exclusively
if (n->get_output_size() > 1)
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static void materialize_shapes(shared_ptr<Node> n,
for (size_t i = 0; i < n->get_arguments().size(); i++)
//materialize all pending reshapes, flush pending reshapes
// materialize all pending reshapes, flush pending reshapes
auto arg = n->get_argument(i);
if (reorders.count(arg) != 0)
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ static void materialize_shapes(shared_ptr<Node> n,
// Insert if arg needs to be transposed.
insert_reshape(n, arg_reshape, i);
//no swimming up
// no swimming up
write_reshapemap(reorders, n, create_default_reshape(n));
......@@ -312,12 +312,12 @@ static void sink_reshape(shared_ptr<op::Reshape> reshape,
//combine both reshapes
// combine both reshapes
auto new_reshape = combine_reshapes(orig_reshape, reshape);
//remove original reshape now it's combined with a new one
//should be safe to remove an already detached node
// remove original reshape now it's combined with a new one
// should be safe to remove an already detached node
mark_reshape_for_deletion(orig_reshape, reshapes_to_delete);
//replace reshape with combined one
// replace reshape with combined one
ngraph::replace_node(reshape, new_reshape);
mark_reshape_for_deletion(new_reshape, reshapes_to_delete);
write_reshapemap(reorders, new_reshape, new_reshape);
......@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ static void sink_binary(shared_ptr<op::util::BinaryElementwiseArithmetic> binary
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "Propagating " << describe_reshape( << " for "
<< binary->get_name();
write_reshapemap(reorders, binary, read_reshapemap(reorders, left));
//at this point, both reshapes will be eventually removed
// at this point, both reshapes will be eventually removed
mark_reshape_for_deletion(, reshapes_to_delete);
mark_reshape_for_deletion(, reshapes_to_delete);
......@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ static void sink_concat(shared_ptr<op::Concat> n,
auto new_axis =>get_concatenation_axis());
auto new_concat = make_shared<op::Concat>(new_args, new_axis);
//put back the original arguments
// put back the original arguments
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_concat->get_input_size(); i++)
ngraph::replace_node(, n->get_argument(i));
......@@ -507,26 +507,26 @@ static void sink_dequantize(shared_ptr<op::Dequantize> dequantize,
write_reshapemap(reorders, new_dequantize, arg_reshape);
//The goal of ReshapeSinking is to remove
//round-trip reshapes(i.e. nhwc->nchw(nchw-only-op)->nhwc)
//around nchw-only-op (e.g.Convolution, Batchnorm, Avg/MaxPool)
//This is achieved by both **sinking**, propagating reshapes
//through ops towards op::Results,
//or **swimming** Reshapes up towards op::Parameter
//For each op type we support we can either combine
//two reshapes by replacing the existing Reshape,
//materialize pending reshapes if they can't be propagated through op
// The goal of ReshapeSinking is to remove
// round-trip reshapes(i.e. nhwc->nchw(nchw-only-op)->nhwc)
// around nchw-only-op (e.g.Convolution, Batchnorm, Avg/MaxPool)
// This is achieved by both **sinking**, propagating reshapes
// through ops towards op::Results,
// or **swimming** Reshapes up towards op::Parameter
// For each op type we support we can either combine
// two reshapes by replacing the existing Reshape,
// materialize pending reshapes if they can't be propagated through op
bool ngraph::pass::ReshapeSinking::run_on_function(shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> f)
ReshapeMap reorders;
NodeVector results;
set<shared_ptr<Node>> reshapes_to_delete;
//STEP 1 : Sink or Swim reshapes away for op clusters
// STEP 1 : Sink or Swim reshapes away for op clusters
for (auto n : f->get_ordered_ops())
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "Start: Processing node " << n->get_name();
//collect all Result nodes for a sanity check
// collect all Result nodes for a sanity check
if (n->is_output())
......@@ -592,13 +592,13 @@ bool ngraph::pass::ReshapeSinking::run_on_function(shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>
NGRAPH_DEBUG << "End: Processing node " << n->get_name();
//STEP 2: purge all the reshapes we either sunk or swam.
// STEP 2: purge all the reshapes we either sunk or swam.
for (auto r : reshapes_to_delete)
//make sure shapes are always materialized before results
// make sure shapes are always materialized before results
for (auto r : results)
NGRAPH_CHECK(r->get_shape() == r->get_argument(0)->get_shape() &&
......@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ bool ngraph::pass::ReshapeSinking::run_on_function(shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>
//STEP 3: fix wrong shape info wholesale
// STEP 3: fix wrong shape info wholesale
for (auto n : f->get_ordered_ops())
......@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ bool pass::ZeroDimTensorElimination::run_on_function(shared_ptr<Function> f)
bool replaced = false;
auto cvals = vector<string>(0);
// we need to go over all nodes since we could have sum or any other 0-length-tensor-to scalar op
// as an internal node (i.e. a node that isn't an argument to `op::Result`)
// we need to go over all nodes since we could have sum or any other 0-length-tensor-to scalar
// op as an internal node (i.e. a node that isn't an argument to `op::Result`)
for (auto n : f->get_ordered_ops())
// don't try to replace `op::Result`
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