Commit 8ef5b0ca authored by Nagy Mostafa's avatar Nagy Mostafa Committed by Scott Cyphers

[MLIR] New Core Ops (V0) and Ops Versioning in NG dialect (#3764)

* Init commit to implement interface

*  Add two op interfaces for v0 and v1. Add a unit-test

* Add missing files

* Move test to separate file

* Add Fused Op interface

* Missing files

* style

* fused ops

* Remove V1 ops for now

* Added enum attributes. WIP

* Completed non-experiemntal non-fused-ops

* Add ops_attributes

* Minor fixes

* Minor fixes

* Added enum setting/reading test

* style-apply

* Added attributes tests

* Fix dialect init

* style

* fix typo

* Fix merge errors

* Include file with MLIR on
parent 4cecf6e4
......@@ -97,14 +97,29 @@ function(ngraph_tablegen ofn)
set(MLIR_TABLEGEN_EXE mlir-tblgen)
set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS core/ngraph_dialect/
# table-gen
set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS core/ngraph_dialect/
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-op-decls)
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-op-defs)
add_dependencies(mlir_backend ngraph_ops_gen)
# table-gen
set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS core/ngraph_dialect/
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-op-interface-decls)
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-op-interface-defs)
# tabel-gen ops
set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS core/ngraph_dialect/
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-enum-decls)
ngraph_tablegen( -gen-enum-defs)
add_dependencies(mlir_backend ngraph_ops_gen ngraph_ops_interfaces_gen ngraph_ops_attributes_gen)
target_include_directories(mlir_backend PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ void MLIRCompiler::init()
if (!initialized)
// TODO: Remove this as it is not part of compiler init
// Register MLIR command line options in the pool of supported flags and and process flags
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is the nGraph Dialect Fused Ops definition file
// All Operations in this file implement FusedOp interface.
#define NG_FUSED_OPS
// Squeeze Op
def NGSqueezeOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"squeeze", [NoSideEffect, FusedOp]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$data, NG_TensorType:$axes)>
let summary = "Squeeze Op";
let description = [{
Squeeze Op
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void decompose() {
//TODO: Call a templatized helper: decompose(this) to do the actual decomposition
#endif //NG_FUSED_OPS
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "ops.hpp"
#include "assertion.hpp"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
......@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ using llvm::SmallVector;
using llvm::StringRef;
using llvm::Twine;
using namespace mlir;
#include ""
// TODO:
// - Move verifiers and other OP helpers (e.g. getSomeAttribute()) to separate files
......@@ -330,6 +333,8 @@ mlir::IntegerAttr getBufferId(mlir::Operation* op)
namespace mlir
#include ""
#include ""
......@@ -26,8 +26,16 @@
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Support/STLExtras.h"
// attributes
// Currently table-gen dictates that enum attributes are in global namespace
#include ""
namespace mlir
// interfaces
#include ""
// ops
#include ""
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
// not expose public API to the rest of nGraph codebase and heavily depends on MLIR API.
include "mlir/IR/"
include "core/ngraph_dialect/"
// nGraph Dialect operations definitions
// This files declares nGraph operations that table-gen uses to create C++ code
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ include "mlir/IR/"
// Each def will corresponding to a C++ class
def NG_Dialect : Dialect {
let name = "ng";
// TODO: Have the dialect under its own mlir::ngraph namespace
......@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ def NG_Dialect : Dialect {
let cppNamespace = "";
// nGraph Types
// This defines records equivalent to nGraph types. It doesn't generate code.
// This is used as a type in the DAG input/outputs.
......@@ -123,76 +121,6 @@ class NG_Ternary_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
// Base class for terminator operations.
class NG_Terminator_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
NG_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat(traits, [Terminator])>,
Arguments<(ins Variadic<NG_TensorType>:$args)>, Results<(outs)> {}
// Unary Operations
def NGAbsOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"abs">;
def NGACosOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"acos">;
def NGASinOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"asin">;
def NGATanOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"atan">;
def NGCeilOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"ceil">;
def NGConvertOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"conv">;
def NGCosOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"cos">;
def NGCoshOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"cosh">;
def NGExpOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"exp">;
def NGFloorOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"floor">;
def NGLogOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"log">;
def NGNegOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"neg">;
def NGNotOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"not">;
def NGSignOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sign">;
def NGSinOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sin">;
def NGSinhOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sinh">;
def NGTanOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"tan">;
def NGTanhOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"tanh">;
def NGSqrtOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sqrt">;
def NGReluOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"relu">;
// Binary Operations
def NGAddOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"add", [Commutative]>;
def NGAndOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"and", [Commutative]>;
def NGSubOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"sub">;
def NGDivOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"div">;
def NGMaxOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"max", [Commutative]>;
def NGMinOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"min", [Commutative]>;
def NGMulOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"mul", [Commutative]>;
def NGPowOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"pow">;
// Comparison
def NGEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"equal">;
def NGGreaterOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"greater">;
def NGGreaterEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"greater.eq">;
def NGLessOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"less">;
def NGLessEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"less.eq">;
def NGNotEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"not.equal">;
// Other
def NGSelectOp : NG_Ternary_Op<"select">
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// Dot Product
def NGDotOp : NG_Binary_Op<"dot">
// TODO: Add reduction axis attribute when needed.
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// TODO(amprocte): Might be nice to rebase this on some sort of NG_Variadic_Op
// class, but I'm not sure how to add concatenation_axis into the args if we
// do that.
def NGConcatOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"concat", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins Variadic<NG_TensorType>:$args, I64Attr:$concatenation_axis)>
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
class NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
NG_OneResult_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat([NoSideEffect], traits)>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$operand, I64ArrayAttr:$axes)>
......@@ -207,101 +135,24 @@ class NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
// Axis reduction operations.
def NGSumRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis sum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGProdRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis product reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGMinRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis minimum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGMaxRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis maximum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGArgMinRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis minimum index reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyIndexReductionOp(this); }];
def NGArgMaxRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis maximum index reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyIndexReductionOp(this); }];
def NGAllRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis logical AND reduction of a boolean tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyLogicalReductionOp(this); }];
// Base class for terminator operations.
class NG_Terminator_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []> :
NG_Op<mnemonic, !listconcat(traits, [Terminator])>,
Arguments<(ins Variadic<NG_TensorType>:$args)>, Results<(outs)> {}
def NGAnyRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"">
let summary = "Axis logical OR reduction of a boolean tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyLogicalReductionOp(this); }];
// Gather
def NGGatherOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"gather", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$params, NG_TensorType:$indices, I64Attr:$axis)>
let summary = "Gather slices from params along the specified axis according to indices";
let description = [{
Gather slices from axis of params according to indices
params The tensor from which slices are gathered
indices Index tensor. Data type must be `element::i32` or `element::i64`
axis Axis in params to gather
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
// Terminator Ops
def NGReturnOp : NG_Terminator_Op<"return">;
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// ops attributes
include "core/ngraph_dialect/"
// Convolution
def NGConvolutionOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"convolution", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$images, NG_TensorType:$filters,
let summary = "Convolution of a tensor of filters over a tensor of images with padding support";
let description = [{
Convolution operation with padding and stride support. No dilation supported.
images Input image tensor. Shape is [N, C_IN, D1, ... Df]
filters Set of filters to apply. Shape is [C_OUT, C_IN, F1, ... Ff]
strides Window movement strides. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
padBelow The padding-below sizes. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
padAbove The padding-below sizes. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
Output is of shape [N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]
// Version 0 Ops
include "core/ngraph_dialect/"
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setStrides(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("strides", arrayAttr); }
void setPadBelow(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
// Version 1 Ops
include "core/ngraph_dialect/"
// Terminator Ops
def NGReturnOp : NG_Terminator_Op<"return">;
// Fused Ops
include "core/ngraph_dialect/"
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is the nGraph Dialect operation definition file.
#ifdef OP_BASE
include "mlir/IR/"
#endif // OP_BASE
// Padding Type used for `Convolution` and `Pooling`
// Follows ONNX padding type definitions
// EXPLICIT - Pad dimensions are explicity specified
// SAME_LOWER - Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
// Ceil(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
// Floor(num_dims/2) at the end
// SAME_UPPER - Pad dimensions computed to match input shape
// Floor(num_dims/2) at the beginning and
// Ceil(num_dims/2) at the end
// VALID - No padding
def PadTypeExplicit : I32EnumAttrCase<"EXPLICIT", 0>;
def PadTypeNotSet : I32EnumAttrCase<"NOT_SET", 1>;
def PadTypeSameLower : I32EnumAttrCase<"SAME_LOWER", 2>;
def PadTypeSameUpper : I32EnumAttrCase<"SAME_UPPER", 3>;
def PadTypeAuto : I32EnumAttrCase<"AUTO", 4>;
def PadTypeValid : I32EnumAttrCase<"VALID", 5>;
def PadTypeEnumAttr : I32EnumAttr<"MLIRPadType", "Padding Type used for Convolution and pooling",
[PadTypeExplicit, PadTypeNotSet, PadTypeSameLower,
PadTypeSameUpper, PadTypeAuto, PadTypeValid]>;
// Modes for the `Pad` operator
def PadModeConstant : I32EnumAttrCase<"CONSTANT", 0> ;
def PadModeEdge : I32EnumAttrCase<"EDGE", 1> ;
def PadModeReflect : I32EnumAttrCase<"REFLECT", 2> ;
def PadModeSymmetric: I32EnumAttrCase<"SYMMETRIC", 3> ;
def PadModeEnumAttr : I32EnumAttr<"MLIRPadMode", "Padding modes for pad operator",
[PadModeConstant, PadModeEdge, PadModeReflect, PadModeSymmetric]>;
// Sort Types for TopK
def SortTypeNone : I32EnumAttrCase<"NONE", 0>;
def SortTypeIndices : I32EnumAttrCase<"INDICES", 1>;
def SortTypeValues : I32EnumAttrCase<"VALUES", 2>;
def SortTypeEnumAttr : I32EnumAttr<"MLIRSortType", "Sort types for topk operator",
[SortTypeNone, SortTypeIndices, SortTypeValues]>;
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is the nGraph Dialect operation interfaces definitions
#ifdef OP_BASE
include "mlir/IR/"
#endif // OP_BASE
// Op Interfaces for Op Versions
// They are empty for now. To check the version of an op, we do:
// Operation *op = …;
// if (dyn_cast<OpVersion0Interface>(op))
def OpVersion0 : OpInterface<"OpVersion0"> {
let description=[{
Interface for Version 0 Ops
// Interface is empty for now.
def OpVersion1 : OpInterface<"OpVersion1"> {
let description=[{
Interface for Version 1 Ops
// Interface is empty for now.
def FusedOp : OpInterface<"FusedOp"> {
let description=[{
Interface for fused ops.
Provides an API to decompose an op
let methods = [
"Decompose the operation",
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is the nGraph Dialect Version 0 operations definition file.
// All Operations in this file implement OpVersion0 interface.
// Unary Operations
def NGAbsOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"abs", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGACosOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"acos", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGASinOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"asin", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGATanOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"atan", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGCeilOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"ceil", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGConvertOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"conv", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGCosOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"cos", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGCoshOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"cosh", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGExpOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"exp", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGFloorOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"floor", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGNegOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"neg", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGLogOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"log", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGNotOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"not", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGSignOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sign", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGSinOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sin", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGSinhOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sinh", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGTanOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"tan", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGTanhOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"tanh", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGSqrtOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"sqrt", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGReluOp : NG_Unary_Arith_Op<"relu", [OpVersion0]>;
// Binary Operations
def NGAddOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"add", [Commutative, OpVersion0]>;
def NGAndOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"and", [Commutative, OpVersion0]>;
def NGSubOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"sub", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGDivOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"div", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGMaxOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"max", [Commutative, OpVersion0]>;
def NGMinOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"min", [Commutative, OpVersion0]>;
def NGMulOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"mul", [Commutative, OpVersion0]>;
def NGPowOp : NG_Binary_Arith_Op<"pow", [OpVersion0]>;
// Comparison
def NGEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"equal", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGGreaterOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"greater", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGGreaterEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"greater.eq", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGLessOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"less", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGLessEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"less.eq", [OpVersion0]>;
def NGNotEqOp : NG_Cmp_Op<"not.equal", [OpVersion0]>;
// Other
def NGSelectOp : NG_Ternary_Op<"select", [OpVersion0]>
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// Dot Product
def NGDotOp : NG_Binary_Op<"dot", [OpVersion0]>
// TODO: Add reduction axis attribute when needed.
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// TODO(amprocte): Might be nice to rebase this on some sort of NG_Variadic_Op
// class, but I'm not sure how to add concatenation_axis into the args if we
// do that.
def NGConcatOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"concat", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins Variadic<NG_TensorType>:$args, I64Attr:$concatenation_axis)>
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// Axis reduction operations.
def NGSumRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis sum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGProdRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis product reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGMinRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis minimum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGMaxRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis maximum reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyAxisReductionOp(this); }];
def NGArgMinRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis minimum index reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyIndexReductionOp(this); }];
def NGArgMaxRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis maximum index reduction of a tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyIndexReductionOp(this); }];
def NGAllRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis logical AND reduction of a boolean tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyLogicalReductionOp(this); }];
def NGAnyRedOp : NG_Axis_Reduction_Op<"", [OpVersion0]>
let summary = "Axis logical OR reduction of a boolean tensor.";
let verifier = [{ return verifyLogicalReductionOp(this); }];
// Gather
def NGGatherOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"gather", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$params, NG_TensorType:$indices, I64Attr:$axis)>
let summary = "Gather slices from params along the specified axis according to indices";
let description = [{
Gather slices from axis of params according to indices
params The tensor from which slices are gathered
indices Index tensor. Data type must be `element::i32` or `element::i64`
axis Axis in params to gather
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// Convolution
def NGConvolutionOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"convolution", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$images, NG_TensorType:$filters,
let summary = "Convolution of a tensor of filters over a tensor of images with padding support";
let description = [{
Convolution operation with padding and stride support. No dilation supported.
images Input image tensor. Shape is [N, C_IN, D1, ... Df]
filters Set of filters to apply. Shape is [C_OUT, C_IN, F1, ... Ff]
strides Window movement strides. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
padBelow The padding-below sizes. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
padAbove The padding-below sizes. Shape is [f]. Attribute.
Output is of shape [N, C_OUT, R1, ... Rf]
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setStrides(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("strides", arrayAttr); }
void setPadBelow(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
// AvgPool
def NGAvgPoolOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"avgPool", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowShape,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowMovementStrides,
I64ArrayAttr :$padBelow,
I64ArrayAttr :$padAbove,
DefaultValuedAttr<BoolAttr, "false">:$includePadding,
DefaultValuedAttr<PadTypeEnumAttr, "static_cast<int64_t>(MLIRPadType::EXPLICIT)"> :$padType,
DefaultValuedAttr<BoolAttr, "false"> :$ceilMode
let summary = "Batched average pooling operation, with optional padding and window stride.";
let description = [{
Constructs a batched average pooling operation.
arg The output producing the input data batch tensor
windowShape The window shape
windowMovementStrides The window movement strides
paddingBelow The below-padding shape
paddingAbove The above-padding shape
includePadding If true then averages include padding elements,
each treated as the number zero. If false, padding elements are
entirely ignored when computing averages. Default is false.
padType Padding type to use for additional padded dimensions. Default is EXPLICT
ceilMode Whether to use ceiling while computing output shape. Default is false
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let builders = [
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, Value *arg,"
"ArrayAttr windowShape, ArrayAttr windowMovementStrides,"
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove, BoolAttr includPadding, IntegerAttr padType", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowShape", windowShape);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowMovementStrides", windowMovementStrides);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("includPadding", includPadding);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padType", padType);
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, Value *arg,"
"ArrayAttr windowShape, ArrayAttr windowMovementStrides,"
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove, BoolAttr includPadding", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowShape", windowShape);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowMovementStrides", windowMovementStrides);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("includPadding", includPadding);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setWindowShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowShape", arrayAttr); }
void setWindowMovementStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowMovementStrides", arrayAttr);}
void setPadBelow(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
void setIncludePadding(const BoolAttr& boolAttr) { this->setAttr("includePadding", boolAttr); }
void setPadType(const IntegerAttr& intAttr) { this->setAttr("padType", intAttr); }
void setCeilMode(const BoolAttr& boolAttr) { this->setAttr("ceilMode", boolAttr); }
// AvgPool for back prop
def NGAvgPoolBackPropOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"avgPoolBackProp", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins I64ArrayAttr :$forwardArgShape,
NG_TensorType :$delta,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowShape,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowMovementStrides,
I64ArrayAttr :$padBelow,
I64ArrayAttr :$padAbove,
BoolAttr :$includePadding
let summary = "Batched backprop average pooling operation, with optional padding and window stride.";
let description = [{
// TBD
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setForwardArgShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("forwardArgShape", arrayAttr); }
void setWindowShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowShape", arrayAttr); }
void setWindowMovementStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowMovementStrides", arrayAttr);}
void setPadBelow(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
void setIncludePadding(const BoolAttr& boolAttr) { this->setAttr("includePadding", boolAttr); }
// BatchNorm for Training
def NGBatchNormTrainingOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"batchNormTraining", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$input,
NG_TensorType :$gamma,
NG_TensorType :$beta,
F64Attr :$epsilon
let summary = "BatchNorm for training.";
let description = [{
// TBD
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setEpsilon(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("epsilon", attr); }
// BatchNorm for Inference
def NGBatchNormInferenceOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"batchNormInference", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$input,
NG_TensorType :$gamma,
NG_TensorType :$beta,
NG_TensorType :$mean,
NG_TensorType :$variance,
F64Attr :$epsilon
let summary = "BatchNorm for training.";
let description = [{
// TBD
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setEpsilon(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("epsilon", attr); }
// BatchNorm for Training BackProp
def NGBatchNormTrainingBackPropOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"batchNormTrainingBackProp", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$input,
NG_TensorType :$gamma,
NG_TensorType :$beta,
NG_TensorType :$mean,
NG_TensorType :$variance,
NG_TensorType :$delta,
F64Attr :$epsilon
let summary = "BatchNorm for training.";
let description = [{
// TBD
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setEpsilon(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("epsilon", attr); }
// Broadcast
def NGBroadcastOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"broadcast", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$shape,
I64ArrayAttr :$axisSet
let summary = "Operation which adds axes to an input tensor, replicating elements from the"
"input as needed along the new axes.";
let description = [{
// TBD
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setAxisSet(const ArrayAttr& attr) { this->setAttr("axisSet", attr); }
void setShape(const ArrayAttr& attr) { this->setAttr("shape", attr); }
def NGConstantOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"consant", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins I64ArrayAttr : $shape,
TypeArrayAttr : $data)>
let summary = "Operation that defins a constant tensor";
let description = [{
Constructs a tensor constant.
shape The shape of the tensor constant.
data A vector of literals for initializing the tensor constant. The size
of values must match the size of the shape.
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
// MaxPool
def NGMaxPoolOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"maxPool", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowShape,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowMovementStrides,
I64ArrayAttr :$padBelow,
I64ArrayAttr :$padAbove,
DefaultValuedAttr<PadTypeEnumAttr, "static_cast<int64_t>(MLIRPadType::EXPLICIT)"> :$padType,
DefaultValuedAttr<BoolAttr, "false"> :$ceilMode
let summary = "Batched max pooling operation, with optional padding and window stride.";
let description = [{
Constructs a batched max pooling operation.
arg The output producing the input data batch tensor
windowShape The window shape
windowMovementStrides The window movement strides
paddingBelow The below-padding shape
paddingAbove The above-padding shape
padType Padding type to use for additional padded dimensions. Default is EXPLICT
ceilMode Whether to use ceiling while computing output shape. Default is false
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let builders = [
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, Value *arg,"
"ArrayAttr windowShape, ArrayAttr windowMovementStrides,"
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove, IntegerAttr padType", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowShape", windowShape);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowMovementStrides", windowMovementStrides);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padType", padType);
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, Value *arg,"
"ArrayAttr windowShape, ArrayAttr windowMovementStrides,"
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowShape", windowShape);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowMovementStrides", windowMovementStrides);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setWindowShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowShape", arrayAttr); }
void setWindowMovementStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowMovementStrides", arrayAttr);}
void setPadBelow(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
void setPadType(const IntegerAttr& intAttr) { this->setAttr("padType", intAttr); }
void setCeilMode(const BoolAttr& boolAttr) { this->setAttr("ceilMode", boolAttr); }
// MaxPool for back prop
def NGMaxPoolBackPropOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"maxPoolBackProp", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$argForward,
NG_TensorType :$delta,
NG_TensorType :$resultForward,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowShape,
I64ArrayAttr :$windowMovementStrides,
I64ArrayAttr :$padBelow,
I64ArrayAttr :$padAbove
let summary = "Batched backprop max pooling operation, with optional padding and window stride.";
let description = [{
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let builders = [
// Builder without resultForward
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, "
"Value *argForward, Value *delta, "
"ArrayAttr windowShape, ArrayAttr windowMovementStrides, "
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowShape", windowShape);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("windowMovementStrides", windowMovementStrides);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setWindowShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowShape", arrayAttr); }
void setWindowMovementStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("windowMovementStrides", arrayAttr);}
void setPadBelow(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
// OneHot
def NGOneHOtOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"oneHot", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$shape,
I64Attr :$axis )>
let summary = " One-hot operator.";
let description = [{
arg A tensor of any shape and any non-floating point element type.
shape The desired output shape, including the new one-hot axis.
axis The index within the output shape of the new one-hot axis.
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setAxis(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("axis", attr); }
// Pad
def NGPadOp :
NG_OneResult_Op<"pad", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg,
NG_TensorType :$padValue,
I64ArrayAttr :$padBelow,
I64ArrayAttr :$padAbove,
DefaultValuedAttr<PadModeEnumAttr, "static_cast<int64_t>(MLIRPadMode::CONSTANT)"> :$padMode)>
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let builders = [
// Builder without padMode
"Builder *builder, OperationState &tblgen_state, Type res, "
"Value *arg, Value *padValue, "
"ArrayAttr padBelow, ArrayAttr padAbove", [{
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padBelow", padBelow);
tblgen_state.addAttribute("padAbove", padAbove);
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setPadBelow(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padBelow", arrayAttr); }
void setPadAbove(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("padAbove", arrayAttr); }
void setPadMode(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("padMode", attr); }
// ReplaceSlice
def NGReplaceSlice :
NG_OneResult_Op<"replaceSlice", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg0,
NG_TensorType :$arg1,
I64ArrayAttr :$lowerBounds,
I64ArrayAttr :$upperBounds,
I64ArrayAttr :$strides)>
let summary = "Takes two input tensors of identical rank, with the second tensor no larger than"
"the first in any dimension, and returns a copy of the first input tensor with"
"the specified slice overwritten by the second input tensor.";
let description =[{
arg0 The tensor to overwrite into.
arg1 The tensor to write into arg0.
lowerBounds The axiswise lower bounds of the slice (inclusive).
upperBounds The axiswise upper bounds of the slice (exclusive).
strides The slicing strides; for example, strides of {n,m} means to take
every nth row and every mth column of arg0 as part of the
slice to be replaced.
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setLowerBounds(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("lowerBounds", arrayAttr); }
void setUpperBounds(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("upperBounds", arrayAttr); }
void setStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("strides", arrayAttr); }
// slice
def NGSlice :
NG_OneResult_Op<"slice", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$lowerBounds,
I64ArrayAttr :$upperBounds,
I64ArrayAttr :$strides)>
let summary = "Takes a slice of an input tensor, i.e., the sub-tensor that resides within a"
"bounding box, optionally with stride.";
let description =[{
arg The tensor to overwrite into.
lowerBounds The axiswise lower bounds of the slice (inclusive).
upperBounds The axiswise upper bounds of the slice (exclusive).
strides The slicing strides; for example, strides of {n,m} means to take
every nth row and every mth column of arg0 as part of the
slice to be replaced.
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setLowerBounds(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("lowerBounds", arrayAttr); }
void setUpperBounds(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("upperBounds", arrayAttr); }
void setStrides(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("strides", arrayAttr); }
// reshape
def NGReshape :
NG_OneResult_Op<"reshape", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType:$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$axisOrder,
I64ArrayAttr :$shape)>
let summary = "Converts an input tensor into a new shape with the same number of elements";
let description =[{
arg The tensor to be reshaped.
inputOrder The order in which to iterate over input axes. This must be a
permutation of the sequence 0 .. n-1 where n is the rank of the input tensor.
shape The output shape. If the input shape is a_0 .. a_(k-1) then
the output shape must be of the form b_0 .. b_(j-1) where
Pi(a_i) = Pi(b_i)
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setAxisOrder(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("axisOrder", arrayAttr); }
void setShape(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("shape", arrayAttr); }
// softmax
def NGSoftMax :
NG_OneResult_Op<"softmax", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$arg,
I64ArrayAttr :$axes)>
let summary = "Softmax operation.";
let description = [{
arg Node that produces the first input tensor.
axes The axis positions (0-based) on which to calculate the softmax.
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setAxes(const ArrayAttr& arrayAttr) { this->setAttr("axes", arrayAttr); }
// topk
def NGTopK :
NG_OneResult_Op<"topk", [NoSideEffect, OpVersion0]>,
Arguments<(ins NG_TensorType :$arg,
NG_TensorType :$k,
I64Attr :$axis,
TypeAttr :$indexType,
DefaultValuedAttr<BoolAttr, "true"> :$computeMax,
DefaultValuedAttr<SortTypeEnumAttr, "static_cast<int64_t>(MLIRSortType::VALUES)"> :$sortType)>
let summary = "Softmax operation.";
let description = [{
arg The input tensor
k Number of top indices to compute. Compute all indices if k = 0
axis The axis along which to compute top k indices
indexType Indices type. Currently, only int64 or int32 are supported
computeMax Compute top k max or top k min?
sortType SortType for sorting results, default - SORT_VALUES
let parser = [{ NGRAPH_CHECK(false, "No parser support"); return mlir::failure(); }];
let verifier = [{ return verifyOp(this); }];
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
void setK(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("k", attr); }
void setAxis(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("axis", attr); }
void setIndexType(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("indexType", attr); }
void setComputeMax(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("computeMax", attr); }
void setSortType(const Attribute& attr) { this->setAttr("sortType", attr); }
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is the nGraph Dialect Version 1 operations definition file.
// All Operations in this file implement OpVersion1 interface.
// TODO: Add Version1 Ops definitions here
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <llvm/Support/CommandLine.h>
#include <llvm/Support/Debug.h>
#include <mlir/IR/Dialect.h>
#include <mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h>
static llvm::cl::opt<bool> clPrintIRAfterAll(
......@@ -34,7 +35,15 @@ static llvm::cl::opt<bool> clPrintIRAfterAll(
void ngraph::runtime::ngmlir::initializeNGraphMLIR()
// Initialize a dialect only once.
// We currently have no way to query if a dialect is previously
// registered. So using a global flag instead.
static bool init = false;
if (!init)
init = true;
void ngraph::runtime::ngmlir::dumpMlirModule(const std::string msg, mlir::ModuleOp module)
......@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@ endif()
list(APPEND SRC mlir/ops_test.cpp)
......@@ -597,6 +598,10 @@ if (NGRAPH_ONNXIFI_ENABLE)
target_link_libraries(unit-test PRIVATE onnxifi-ngraph)
target_include_directories(unit-test PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/contrib/mlir)
# If all the runtime libraries are installed into one location, that will make life easier.
if (MSVS)
......@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include "contrib/mlir/utils.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ngraph/log.hpp"
#include "ngraph/ngraph.hpp"
......@@ -54,6 +57,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize MLIR
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
int rc = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ops tests for nGraph MLIR dialect
// Test certain invariants about
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "contrib/mlir/core/ngraph_dialect/dialect.hpp"
#include "contrib/mlir/core/ngraph_dialect/ops.hpp"
#include "contrib/mlir/core/ngraph_dialect/type.hpp"
#include "contrib/mlir/utils.hpp"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Module.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StandardTypes.h"
using namespace mlir;
OpBuilder createBuilder(MLIRContext* context)
auto module = ModuleOp::create(UnknownLoc::get(context));
auto funcType = FunctionType::get({}, {}, context);
auto function = FuncOp::create(UnknownLoc::get(context), "main", funcType);
OpBuilder builder(function.getBody());
return builder;
TEST(MLIR, op_version_interface)
MLIRContext context;
llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type, 1> resultTypes;
OpBuilder builder(&context);
mlir::NGTensorType::get(&context, mlir::NGFloatType::getF16(&context), {2, 2}));
auto operation = Operation::create(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&context),
OperationName("ng.gather", &context),
EXPECT_TRUE(llvm::dyn_cast<OpVersion0>(operation) != nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(llvm::dyn_cast<OpVersion1>(operation) == nullptr);
TEST(MLIR, fused_ops_interface)
MLIRContext context;
llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type, 1> resultTypes;
OpBuilder builder(&context);
mlir::NGTensorType::get(&context, mlir::NGFloatType::getF16(&context), {2, 2}));
auto operation = Operation::create(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(&context),
OperationName("ng.squeeze", &context),
EXPECT_TRUE(llvm::dyn_cast<FusedOp>(operation) != nullptr);
if (auto fusedOp = llvm::dyn_cast<FusedOp>(operation))
TEST(MLIR, ops_attributes)
MLIRContext context;
auto resultType =
mlir::NGTensorType::get(&context, mlir::NGFloatType::getF16(&context), {2, 2});
auto builder = createBuilder(&context);
auto def = builder.create<NGConstantOp>(UnknownLoc::get(&context),
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({2, 3, 4}),
builder.getF32ArrayAttr({1.0, 2.3, 5.6}));
auto operation =
def.getResult(), // arg
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({2, 3, 4}), // windowShape
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({2, 3, 4}), // windowMovementStrides
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0}), // padBelow
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0}), // padAbove
builder.getBoolAttr(false), // includePadding
builder.getI64IntegerAttr(static_cast<int64_t>(MLIRPadType::SAME_LOWER)), // padType
builder.getBoolAttr(false)) // ceilMode
auto avgPool = cast<NGAvgPoolOp>(operation);
auto padType = static_cast<MLIRPadType>(avgPool.padType().getSExtValue());
operation =
def.getResult(), // arg
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({2, 3, 4}), // windowShape
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({2, 3, 4}), // windowMovementStrides
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0}), // padBelow
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0}), // padAbove
builder.getBoolAttr(false)) // includePadding
avgPool = cast<NGAvgPoolOp>(operation);
padType = static_cast<MLIRPadType>(avgPool.padType().getSExtValue());
auto ceilMode = avgPool.ceilMode();
EXPECT_TRUE(ceilMode == false);
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