Unverified Commit 8c246fe5 authored by Robert Kimball's avatar Robert Kimball Committed by GitHub

Resource file cleanup (#546)

* working

* cleanup
parent eedea8d4
......@@ -411,24 +411,21 @@ void codegen::StaticCompiler::configure_search_path()
void codegen::StaticCompiler::load_headers_from_resource()
const string builtin_root = "/$builtin";
HeaderSearchOptions& hso = m_compiler->getInvocation().getHeaderSearchOpts();
PreprocessorOptions& preprocessor_options = m_compiler->getInvocation().getPreprocessorOpts();
std::set<std::string> header_search_paths;
for (const HeaderInfo& hi : header_info)
for (const string& search_path : builtin_search_paths)
string search_path = hi.search_path;
string absolute_path = file_util::path_join(search_path, hi.header_path);
string builtin = "/$builtin" + absolute_path;
string builtin = builtin_root + search_path;
hso.AddPath(builtin, clang::frontend::System, false, false);
for (const pair<string, string>& header_info : builtin_headers)
string absolute_path = header_info.first;
string builtin = builtin_root + absolute_path;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb(
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(hi.header_data, builtin));
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(header_info.second, builtin));
preprocessor_options.addRemappedFile(builtin, mb.release());
if (!contains(header_search_paths, search_path))
string builtin = "/$builtin" + search_path;
hso.AddPath(builtin, clang::frontend::System, false, false);
......@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
include_paths.push_back({CLANG_BUILTIN_HEADERS_PATH, {}, true});
include_paths.push_back({"/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu", {"asm", "sys", "bits", "gnu"}});
include_paths.push_back({"/usr/include", {"asm", "sys", "bits", "gnu"}});
include_paths.push_back({"/usr/include", {"linux", "asm-generic"}});
{"/usr/include", {"asm", "sys", "bits", "gnu", "linux", "asm-generic"}});
include_paths.push_back({cpp0, {"bits"}});
include_paths.push_back({"/usr/include/c++/4.8.2/x86_64-redhat-linux", {"bits"}});
include_paths.push_back({cpp1, {"bits", "ext", "debug", "backward"}});
......@@ -168,63 +168,41 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (update_needed)
size_t total_size = 0;
size_t total_count = 0;
const string prefix = "pReFiX";
ofstream out(output_path);
out << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Weverything\"\n";
out << "#include <vector>\n";
out << "namespace ngraph\n";
out << "{\n";
out << " static const uint8_t header_resources[] =\n";
out << " const std::vector<std::string> builtin_search_paths =\n";
out << " {\n";
vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> offset_size_list;
size_t offset = 0;
size_t total_size = 0;
size_t total_count = 0;
for (const ResourceInfo& path : include_paths)
for (const string& header_file : path.files)
out << " \"" << path.search_path << "\",\n";
out << " };\n";
out << " const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> builtin_headers =\n";
out << " {\n";
for (const ResourceInfo& path : include_paths)
for (const string& header_path : path.files)
string header_data = read_file_to_string(header_file);
string base_path = header_file.substr(path.search_path.size() + 1);
header_data = rewrite_header(header_data, base_path);
string header_data = read_file_to_string(header_path);
string relative_path = header_path.substr(path.search_path.size() + 1);
header_data = rewrite_header(header_data, relative_path);
// header_data = uncomment(header_data);
total_size += header_data.size();
// data layout is triplet of strings containing:
// 1) search path
// 2) header path within search path
// 3) header data
// all strings are null terminated and the length includes the null
// The + 1 below is to account for the null terminator
dump(out, path.search_path.c_str(), path.search_path.size() + 1);
offset_size_list.push_back({offset, path.search_path.size() + 1});
offset += path.search_path.size() + 1;
dump(out, header_file.c_str(), header_file.size() + 1);
offset_size_list.push_back({offset, header_file.size() + 1});
offset += header_file.size() + 1;
dump(out, header_data.c_str(), header_data.size() + 1);
offset_size_list.push_back({offset, header_data.size() + 1});
offset += header_data.size() + 1;
out << " {";
out << "\"" << header_path << "\",\nR\"" << prefix << "(" << header_data << ")"
<< prefix << "\"},\n";
out << " };\n";
out << " struct HeaderInfo\n";
out << " {\n";
out << " const char* search_path;\n";
out << " const char* header_path;\n";
out << " const char* header_data;\n";
out << " };\n";
out << " std::vector<HeaderInfo> header_info\n";
out << " {\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < offset_size_list.size();)
out << " {(char*)(&header_resources[" << offset_size_list[i++].first;
out << "]), (char*)(&header_resources[" << offset_size_list[i++].first;
out << "]), (char*)(&header_resources[" << offset_size_list[i++].first << "])},\n";
out << " };\n";
out << "}\n";
cout << "Total size " << total_size << " in " << total_count << " files\n";
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