Commit 86a99474 authored by Adam Procter's avatar Adam Procter Committed by Scott Cyphers

Tweaks to VisualizeTree to make it tractable to render complex training graphs (#2864)

* Some hacks for graph visualization

* More betterer

* Remove debug prints

* Cheap temporary hack to deal with zombie users issue

* Less hacky fix for the zombie users issue

* Change to use get_name instead of get_friendly_name; misc. cleanup of dot output

* Allow '.dot' as VisualizeTree output format, and make it default

* Cleanup, and some documentation of this jump distance nonsense

* Comment edits

* Another comment edit

* Fix typo

* Remove reverse_topological_sort function (it's not needed)
parent 4d6fcc78
......@@ -160,19 +160,18 @@ void pass::Manager::run_passes(shared_ptr<Function> func, bool transitive)
std::string index_str = std::to_string(index);
index_str = std::string(num_digits_in_pass_index - index_str.length(), '0') + index_str;
auto base_filename =>get_name() + std::string("_") + index_str +
std::string("_") + + std::string(".");
std::string("_") +;
if (m_visualize)
pass::VisualizeTree vt(base_filename + pass::VisualizeTree::get_file_ext());
pass::VisualizeTree vt(base_filename);
if (m_serialize)
// no "." in the extension
pass::Serialization st(base_filename + "json");
pass::Serialization st(base_filename + ".json");
......@@ -29,33 +29,237 @@ using namespace std;
#define TI(x) type_index(typeid(x))
// As we are visualizing the graph, we will make some tweaks to the generated dot file to make
// routing more tractable for Graphviz as well as (hopefully) more legible for the user.
// NOTE: It's possible, even likely, that better algorithms are available here. I just tried a
// few different things without doing much research, and this seemed to work well. Please feel
// free to improve on this. --amprocte
// -----------------
// The first tweak is to trim edges that, intuitively speaking, have long "skip distance". For
// example:
// [Actual Graph Structure] [Visualization]
// n0 n0
// | \ | \
// n1 \ n1 [to n50]
// | | |
// n2 | n2
// | | |
// n3 | n3
// | | |
// ... | ... [from n0]
// | / | /
// n50 n50
// This is useful for training graphs especially, which tend to have very long feed-forward edges
// for intermediate values from fprop being stored for later reuse in the bprop phase.
// Efficiently detecting a "long skip" is a bit tricky. We want to come up with a metric that is
// reasonably fast to compute, but does not result in cuts that will split the graph into multiple
// components. The heuristic we are using for the jump distance between n and m is the maximum
// difference in maximum path length from n and m to any result node that is reachable from both
// n and m (or 0, if no such result node exists). Not sure if this is mathematically *guaranteed*
// not to split graph components, but it seems to work well in practice.
// Formally:
// Compute-Heights-Above-Each-Parameter(N):
// Inputs: nodes N; define R={n in N | n is a Result node}
// Output: height_maps: map from N to (map from R to int)
// height_maps is initially empty
// for each r in R:
// Insert into height_map the map {r -> 1}
// for each n in N in reverse topological ("results-first") order:
// for each user m of n:
// for each r in height_maps[m].keys:
// height_maps[n][r] := max(height_maps[n][r], height_maps[m][r]+1)
// Jump-Distance(n,m,height_maps):
// Inputs: n (source node), m (destination node), height_maps (pre-computed above)
// Output: jump_distance: int
// jump_distance := 0
// for each r in height_maps[n].keys:
// if r is in height_maps[m].keys:
// jump_distance := max(jump_distance, abs(height_maps[n][r] - height_maps[m][r]))
// Later on, if E is an edge from n to m, and Jump-Distance(n,m,height_map) > K (where K is kind
// of arbitrary but currently set to 20), we will "cut" the edge as illustrated above.
// -----------------
// The second tweak aims to eliminate routing pressure from nodes that have large outdegree and
// are connected to many otherwise-distant places in the graph. For this, the only thing we are
// doing at the moment is to "float" Parameter and Constant nodes. This means that rather than
// visualizing them as a single node (which might have very large outdegree as in, e.g., a
// learning rate parameter being fed to many different places), we make a "copy" of the node at
// each occurrence site (with a dashed outline).
// NOTE: This tweak could probably be extended to float other kinds of nodes with high out-degree.
// (This situation is likely to arise after constant subexpression elimination.) Here one has to
// be careful to avoid splitting the components. I have some rough ideas on how this could be
// dealt with, but have not had time to implement them yet. --amprocte
class HeightMap
HeightMap() {}
HeightMap(std::set<Node*> initials)
for (auto& n : initials)
m_heights[n] = 0;
void absorb(const HeightMap& other)
for (auto& p : other.m_heights)
auto k = p.first;
auto v = p.second;
m_heights[k] = std::max(m_heights[k], v + 1);
int64_t max_jump_to(const HeightMap& target)
int64_t result = 0;
for (auto& p : m_heights)
auto k = p.first;
auto v = p.second;
if (target.m_heights.count(k) != 0)
result = std::max(result, std::abs( - v));
return result;
std::unordered_map<Node*, int64_t> m_heights;
static std::string label_edge(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& src,
const std::shared_ptr<Node>& dst,
size_t arg_index,
int64_t jump_distance)
std::stringstream ss;
if (getenv("NGRAPH_VISUALIZE_EDGE_LABELS") != nullptr)
size_t output = 0;
if (auto goe = dynamic_pointer_cast<op::GetOutputElement>(dst))
output = goe->get_n();
stringstream label_edge;
label_edge << "[label=\" " << output << " -> " << arg_index << " \"]";
ss << label_edge.str();
else if (getenv("NGRAPH_VISUALIZE_EDGE_JUMP_DISTANCE") != nullptr)
if (jump_distance > 1)
stringstream label_edge;
label_edge << "[label=\"jump=" << jump_distance << "\"]";
ss << label_edge.str();
return ss.str();
bool pass::VisualizeTree::run_on_module(vector<shared_ptr<Function>>& functions)
for (shared_ptr<Function> f : functions)
// map<size_t, list<node_ptr>> dependent_nodes;
unordered_map<Node*, HeightMap> height_maps;
for (auto& node : f->get_ops())
if (node->description() == "Result")
height_maps[node.get()] = HeightMap({node.get()});
height_maps[node.get()] = HeightMap();
auto nodes = topological_sort(f->get_ops());
for (auto& node : nodes)
for (auto& output : node->outputs())
for (auto& input : output.get_target_inputs())
auto target_node = input.get_node();
// TODO(amprocte): Maybe find a way to make this tunable.
const int max_jump_distance = 20;
size_t fake_node_ctr = 0;
traverse_nodes(f, [&](shared_ptr<Node> node) {
size_t i = 0;
size_t arg_index = 0;
for (auto arg : node->get_arguments())
m_ss << add_attributes(arg);
m_ss << add_attributes(node);
m_ss << " " << arg->get_name() << " -> " << node->get_name();
size_t jump_distance = height_maps[arg.get()].max_jump_to(height_maps[node.get()]);
if (getenv("NGRAPH_VISUALIZE_EDGE_LABELS") != nullptr)
if (arg->description() == "Constant" || arg->description() == "Parameter")
size_t output = 0;
if (auto goe = dynamic_pointer_cast<op::GetOutputElement>(node))
output = goe->get_n();
stringstream label_edge;
label_edge << "[label=\" " << output << " -> " << i << " \"]";
m_ss << label_edge.str();
auto clone_name = "CLONE_" + to_string(fake_node_ctr);
auto color = (arg->description() == "Parameter" ? "blue" : "black");
m_ss << " " << clone_name
<< "[shape=\"box\" style=\"dashed,filled\" color=\"" << color
<< "\" fillcolor=\"white\" label=\"" << arg->get_name() << "\"]\n";
m_ss << " " << clone_name << " -> " << node->get_name()
<< label_edge(arg, node, arg_index, jump_distance) << "\n";
else if (jump_distance > max_jump_distance)
m_ss << add_attributes(arg);
m_ss << add_attributes(node);
auto recv_node_name = "RECV_" + to_string(fake_node_ctr);
auto send_node_name = "SEND_" + to_string(fake_node_ctr);
m_ss << ";\n";
m_ss << " " << recv_node_name << "[shape=\"box\" style=\"solid,filled\" "
"fillcolor=\"#ffcccc\" label=\"Receive["
<< arg->get_name() << "]\"]\n";
m_ss << " " << send_node_name << "[shape=\"box\" style=\"solid,filled\" "
"fillcolor=\"#ccffcc\" label=\"Send["
<< node->get_name() << "]\"]\n";
m_ss << " " << arg->get_name() << " -> " << send_node_name
<< label_edge(arg, node, arg_index, jump_distance) << "\n";
m_ss << " " << recv_node_name << " -> " << node->get_name()
<< label_edge(arg, node, arg_index, jump_distance) << "\n";
m_ss << add_attributes(arg);
m_ss << add_attributes(node);
m_ss << " " << arg->get_name() << " -> " << node->get_name()
<< label_edge(arg, node, arg_index, jump_distance) << "\n";
......@@ -86,30 +290,22 @@ string pass::VisualizeTree::add_attributes(shared_ptr<Node> node)
string pass::VisualizeTree::get_attributes(shared_ptr<Node> node)
vector<string> attributes;
if (node->is_parameter() || node->is_output())
if (node->is_output())
if (node->is_parameter())
if (node->is_output())
// Construct the label attribute
stringstream label;
label << "label=\"" << node->get_friendly_name();
label << "label=\"" << node->get_name();
static const char* nvtos = getenv("NGRAPH_VISUALIZE_TREE_OUTPUT_SHAPES");
if (nvtos != nullptr)
......@@ -156,7 +352,7 @@ string pass::VisualizeTree::get_file_ext()
const char* format = getenv("NGRAPH_VISUALIZE_TREE_OUTPUT_FORMAT");
if (!format)
format = "png";
format = "dot";
if (format[0] == '.')
......@@ -178,11 +374,12 @@ void pass::VisualizeTree::render() const
out << "}\n";
if (!m_dot_only)
if (!m_dot_only && get_file_ext() != "dot")
#ifndef _WIN32
stringstream ss;
ss << "dot -T" << get_file_ext() << " " << dot_file << " -o " << m_name;
ss << "dot -T" << get_file_ext() << " " << dot_file << " -o" << m_name << "."
<< get_file_ext();
auto cmd = ss.str();
auto stream = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
if (stream)
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