Commit 6ef2d5a0 authored by Jayaram Bobba's avatar Jayaram Bobba

Added MKLDNN optimal layouts to avg_pool fprop and bprop

parent 2522ae5e
......@@ -2507,8 +2507,6 @@ namespace ngraph
auto avg_pool = static_cast<const ngraph::op::AvgPool*>(node);
auto arg_shape = args[0].get_shape();
auto arg_rank = arg_shape.size();
auto result_shape = out[0].get_shape();
// TODO(jmenon): Refactor into an MKLDNN Pooling emitter that handles
......@@ -2517,8 +2515,7 @@ namespace ngraph
// TODO(jmenon): Optimize for 1D
// TODO(jmenon): Remove element type restriction
if (arg_rank == 4 && avg_pool->get_window_shape().size() == 2 &&
args[0].get_element_type() == element::f32)
if (runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::use_mkldnn_kernel(node))
const string& et = runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_data_type_string(
......@@ -2528,14 +2525,23 @@ namespace ngraph
? "algorithm::pooling_avg_include_padding"
: "algorithm::pooling_avg_exclude_padding";
auto input_format =
runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_input_mkldnn_format(node, 0);
auto result_format =
runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_output_mkldnn_format(node, 0);
writer << "{\n";
writer << "engine cpu_engine = engine(engine::cpu, 0);\n";
writer << "memory::desc input_data_desc = memory::desc({" << join(arg_shape)
<< "}, " << et << ", memory::format::nchw);\n";
<< "}, " << et << ", "
<< runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_format_string(input_format)
<< ");\n";
writer << "memory::desc result_desc = memory::desc({" << join(result_shape)
<< "}, " << et << ", memory::format::nchw);\n";
<< "}, " << et << ", "
<< runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_format_string(input_format)
<< ");\n";
writer << "memory input_data = memory({input_data_desc, cpu_engine}, "
<< args[0].get_name() << ");\n";
......@@ -2603,23 +2609,30 @@ namespace ngraph
auto apb = static_cast<const ngraph::op::AvgPoolBackprop*>(node);
auto delta_shape = args[0].get_shape();
auto delta_rank = delta_shape.size();
auto out_shape = out[0].get_shape();
if (delta_rank == 4 && apb->get_window_shape().size() == 2 &&
args[0].get_element_type() == element::f32)
if (runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::use_mkldnn_kernel(node))
const string& et = runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_data_type_string(
auto input_format =
runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_input_mkldnn_format(node, 0);
auto result_format =
runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_output_mkldnn_format(node, 0);
writer << "{\n";
writer << "engine cpu_engine = engine(engine::cpu, 0);\n";
writer << "memory::desc input_data_desc = memory::desc({" << join(delta_shape)
<< "}, " << et << ", memory::format::nchw);\n";
<< "}, " << et << ", "
<< runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_format_string(input_format)
<< ");\n";
writer << "memory::desc result_desc = memory::desc({" << join(out_shape)
<< "}, " << et << ", memory::format::nchw);\n";
<< "}, " << et << ", "
<< runtime::cpu::mkldnn_utils::get_mkldnn_format_string(result_format)
<< ");\n";
writer << "memory input_data = memory({input_data_desc, cpu_engine}, "
<< args[0].get_name() << ");\n";
writer << "memory result = memory({result_desc, cpu_engine}, "
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <mkldnn.hpp>
#include "ngraph/descriptor/output.hpp"
#include "ngraph/ops/avg_pool.hpp"
#include "ngraph/ops/convolution.hpp"
#include "ngraph/runtime/cpu/cpu_op_annotations.hpp"
#include "ngraph/runtime/cpu/mkldnn_utils.hpp"
......@@ -120,6 +121,44 @@ namespace ngraph
template <>
void CPUAssignment::ASSIGN_DECL(ngraph::op::AvgPool)
auto avg_pool = static_cast<op::AvgPool*>(node);
auto arg0_shape = node->get_input_shape(0);
auto arg0_rank = arg0_shape.size();
auto result_shape = node->get_output_shape(0);
if (arg0_rank == 4 && avg_pool->get_window_shape().size() == 2 &&
node->get_input_element_type(0) == element::f32)
auto op_annotations =
template <>
void CPUAssignment::ASSIGN_DECL(ngraph::op::AvgPoolBackprop)
auto avg_pool = static_cast<op::AvgPoolBackprop*>(node);
auto arg0_shape = node->get_input_shape(0);
auto arg0_rank = arg0_shape.size();
auto result_shape = node->get_output_shape(0);
if (arg0_rank == 4 && avg_pool->get_window_shape().size() == 2 &&
node->get_input_element_type(0) == element::f32)
auto op_annotations =
......@@ -134,6 +173,9 @@ static const runtime::cpu::pass::AssignOpMap s_dispatcher{
{TI(ngraph::op::AvgPool), &runtime::cpu::pass::CPUAssignment::assign<ngraph::op::AvgPool>},
bool runtime::cpu::pass::CPUAssignment::run_on_call_graph(
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6100,8 +6100,9 @@ TEST(${BACKEND_NAME}, convolution_outlining)
EXPECT_EQ(vector<float>{expected_result}, read_vector<float>(result));
TEST(${BACKEND_NAME}, convolution_layout)
TEST(${BACKEND_NAME}, mkldnn_layouts)
Shape shape_a{1, 16, 2, 2};
auto A = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::f32, shape_a);
Shape shape_b{32, 16, 1, 1};
......@@ -6114,7 +6115,9 @@ TEST(${BACKEND_NAME}, convolution_layout)
CoordinateDiff{0, 0},
CoordinateDiff{0, 0},
Strides{1, 1});
auto f = make_shared<Function>(conv1, op::Parameters{A, B});
Shape pool_shape{1, 1};
auto pool1 = make_shared<op::AvgPool>(conv1, pool_shape);
auto f = make_shared<Function>(pool1, op::Parameters{A, B});
auto manager = runtime::Manager::get("${BACKEND_NAME}");
auto external = manager->compile(f);
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