Commit 6e672209 authored by nmostafa's avatar nmostafa

Add support for any rank ArgMin. Hacky workaround for IndexType tensors by doing…

Add support for any rank ArgMin. Hacky workaround for IndexType tensors by doing type-conversion after operation
parent 64b43082
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ set(SRC
......@@ -204,14 +204,6 @@ mlir::Type MLIRCompiler::get_mlir_type(const element::Type& type)
mlir::Type MLIRCompiler::get_mlir_type(const ngraph::Node* node)
descriptor::Tensor* out_tensor = node->get_output_tensor_ptr().get();
if (TI(*node) == TI(ngraph::op::ArgMin))
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> mlir_shape;
get_mlir_shape(out_tensor->get_shape(), mlir_shape);
return mlir::NGTensorType::get(&m_context, mlir::IndexType::get(&m_context), mlir_shape);
return get_mlir_type(out_tensor);
......@@ -404,8 +396,8 @@ void MLIRCompiler::execute()
// Create an MLIR execution engine. We use a null MLIR pass manager for now to make sure we
// don't run MLIR passes that were already run. We also pass a default transformer to run
// LLVM optimizations at level 3.
auto llvm_transformer = mlir::makeOptimizingTransformer(3 /*optLevel*/, 0 /*sizeLevel*/);
auto maybeEngine = mlir::ExecutionEngine::create(m_module.get(), llvm_transformer);
//auto llvm_transformer = mlir::makeOptimizingTransformer(0 /*optLevel*/, 0 /*sizeLevel*/);
auto maybeEngine = mlir::ExecutionEngine::create(m_module.get(), nullptr);
NGRAPH_CHECK(maybeEngine, "failed to construct an execution engine");
m_engine = std::move(maybeEngine.get());
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ namespace mlir
// reuse std float types as-is
using NGFloatType = mlir::FloatType;
using NGIndexType = mlir::IndexType;
/// Integer type. It represents an integer of width 8,16,32,64. Signed or not.
class NGIntegerType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<NGIntegerType, mlir::Type>
......@@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ namespace mlir
static bool kindof(unsigned kind) { return kind == NGTypeKind::NG_BOOL_TYPE_ID; }
static NGBoolType get(mlir::MLIRContext* ctx) { return get(NG_BOOL_TYPE_ID, ctx); }
size_t getWidth() { return 8; }
// Note that dialect types don't add new data members, so always possible
......@@ -222,6 +224,25 @@ namespace mlir
int getRank() { return getShape().size(); }
/// Computes tensor size in bytes
size_t getSizeInBytes()
return getNumElements() * llvm::divideCeil(getElementBitWidth(), 8);
size_t getElementBitWidth()
Type type = getElementType();
if (NGIntegerType intType = type.dyn_cast<NGIntegerType>())
return intType.getWidth();
if (NGFloatType floatType = type.dyn_cast<NGFloatType>())
return floatType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
if (NGIndexType indexType = type.dyn_cast<NGIndexType>())
return sizeof(intptr_t);
if (NGBoolType boolType = type.dyn_cast<NGBoolType>())
return boolType.getWidth();
NGRAPH_FAIL() << "Unknown type";
return -1;
/// Get number of elements
size_t getNumElements()
size_t s = 1;
auto shape = getShape();
......@@ -232,10 +253,8 @@ namespace mlir
return -1;
s *= shape[i];
// Multiply times element size
return s * llvm::divideCeil(getElementType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth(), 8);
return s;
/// Checks if two tensors are compatible. Compatible means:
/// Exactly same element types
/// Compatible shapes: see isCompatibleShape.
// Copyright 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ngraph/ngraph_visibility.hpp"
#include <mlir/ExecutionEngine/MemRefUtils.h>
/// Call back to copy Index tensor to Int tensor
/// Can handle int tensors of bitwidth 8, 16, 32 and 64
/// Index width is always intptr_t
extern "C" NGRAPH_API void* __mlir_convert_index_to_int(mlir::StaticFloatMemRef dst, mlir::StaticFloatMemRef src, size_t numElements, size_t intWidth)
size_t indexSize = sizeof(intptr_t);
auto pSrc = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(;
auto pDst = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
for (auto i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
case 8:
*pDst = static_cast<char>(pSrc[i]);
case 16:
*(short*)pDst = static_cast<short>(pSrc[i]);
pDst += sizeof(short);
case 32:
*(int*)pDst = static_cast<int>(pSrc[i]);
pDst += sizeof(int);
case 64:
*(long*)pDst = static_cast<long>(pSrc[i]);
pDst += sizeof(long);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -83,12 +83,13 @@ namespace
void runOnModule() override;
SmallVector<Value*, 4> buildOutputDefs(Operation* op, PatternRewriter& rewriter);
Value* createTempTensor(Type type, unsigned size, PatternRewriter& rewriter);
mlir::Function* getCallDecl(StringRef name,
ArrayRef<Type> args,
ArrayRef<Type> output,
PatternRewriter& rewriter);
void findOutputValues();
void processFakeInstrs();
Value* insertMemMgrDef(PatternRewriter* rewriter = nullptr);
......@@ -183,25 +184,29 @@ namespace
auto tensorType = origResult->getType().cast<NGTensorType>();
auto callBackFunc = getCallDecl("__mlir_allocate",
{rewriter.getIndexType(), rewriter.getIndexType()},
auto size = tensorType.getSizeInBytes();
SmallVector<mlir::Value*, 4> args = {
insertMemMgrDef(&rewriter), /* pointer to mem manager */
size)}; /* size to allocate */
auto newResult =
rewriter.create<mlir::CallOp>(rewriter.getUnknownLoc(), callBackFunc, args)
auto newResult = createTempTensor(m_dialectLowerer.convertType(tensorType), tensorType.getSizeInBytes(), rewriter);
return newResults;
Value* DialectLoweringPass::createTempTensor(Type type, unsigned size, PatternRewriter& rewriter)
auto callBackFunc = getCallDecl("__mlir_allocate",
{rewriter.getIndexType(), rewriter.getIndexType()},
SmallVector<mlir::Value*, 4> args = {
insertMemMgrDef(&rewriter), /* pointer to mem manager */
size)}; /* size to allocate */
auto newTemp =
rewriter.create<mlir::CallOp>(rewriter.getUnknownLoc(), callBackFunc, args)
return newTemp;
void DialectLoweringPass::processFakeInstrs()
auto context = getModule().getContext();
......@@ -406,7 +411,11 @@ namespace
auto argmin = cast<NGArgMinRedOp>(op);
auto loc = argmin.getLoc();
auto axesAttr = argmin.axes();
NGRAPH_ASSERT(axesAttr.size() == 1) << "ArgMin should have one reduction axis";
unsigned axis = axesAttr.begin()->dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
NGRAPH_ASSERT(operands.size() == 1 && operands[0] != nullptr)
<< "Expected one non-null operand in ArgMin op";
......@@ -414,23 +423,94 @@ namespace
ScopedContext scope(rewriter, loc);
Value* arg = operands[0];
auto arg_type = arg->getType().cast<MemRefType>();
NGRAPH_ASSERT(arg_type.getRank() == 2) << "Unsupported tensor type in ArgMin op";
//axis = op->getAttr();
//NGRAPH_ASSERT(axis == 0) << "Unsupported axis in ArgMin op";
Value* result = m_pass.buildOutputDefs(op, rewriter)[0];
//NGRAPH_ASSERT(lhs && rhs && result) << "Unexpected null values in MatmulBiasOp";
Value* finalResult = m_pass.buildOutputDefs(op, rewriter)[0];
auto resultTy = argmin.getResult()->getType().cast<NGTensorType>();
// MLIR doesn't support Index to/from Integer type-conversion
// We have to store our result in an IndexType tensor and call-back to a type-conversion routine in nGraph
// TODO: Fix this once MLIR provides explicit cast operations.
Value* result = m_pass.createTempTensor(
// FIXME: Workaround to the integer to index conversion.
auto res_ty = result->getType().cast<MemRefType>();
Type res_elem_ty = res_ty.getElementType();
// MemRefType::get(res_ty.getShape(), IndexType::get(res_elem_ty.getContext())));
// Views
MemRefView vRes(result), vArg(arg);
// Index Values
IndexedValue iRes(result), iArg(arg);
// Bounds Index Handles
auto resLbs = vRes.getLbs();
auto resUbs = vRes.getUbs();
auto argLbs = vArg.getLbs();
auto argUbs = vArg.getUbs();
// Loop induction vars
auto ivs = IndexHandle::makeIndexHandles(vRes.rank());
auto pivs = IndexHandle::makeIndexHandlePointers(ivs);
// Steps
auto steps = vRes.getSteps();
auto initVal =;
// clang-format off
LoopNestBuilder(pivs, resLbs, resUbs, steps)(
// single stmt body
[&] {
iRes(ivs) = initVal;
// Create the following loop nest for argmin operation:
// for(i, I, 1)
// for(j, J, 1) // Reduction dimention
// res[j] = select((arg[i, j] < res[j]), i, res[j])
// reduction loops
auto allIVs = IndexHandle::makeIndexHandles(vArg.rank());
auto pAllIVs = IndexHandle::makeIndexHandlePointers(allIVs);
SmallVector<IndexHandle,8> nonRedIVs;
auto steps = vArg.getSteps();
// iterate over all argument dimensions
LoopNestBuilder(pAllIVs, argLbs, argUbs, steps)(
[&] {
// build a list of non-reduction IVs
for (auto i = 0; i < vArg.rank(); i++)
if (i != axis)
// load current min index
ValueHandle currMinIndx = iRes(nonRedIVs);
auto tempIVs = allIVs;
// build list of IVs including current min index
tempIVs[axis] = currMinIndx;
iRes(nonRedIVs) = edsc::intrinsics::select(iArg(allIVs) < iArg(tempIVs), allIVs[axis], currMinIndx);
// Call-back to convert Index tensor to Integer tensor
auto callBackFunc = m_pass.getCallDecl("__mlir_convert_index_to_int",
{finalResult->getType(), result->getType(), rewriter.getIndexType(), rewriter.getIndexType()},
SmallVector<mlir::Value*, 4> args = {finalResult, /* dst tensor */
result, /* src tensor */
/* Num of Elements */
/* Integer size used */
rewriter.create<mlir::CallOp>(rewriter.getUnknownLoc(), callBackFunc, args);
rewriter.replaceOp(op, {finalResult});
#if 0
MemRefView v_res(result), v_arg(arg);
unsigned n_dim = v_arg.fastestVarying() - 1;
......@@ -459,8 +539,8 @@ namespace
i_res(m) = edsc::intrinsics::select(i_arg(n, m) < i_arg(curr_res, m), n, curr_res);
rewriter.replaceOp(op, {result});
REWRITER(NGReturnOp) { rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<ReturnOp>(op); }
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