Commit 69c02f2c authored by Adam Procter's avatar Adam Procter Committed by Scott Cyphers

clang-format comments: /src/ngraph/descriptor (#3470)

* Plant an updated .clang-format in src/ngraph, with overrides in each subdir thereof

* Whoops, forgot to commit the actual .clang-formats

* Remove src/ngraph/type/.clang-format (it was having no effect)

* Remove src/ngraph/distributed/.clang-format (it was having no effect)

* Remove src/ngraph/codegen/.clang-format (only one file was affected, so it's a wash)

* Remove src/ngraph/autodiff/.clang-format (only one file was affected, so it's a wash)

* Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/descriptor

* Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/state

* Revert "Un-relax comment wrapping in src/ngraph/state"

This reverts commit 41fc50fb92bffb7f5aca4126eb1267f00dcca727.

* Remove .clang-format
parent d603d3e3
# OVERRIDE TO STYLE: Comments do *not* wrap.
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......@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \return the tensor of the connected output
Tensor& get_tensor();
/// \brief Replace the current output that supplies a value for this input with output i of node
/// \brief Replace the current output that supplies a value for this input with output i
/// of node
void replace_output(std::shared_ptr<Node> node, size_t i);
/// \brief Replace the current output that supplies a value for this input with output
void replace_output(Output& output);
/// \brief Remove the output from this input. The node will not be valid until another output is supplied.
/// \brief Remove the output from this input. The node will not be valid until another
/// output is supplied.
void remove_output();
/// \return true if the value of this input is relevant to the output shapes of the
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ namespace ngraph
namespace layout
/// \brief The standard strided layout, used for row-major and column-major, their permutations and slices.
/// \brief The standard strided layout, used for row-major and column-major, their
/// permutations and slices.
/// The linearized offset of an index I is dot(I, strides) + offset.
class DenseTensorLayout : public TensorLayout
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ namespace ngraph
virtual ~TensorLayout() {}
/// Extent of this tensor in buffer.
/// When we support non-linear buffers, this will need to be something other than size_t.
/// When we support non-linear buffers, this will need to be something other than
/// size_t.
size_t get_size() const;
virtual size_t get_allocated_size();
/// Offset of an index; useful for slice implementation.
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