Unverified Commit 5a656a1a authored by Adam Osewski's avatar Adam Osewski Committed by GitHub

[ONNX] Update status of supported ops. (#4292)

* Update table.

* More updates.
Co-authored-by: 's avatarMichał Karzyński <postrational@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 's avatarScott Cyphers <diyessi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 's avatarRobert Kimball <robert.kimball@intel.com>
parent 2b715228
Generally nGraph doesn't support tensors of types:
* `string`,
* `float16`,
* `complex64`,
* `complex128`.
......@@ -16,107 +15,140 @@ opset versions starting from `1` to `6` and to the latest opset version.
## Supported Ops:
| Name | Opset supported | Comment |
| Abs | 1-6- |
| Acos | 7- |
| Acosh | 9- |
| Add | (1-6-)7- | Legacy broadcasting rules not supported. (NGONNX-496)
| And | 1-7- |
| ArgMax | 1- |
| ArgMin | 1- |
| Asin | 7- |
| Asinh | 9- |
| Atan | 7 - |
| Atanh | 9- |
| AveragePool | 1-7- |
| BatchNormalization | 1-6-7- |
| Ceil | 1-6- |
| Clip | 1-6- |
| Concat | 1-4- |
| Constant | 1- |
| Conv | 1- |
| ConvTranspose | 1- |
| Cos | 7- |
| Cosh | 9- |
| Div | (1-6-)7- | Legacy broadcasting rules not supported. (NGONNX-496)
| Dropout | 1-6-7- | Only for inference.
| Elu | 1-6- |
| Equal | 1-7 |
| Exp | 1-6- |
| Flatten | 1-9- |
| Floor | 1-6- |
| Gemm | 1-6-7-9 | Some tests failing (NGONNX-494)
| GlobalAveragePool | 1- |
| GlobalLpPool | 1-2- |
| GlobalMaxPool | 1- |
| Greater | 1-7-9 |
| HardSigmoid | 1-6- |
| Identity | 1- |
| InstanceNormalization | 1- |
| LRN | 1- |
| LeakyRelu | 1-6- |
| Less | 1-7-9 |
| Log | 1-6- |
| LogSoftmax | 1- |
| LpNormalization | 1- |
| MatMul | 1-9 |
| Max | 1-6-8- |
| MaxPool | 1-8- |
| Mean | 1-6-8- |
| Min | 1-6-8- |
| Mul | (1-6-)7- | Legacy broadcasting rules not supported. (NGONNX-496)
| Neg | 1-6- |
| Not | 1- |
| OneHot | (9) | Only static version
| Or | 1-7- |
| PRelu | 1-6-7-9 |
| Pow | 1-7- |
| Reciprocal | 1-6- |
| ReduceL1 | 1- |
| ReduceL2 | 1- |
| ReduceLogSum | 1- |
| ReduceLogSumExp | 1- |
| ReduceMax | 1- |
| ReduceMean | 1- |
| ReduceMin | 1- |
| ReduceProd | 1- |
| ReduceSum | 1- |
| ReduceSumSquare | 1- |
| Relu | 1-6- |
| Selu | 1-6- |
| Shape | 1- |
| Shrink | 1- |
| Sigmoid | 1-6- |
| Sign | 9- |
| Sin | 7- |
| Sinh | 9- |
| Size | 1- |
| Slice | 1- |
| Softmax | 1- |
| Softplus | 1- |
| Softsign | 1- |
| Split | 1-2- |
| Sqrt | 1-6- |
| Squeeze | 1- |
| Sub | (1-6-)7- | Legacy broadcasting rules not supported. (NGONNX-496)
| Sum | 1-6-8- |
| Tan | 7- |
| Tanh | 1-6- |
| TopK | 1- |
| Transpose | 1- |
| Unsqueeze | 1- |
| Xor | 1-7- |
| Where | 9- |
| Name | ONNX Opset supported | nGraph opset support | Comment |
| Abs | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Acos | 7- | 0,1 |
| Acosh | 9- | 0, | Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| Add | 1-6-7- | 0,1 |
| And | 1-7- | 0,1 |
| ArgMax | 1- | 0,1 |
| ArgMin | 1- | 0,1 |
| Asin | 7- | 0,1 |
| Asinh | 9- | 0, | Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| Atan | 7 - | 0,1 |
| Atanh | 9- | 0, | Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| AveragePool | 1-7- | 0,1 |
| BatchNormalization | 1-6-7- | 0,1 |
| Cast | 1-6-9- | 0,1 |
| Ceil | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Clip | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Concat | 1-4- | 0,1 |
| Constant | 1- | 0,1 |
| Conv | 1- | 0,1 |
| ConvInteger | 10- | 0, |
| ConvTranspose | 1- | 0,1 |
| Cos | 7- | 0,1 |
| Cosh | 9- | 0,1 | Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| CumSum | 11- | 0, | NGONNX-944
| DepthToSpace | 1-11- | 0,1 |
| DequantizeLinear | 10- | 0, |
| Div | 1-6-7- | 0,1 |
| Dropout | (1-6-7)-10- | 0,1 | Only for inference.
| Elu | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Equal | 1-7 | 0,1 |
| Erf | 9- | 0,1 |
| Exp | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Expand | 8- | 0,1 | Only static version
| EyeLike | 9- | 0,1 |
| Flatten | 1-9- | 0,1 |
| Floor | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Gather | 11- | 0,1 |
| GatherND | 11- | 0, |
| Gemm | 1-6-7-9-11 | 0, | Some tests failing (NGONNX-494), Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| GlobalAveragePool | 1- | 0,1 |
| GlobalLpPool | 1-2- | 0, (1) | Not fully v1, need `lp_norm` expressed with v1 ops (NGONNX-1018)
| GlobalMaxPool | 1- | 0,1 |
| Greater | 1-7-9 | 0,1 |
| HardSigmoid | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Hardmax | 11- | 0, (1) | GOE
| Identity | 1- | 0,1 |
| InstanceNormalization | 1- | 0, (1) | Have to change to only v1 ops (NGONNX-1015)
| LRN | 1- | 0,1 |
| LSTM | 1-7- | 0,(1) | (NGONNX-1015), there is `GetOutputElement` (3 outputs), LSTMSequence and LSTMCell uses some v0 ops which aren't used in v1
| LeakyRelu | 1-6- | 0,(1) | (NGONNX-1015)
| Less | 1-7-9 | 0,1 |
| Log | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| LogSoftmax | 1- | 0,1 |
| LpNormalization | 1- | 0, | (NGONNX-1018) need to update some builders
| MatMul | 1-9 | 0,(1) | Uses `v0::Dot`, v0 broadcasts and reshapes, update builders
| MatMulInteger | 10- | 0, | `v0::QuantizedDot`
| Max | 1-6-8- | 0, 1 |
| MaxPool | 1-8- | 0, 1 |
| Mean | 1-6-8- | 0, 1 |
| Min | 1-6-8- | 0,1 |
| Mod | 10- | 1 |
| Mul | (1-6-)7- | 0,1 |
| Neg | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| NonMaxSuppression | 11- | 1 |
| Not | 1- | 0,1 | (aka `v1::LogicalNot`)
| OneHot | (9) | 0, (1) | (NGONNX-1015)
| Or | 1-7- | 0,1 | (aka `v1::LogicalOr`)
| PRelu | 1-6-7-9 | 0, 1 | fused op uses arithmetic and broadcasting from v0
| Pad | 1-2-11- | 0, (1) | (NGONNX-1015)
| Pow | 1-7- | 0,1 |
| QLinearConv | 10- | 0 | `opset0::QuantizedConvolution`
| QLinearMatMul | 10- | 0 | `v0::QuantizedDot`
| QuantizeLinear | 10- | 0 | `opset0::Quantize`
| Reciprocal | 1-6- | 0, 1|
| ReduceL1 | 1- | 0, | (NGONNX-1018)
| ReduceL2 | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceLogSum | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceLogSumExp | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceMax | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceMean | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceMin | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceProd | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceSum | 1- | 0,1 |
| ReduceSumSquare | 1- | 0,1 |
| Relu | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Reshape | 1-5- | (0,1) | v1 supports dynamic target shape, but only as Constant?
| ReverseSequence | 10- | 0,1 |
| ScatterND | 11- | 0, |
| Selu | 1-6- | 0, 1 |
| Shape | 1- | 0,1 |
| Shrink | 1- | 0,1 |
| Sigmoid | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Sign | 9- | 0,1 |
| Sin | 7- | 0,1 |
| Sinh | 9- | 0,1 |
| Size | 1- | 0,1 |
| Slice | 1- | 0,1 |
| Softmax | 1- | 0,1 |
| Softplus | 1- | 0,1 |
| Softsign | 1- | 0,(1) | (NGONNX-1015)
| SpaceToDepth | 1- | 0,1 |
| Split | 1-2- | 0,1 |
| Sqrt | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| Squeeze | 1- | 0,(1) |
| Sub | (1-6-)7- | 0,1 |
| Sum | 1-6-8- | 0,1 |
| Tan | 7- | 0,1 |
| Tanh | 1-6- | 0,1 |
| ThresholdedRelu | 10- | 0,1 |
| TopK | 1- | 0,(1) | Need v0::GOE
| Transpose | 1- | 0,1 |
| Unsqueeze | 1- | 0,1 |
| Xor | 1-7- | 0,1 |
| Where | 9- | 0,1 |
### Able to implement or WIP
| Name | Opset supported | NGCORE | NGONNX | Comment |
| BitShift | (11)- | | 1014 |
| ConstantOfShape | (9) | 286 | 445 | Dynamic shape input. WIP |
| DynamicQuantizeLinear | (11) | | 786 |
| GRU | - | | 325, 177 | There is no `GRUCell` nor `GRU` in v1 |
| RNN | - | | 323, 287 | `v1::RNNCell`|
| Round | (11)- | | 1008 | `v0::Round`
| Tile | - | NGRAPH-3292 | 368 | Dynamic op. WIP |
| Cast | 1-6- | 290 | 452 | Float16 unsupported. |
## Unsupported Ops:
### Lack of support in nGraph
| Name | Opset supported | NGCORE | NGONNX | Comment |
| Erf | (9) | 284 | 489 | Need separate kernel for this in nGraph core. |
| Pad | 1-2- | 273 | 416, 498 | Not fully supported. |
| LSTM | 1-7- | | 476 | Mixed sequences length not supported yet. |
| MaxUnpool | (9) | 286, 289 | 447 | |
| LpPool | - | 291 | 488 | Unsupported by nGraph - only max/avg pooling ops. Need separate kernel. |
| Multinomial | - | 199 | 435 | Lack of PRNG in nGraph. |
......@@ -124,35 +156,46 @@ opset versions starting from `1` to `6` and to the latest opset version.
| RandomNormalLike | - | 199 | 434 | Lack of PRNG in nGraph. |
| RandomUniform | - | 199 | 434 | Lack of PRNG in nGraph. |
| RandomUniformLike | - | 199 | 434 | Lack of PRNG in nGraph. |
| Cast | 1-6- | 290 | 452 | Float16 unsupported. |
| IsInf | (10) | | 528 |
| StringNormalizer | (10) | | 600 | Need support for `string` data type.
| TfIdfVectorizer | (9) | | 523 |
| Det | (11) | | 754 | |
### Futher analysis needed
| Name | Opset supported | NGCORE | NGONNX | Comment |
| GRU | - | | 325, 177 | Should be possible to implement. Look at `LSTM` |
| RNN | - | | 323, 287 | Should be similar to `LSTM`. |
| If | - | | 432 | At this moment probably impossible. |
| IsNaN | (9) | | 440 | Hacky way is to generate constant nodes with representations of NaN and compare with them. |
| Loop | - | | 432 | Static loops with some preconditions may be possible, however no idea how to pass graph (proto?) as a _body_ attribute. (what about graph contains `Loop`?) |
| Scan | - | | 433 | Further analysis needed. - determine whether it is possible to import graph passed by op attribute. |
| Einsum | (12) | | | User can define in a language the operation to perform |
| NonZero | (9) | | 472 | Maybe we can leverage TopK here? First count NonZero elements with logic ops and reduction and then TopK.
| Resize | (10-11)- | | 782 | Look like Interpolation over ROIs. Very specialized types of interpolation.
| ScatterElements | (11) | | 977 |
| ScatterND | (11) | | 1020 |
| Unique | (11) | | 761 |
### Dynamic operators
| Name | Opset supported | NGCORE | NGONNX | Comment |
| Compress | (9) | 285 | 438. | Dynamically selected indices |
| ConstantOfShape | (9) | 286 | 445 | Dynamic shape input. |
| Compress | (9-11) | 285 | 438 | Dynamically selected indices |
| Expand | - | NGRAPH-3289 | 367 | Dynamic op. |
| Gather | - | NGRAPH-3291 | 369, | Dynamic op. |
| GatherElements | - | | 757 | |
| OneHot | (9) | NGCORE-339 | 486 | Dynamic output shape
| Tile | - | NGRAPH-3292 | 368 | Dynamic op. |
| Upsample | (7) | 287 | 441 | Dynamic op. |
| Upsample | (7-9-10-) | 287 | 441 | Dynamic op. **Deprecated** from opset 10 |
| MaxRoiPool | - | 288 | 487 | Dynamic op - Need dynamic slicing. Beside just use _slice/op/concat_ pattern. |
| Reshape | 1-5- | NGRAPH-3290 | 357 | Lack of support for dynamic shape input. Only as a Constant or as an Initializer. |
| Scatter | (9) | 289 | 446 | Dynamic indices input. |
| Scatter | (9) | 289 | 446 | Dynamic indices input. **Deprecated** in ONNX standard |
| RoiAlign | (10) | | 601 |
### Able to implement or WIP
### Sequence* ops
| Name | Opset supported | NGCORE | NGONNX | Comment |
| Add, Sub, Mul, Div | 1-6 | | | We currently don't support legacy broadcasting rules for binary ops. |
| Cast | 1-6- | | 427 | Errors while casting to bool |
| Hardmax | - | | 431 | Use make constant and Argmax. See `test_ops_unary.py::test_hardmax()` |
| ConcatFromSequence | (11)- | | 1016 |
| SequenceAt | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SequenceConstruct | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SequenceEmpty | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SequenceErase | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SequenceInsert | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SequenceLength | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
| SplitToSequence | (11) | | 1021 | need further analysis |
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