Commit 5481af83 authored by Leona C's avatar Leona C

Remove redundant section

parent 5e77b418
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ nGraph currently supports :doc:`three popular <../framework-integration-guides>`
frameworks for :abbr:`Deep Learning (DL)` models through what we call
a :term:`bridge` that can be integrated during the framework's build time.
For developers working with other frameworks (even those not listed above),
we've created a :doc:`How to Guide <../howto/index>` guide so you can learn how to create
we've created a :doc:`How to Guide <../howto/index>` so you can learn how to create
custom bridge code that can be used to :doc:`compile and run <../howto/execute>`
a training model.
......@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ including:
optimizations, and backends.
Further project details can be found on our :doc:`../project/about` page, or see
our :doc:`../install` guide for how to get started.
Why was this needed?
......@@ -121,9 +117,7 @@ design decisions and what is tentatively in the pipeline for development in
our `arXiv paper`_ from the 2018 SysML conference.
.. _widely-supported frameworks:
.. _ONNX:
.. _arXiv paper:
.. _ONNX:
.. _Intel® MKL-DNN:
.. _Movidius:
.. _Intel Nervana NNPs:
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