Unverified Commit 4b44442e authored by Scott Cyphers's avatar Scott Cyphers Committed by GitHub

Make channel inner loop of reference convolution (#2649)

Moving the channel part of the sum into an inner loop lets padding be ignored
once per position rather than once per channel/position. This order of non-precise
summation also seems to be closer to other convolution implementations.

Add options to test generator for controlling precision of tests for debugging purposes,
and fix another python3 problem.
parent 51270c68
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace ngraph
in_transform_start[in_batch_axis] = batch_index;
in_transform_end[in_batch_axis] = batch_index + 1;
in_transform_start[in_channel_axis] = 0;
in_transform_end[in_channel_axis] = n_in_channels;
in_transform_end[in_channel_axis] = 1;
for (size_t i = 2; i < n_spatial_dimensions + 2; i++)
......@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ namespace ngraph
in_transform_axis_order[i] = i;
CoordinateTransform in_transform(in_shape,
......@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ namespace ngraph
filter_transform_start[filter_out_channel_axis] = out_channel;
filter_transform_end[filter_out_channel_axis] = out_channel + 1;
filter_transform_start[filter_in_channel_axis] = 0;
filter_transform_end[filter_in_channel_axis] = n_in_channels;
filter_transform_end[filter_in_channel_axis] = 1;
for (size_t i = 2; i < n_spatial_dimensions + 2; i++)
......@@ -165,22 +164,34 @@ namespace ngraph
// out[O] += in[I] * filter[F].
T result = 0;
float result = 0;
CoordinateTransform::Iterator in_it = in_transform.begin();
CoordinateTransform::Iterator filter_it = filter_transform.begin();
CoordinateTransform::Iterator in_it_end = in_transform.end();
CoordinateTransform::Iterator filter_it_end = filter_transform.end();
size_t in_channel_stride = row_major_strides(in_shape).at(in_channel_axis);
size_t filter_in_channel_stride =
while (in_it != in_it_end && filter_it != filter_it_end)
const Coordinate& in_coord = *in_it;
T v = in_transform.has_source_coordinate(in_coord)
? in[in_transform.index(in_coord)]
: 0;
result += v * filter[filter_transform.index(*filter_it)];
if (in_transform.has_source_coordinate(in_coord))
size_t in_idx = in_transform.index(in_coord);
const Coordinate& filter_coord = *filter_it;
size_t filter_idx = filter_transform.index(filter_coord);
for (size_t in_channel = 0; in_channel < n_in_channels; ++in_channel)
T in_v = in[in_idx];
T f_v = filter[filter_idx];
result += in_v * f_v;
in_idx += in_channel_stride;
filter_idx += filter_in_channel_stride;
......@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ def random_array_float_literals(length, seed=8086):
for i in range(0, length):
# generate numbers that can be exactly represented in binary
literal_n = np.float32(random.randint(-64, 64)) / 64.0
sig_bits = 6
range_bits = 2
literal_n = np.float32(random.randint(-pow(2, sig_bits-1),
pow(2, sig_bits-1))) / pow(2.0, sig_bits - range_bits)
return literals
......@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ def convolution_ref(data_batch, filter, move_strides, filter_dilation, below_pad
slice_tops = (0, 0) + tuple(np.clip(above_pads, None, 0))
slices = list(map(lambda p: slice(
p[0], p[1] if p[1] < 0 else None), zip(slice_bottoms, slice_tops)))
data_batch = data_batch[slices]
data_batch = data_batch[tuple(slices)]
item_count = data_batch.shape[0] # N
ci_count = data_batch.shape[1] # Ci
......@@ -371,7 +374,6 @@ tests = [
(2, 3, 8, 8, 8), (5, 3, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 2), (3, 2, 2), (2, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 2), "// "),
def main():
assert(len(sys.argv) > 1)
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