Commit 4aad5209 authored by Adam Procter's avatar Adam Procter

Add some execution tests

parent 996879ba
......@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ void op::DynReshape::validate_and_infer_types()
if (out_shape_val[i] == 0 && m_zero_flag)
// Copy input_shape[i] for zero values
NGRAPH_CHECK(i < input_shape.size());
this, i < input_shape.size(), "'0' dimension is out of range");
partial_shape[i] = Dimension(input_shape[i]);
output_elements *= input_shape[i];
......@@ -119,12 +120,21 @@ void op::DynReshape::validate_and_infer_types()
// input elements
if (output_elements == 0)
NGRAPH_CHECK(input_elements == 0);
// TODO(amprocte): Decide if this is desired behavior here. (NumPy seems
// to fail.)
input_elements == 0,
"Cannot infer '-1' dimension with zero-size output "
"dimension unless at least one input dimension is "
"also zero-size");
partial_shape[negative_dim] = Dimension(0);
NGRAPH_CHECK(input_elements % output_elements == 0);
input_elements % output_elements == 0,
"Non-'-1' output dimensions do not evenly divide the input dimensions");
partial_shape[negative_dim] = Dimension(input_elements / output_elements);
......@@ -365,3 +365,94 @@ NGRAPH_TEST(dynamic_${BACKEND_NAME}, range)
ASSERT_EQ(results, test.expected_result);
NGRAPH_TEST(dynamic_${BACKEND_NAME}, reshape)
auto backend = runtime::Backend::create("${BACKEND_NAME}", true);
auto build_graph = [&backend](bool zero_flag) {
// Create a graph for f(x,shape) = DynReshape(x,shape,zero_flag=zero_flag).
auto x = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic());
auto shape = make_shared<op::Parameter>(element::i64, PartialShape::dynamic(1));
auto dyn_reshape = make_shared<op::DynReshape>(x, shape, zero_flag);
auto f = make_shared<Function>(NodeVector{dyn_reshape}, ParameterVector{x, shape});
auto ex = backend->compile(f);
return ex;
auto t_r = backend->create_dynamic_tensor(element::i32, PartialShape::dynamic());
auto ex_flag_off = build_graph(false);
auto ex_flag_on = build_graph(true);
std::vector<std::tuple<bool, Shape, std::vector<int32_t>, std::vector<int64_t>, Shape>> tests;
false, Shape{2, 3}, vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, vector<int64_t>{6}, Shape{6}));
true, Shape{2, 3}, vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, vector<int64_t>{6}, Shape{6}));
false, Shape{2, 3}, vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, vector<int64_t>{-1}, Shape{6}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{2, -1},
Shape{2, 3}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{3, -1},
Shape{3, 2}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{3, 2, -1},
Shape{3, 2, 1}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{3, 2, -1},
Shape{3, 2, 1}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{0, 0, -1},
Shape{2, 3, 1}));
Shape{2, 3},
vector<int32_t>{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
vector<int64_t>{2, 0, -1},
Shape{2, 3, 1}));
true, Shape{0, 3, 4}, vector<int32_t>{}, vector<int64_t>{3, -1, 2}, Shape{3, 0, 2}));
for (auto& test : tests)
bool zero_flag = get<0>(test);
const Shape& in_shape = get<1>(test);
const std::vector<int32_t>& data = get<2>(test);
const std::vector<int64_t>& dims = get<3>(test);
const Shape& out_shape = get<4>(test);
auto t_x = backend->create_tensor(element::i32, in_shape);
auto t_shape = backend->create_tensor(element::i64, Shape{dims.size()});
copy_data(t_x, data);
copy_data(t_shape, dims);
auto ex = zero_flag ? ex_flag_on : ex_flag_off;
ex->call_with_validate({t_r}, {t_x, t_shape});
ASSERT_EQ(t_r->get_element_type(), element::i32);
ASSERT_EQ(t_r->get_shape(), out_shape);
auto results = read_vector<int32_t>(t_r);
ASSERT_EQ(results, data);
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