Commit 400f7f2c authored by fenglei.tian's avatar fenglei.tian

clean up code

parent 4eaf5711
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace ngraph
void emit_abs(void* in, void* out, size_t count)
const char *op_abs = R"(
const char *op_abs = R"(
extern "C" __global__
void cuda_op_abs(float* in, float* out, size_t n)
......@@ -88,80 +88,62 @@ namespace ngraph
// Create an instance of nvrtcProgram with the code string.
nvrtcProgram prog;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcCreateProgram(&prog, // prog i
op_abs, // buffer
"", // name
0, // numHeaders
NULL, // headers
NULL)); // includeNames
const char *opts[] = {"--gpu-architecture=compute_35",
nvrtcResult compileResult = nvrtcCompileProgram(prog, // prog
2, // numOptions
opts); // options
// Obtain compilation log from the program.
size_t logSize;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(prog, &logSize));
char *log = new char[logSize];
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetProgramLog(prog, log));
std::cout << log << '\n';
delete[] log;
if (compileResult != NVRTC_SUCCESS) {
size_t ptxSize;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetPTXSize(prog, &ptxSize));
char *ptx = new char[ptxSize];
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetPTX(prog, ptx)); // Destroy the program.
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcDestroyProgram(&prog)); // Load the generated PTX and get a handle to the parent kernel.
CUdevice cuDevice;
CUcontext context;
CUmodule module;
CUfunction cuda_op_abs_kernel;
CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cuInit(0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, cuDevice));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleLoadDataEx(&module, ptx, 0, 0, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleGetFunction(&cuda_op_abs_kernel, module, "cuda_op_abs"));
size_t numBlocks = 4;
size_t numThreads = 4;
size_t nt = numBlocks * numThreads;
size_t bufferSize = nt * sizeof(float);
float *hOut = new float[nt];
float *hIn = new float[nt];
for(int i = 0; i< nt; i++) hIn[i] = -i;
// void *dOut, *dIn;
// cudaMalloc((void**) &dIn, 64);
// cudaMalloc((void**) &dOut, 64);
CUdeviceptr dPtrIn, dPtrOut;
dPtrIn = (CUdeviceptr)in;
dPtrOut = (CUdeviceptr)out;
void *argsList[] = {&dPtrIn, &dPtrOut, &nt};
// cudaLaunchKernel(cuda_op_obs_kernel,
// {4, 1, 1},
// {1, 1, 1},
// argslist, 0, NULL);
// void *argsList[] = {dIn, dOut, &nt};
// Create an instance of nvrtcProgram with the code string.
nvrtcProgram prog;
0, // numHeaders
NULL, // headers
NULL)); // includeNames
const char *opts[] = {"--gpu-architecture=compute_35",
nvrtcResult compileResult = nvrtcCompileProgram(prog,
size_t logSize;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(prog, &logSize));
char *log = new char[logSize];
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetProgramLog(prog, log));
std::cout << log << '\n';
delete[] log;
if (compileResult != NVRTC_SUCCESS) {
size_t ptxSize;
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetPTXSize(prog, &ptxSize));
char *ptx = new char[ptxSize];
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcGetPTX(prog, ptx)); // Destroy the program.
NVRTC_SAFE_CALL(nvrtcDestroyProgram(&prog)); // Load the generated PTX and get a handle to the parent kernel.
CUdevice cuDevice;
CUcontext context;
CUmodule module;
CUfunction cuda_op_abs_kernel;
CUDA_SAFE_CALL( cuInit(0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, cuDevice));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleLoadDataEx(&module, ptx, 0, 0, 0));
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuModuleGetFunction(&cuda_op_abs_kernel, module, "cuda_op_abs"));
CUdeviceptr dPtrIn, dPtrOut;
dPtrIn = (CUdeviceptr)in;
dPtrOut = (CUdeviceptr)out;
void *argsList[] = {&dPtrIn, &dPtrOut, &count};
4 , 1, 1, // grid dim
4, 1, 1, // block dim
0, NULL, // shared mem and stream
argsList, 0)); // arguments
count ,1, 1, // grid dim
1, 1, 1, // block dim
0, NULL, // shared mem and stream
argsList, 0)); // arguments
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxSynchronize()); // Retrieve and print output.
......@@ -93,35 +93,6 @@ void runtime::gpu::GPU_Emitter::EmitAbs(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
writer << "ngraph::runtime::gpu::cuda::kernel::emit_abs((void*) " << args[0].get_name() << ", (void*) " << out[0].get_name() << ", count);\n";
writer << "}\n";
// ngraph::runtime::gpu::cuda::kernel::emit_abs((void*) , (void*) ((float*)(outputs[0])), count);
//Generate input for execution, and create output buffers.
// size_t nt = 4; //numBlocks * numThreads;
// size_t bufferSize = nt * sizeof(float);
// float *hOut = new float[nt];
// float *hIn = new float[nt];
// for(int i = 0; i< nt; i++) hIn[i] = -i;
// CUdeviceptr dOut, dIn;
// cuMemAlloc(&dOut, bufferSize); // Execute parent kernel.
// cuMemAlloc(&dIn, bufferSize); // Execute parent kernel.
// cuMemcpyHtoD(dIn, hIn, bufferSize);
// ngraph::runtime::gpu::cuda::kernel::emit_abs((void*) dIn , (void*) dOut, nt);
//void *argst[] = {&dIn, &dOut, &nt};
// cuLaunchKernel(kernel,
// numBlocks , 1, 1, // grid dim
// numThreads, 1, 1, // block dim
// 0, NULL, // shared mem and stream
// argst, 0)); // arguments
//CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cuCtxSynchronize()); // Retrieve and print output.
//cuMemcpyDtoH(hOut, dOut, bufferSize);
//for (size_t i = 0; i < nt; ++i) { std::cout << hOut[i] << '\n'; } // Release resources.
void runtime::gpu::GPU_Emitter::EmitAdd(codegen::CodeWriter& writer,
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