Commit 34c084e3 authored by Robert Kimball's avatar Robert Kimball Committed by Scott Cyphers

Remove deprecated methods (#3429)

parent 1ebd395c
......@@ -107,28 +107,6 @@ namespace ngraph
/// \param source The source tensor
virtual void copy_from(const ngraph::runtime::Tensor& source);
/// \brief Write bytes directly into the tensor
/// \param p Pointer to source of data
/// \param offset Offset into tensor storage to begin writing. Must be element-aligned.
/// \param n Number of bytes to write, must be integral number of elements.
void write(const void* p, size_t offset, size_t n)
NGRAPH_DEPRECATED("Use two-parameter write")
write(p, n);
/// \brief Read bytes directly from the tensor
/// \param p Pointer to destination for data
/// \param offset Offset into tensor storage to begin writing. Must be element-aligned.
/// \param n Number of bytes to read, must be integral number of elements.
void read(void* p, size_t offset, size_t n) const
NGRAPH_DEPRECATED("Use two-parameter read")
read(p, n);
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::descriptor::Tensor> m_descriptor;
bool m_stale;
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