Commit 308dc966 authored by Robert Kimball's avatar Robert Kimball Committed by Scott Cyphers

Fix so you can build with NGRAPH_JSON_ENABLE=OFF (#3003)

* wip

* build works with serialize disabled

* one more try

* disable unit test when json disabled

* handle case where serialize is disabled in python test

* one more fix
parent f5598012
......@@ -62,11 +62,14 @@ def test_serialization():
model = (parameter_a + parameter_b) * parameter_c
runtime = ng.runtime(backend_name=backend_name)
computation = runtime.computation(model, parameter_a, parameter_b, parameter_c)
serialized = computation.serialize(2)
serial_json = json.loads(serialized)
assert serial_json[0]['name'] != ''
assert 10 == len(serial_json[0]['ops'])
serialized = computation.serialize(2)
serial_json = json.loads(serialized)
assert serial_json[0]['name'] != ''
assert 10 == len(serial_json[0]['ops'])
except Exception:
input_data = np.array([1, 2, 3])
......@@ -62,3 +62,42 @@ namespace ngraph
/// Option may be enabled by setting the environment variable NGRAPH_SERIALIZER_OUTPUT_SHAPES
void set_serialize_output_shapes(bool enable);
// Rather than making every reference to the serializer conditionally compile here we just
// provide some null stubs to resolve link issues
// The `inline` is so we don't get multiple definitions of function
std::string inline ngraph::serialize(std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> func, size_t indent)
return "";
void inline ngraph::serialize(const std::string& path,
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> func,
size_t indent)
throw std::runtime_error("serializer disabled in build");
void inline ngraph::serialize(std::ostream& out,
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> func,
size_t indent)
throw std::runtime_error("serializer disabled in build");
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> inline ngraph::deserialize(std::istream& in)
throw std::runtime_error("serializer disabled in build");
std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function> inline ngraph::deserialize(const std::string& str)
throw std::runtime_error("serializer disabled in build");
void inline ngraph::set_serialize_output_shapes(bool enable)
throw std::runtime_error("serializer disabled in build");
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ TEST(backend_api, invalid_name)
TEST(backend_api, save_load)
Shape shape{2, 2};
......@@ -67,3 +68,4 @@ TEST(backend_api, save_load)
EXPECT_TRUE(test::all_close_f(read_vector<float>(result), {6.f, 8.f, 10.f, 12.f}));
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