Commit 2c03914e authored by L.S. Cook's avatar L.S. Cook Committed by Robert Kimball

Testing with searchtools js from zephyr project (#1647)

parent 5516df18
* jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library - v1.2.1 - 2/17/2010
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function($,p){var i,m=Array.prototype.slice,r=decodeURIComponent,a=$.param,c,l,v,b=$.bbq=$.bbq||{},q,u,j,e=$.event.special,d="hashchange",A="querystring",D="fragment",y="elemUrlAttr",g="location",k="href",t="src",x=/^.*\?|#.*$/g,w=/^.*\#/,h,C={};function E(F){return typeof F==="string"}function B(G){var,1);return function(){return G.apply(this,F.concat(}}function n(F){return F.replace(/^[^#]*#?(.*)$/,"$1")}function o(F){return F.replace(/(?:^[^?#]*\?([^#]*).*$)?.*/,"$1")}function f(H,M,F,I,G){var O,L,K,N,J;if(I!==i){K=F.match(H?/^([^#]*)\#?(.*)$/:/^([^#?]*)\??([^#]*)(#?.*)/);J=K[3]||"";if(G===2&&E(I)){L=I.replace(H?w:x,"")}else{N=l(K[2]);I=E(I)?l[H?D:A](I):I;L=G===2?I:G===1?$.extend({},I,N):$.extend({},N,I);L=a(L);if(H){L=L.replace(h,r)}}O=K[1]+(H?"#":L||!K[1]?"?":"")+L+J}else{O=M(F!==i?F:p[g][k])}return O}a[A]=B(f,0,o);a[D]=c=B(f,1,n);c.noEscape=function(G){G=G||"";var F=$.map(G.split(""),encodeURIComponent);h=new RegExp(F.join("|"),"g")};c.noEscape(",/");$.deparam=l=function(I,F){var H={},G={"true":!0,"false":!1,"null":null};$.each(I.replace(/\+/g," ").split("&"),function(L,Q){var K=Q.split("="),P=r(K[0]),J,O=H,M=0,R=P.split("]["),N=R.length-1;if(/\[/.test(R[0])&&/\]$/.test(R[N])){R[N]=R[N].replace(/\]$/,"");R=R.shift().split("[").concat(R);N=R.length-1}else{N=0}if(K.length===2){J=r(K[1]);if(F){J=J&&!isNaN(J)?+J:J==="undefined"?i:G[J]!==i?G[J]:J}if(N){for(;M<=N;M++){P=R[M]===""?O.length:R[M];O=O[P]=M<N?O[P]||(R[M+1]&&isNaN(R[M+1])?{}:[]):J}}else{if($.isArray(H[P])){H[P].push(J)}else{if(H[P]!==i){H[P]=[H[P],J]}else{H[P]=J}}}}else{if(P){H[P]=F?i:""}}});return H};function z(H,F,G){if(F===i||typeof F==="boolean"){G=F;F=a[H?D:A]()}else{F=E(F)?F.replace(H?w:x,""):F}return l(F,G)}l[A]=B(z,0);l[D]=v=B(z,1);$[y]||($[y]=function(F){return $.extend(C,F)})({a:k,base:k,iframe:t,img:t,input:t,form:"action",link:k,script:t});j=$[y];function s(I,G,H,F){if(!E(H)&&typeof H!=="object"){F=H;H=G;G=i}return this.each(function(){var L=$(this),J=G||j()[(this.nodeName||"").toLowerCase()]||"",K=J&&L.attr(J)||"";L.attr(J,a[I](K,H,F))})}$.fn[A]=B(s,A);$.fn[D]=B(s,D);b.pushState=q=function(I,F){if(E(I)&&/^#/.test(I)&&F===i){F=2}var H=I!==i,G=c(p[g][k],H?I:{},H?F:2);p[g][k]=G+(/#/.test(G)?"":"#")};b.getState=u=function(F,G){return F===i||typeof F==="boolean"?v(F):v(G)[F]};b.removeState=function(F){var G={};if(F!==i){G=u();$.each($.isArray(F)?F:arguments,function(I,H){delete G[H]})}q(G,2)};e[d]=$.extend(e[d],{add:function(F){var H;function G(J){var I=J[D]=c();J.getState=function(K,L){return K===i||typeof K==="boolean"?l(I,K):l(I,L)[K]};H.apply(this,arguments)}if($.isFunction(F)){H=F;return G}else{H=F.handler;F.handler=G}}})})(jQuery,this);
* jQuery hashchange event - v1.2 - 2/11/2010
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function($,i,b){var j,k=$.event.special,c="location",d="hashchange",l="href",f=$.browser,g=document.documentMode,h=f.msie&&(g===b||g<8),e="on"+d in i&&!h;function a(m){m=m||i[c][l];return m.replace(/^[^#]*#?(.*)$/,"$1")}$[d+"Delay"]=100;k[d]=$.extend(k[d],{setup:function(){if(e){return false}$(j.start)},teardown:function(){if(e){return false}$(j.stop)}});j=(function(){var m={},r,n,o,q;function p(){o=q=function(s){return s};if(h){n=$('<iframe src="javascript:0"/>').hide().insertAfter("body")[0].contentWindow;q=function(){return a(n.document[c][l])};o=function(u,s){if(u!==s){var t=n.document;;t[c].hash="#"+u}};o(a())}}m.start=function(){if(r){return}var t=a();o||p();(function s(){var v=a(),u=q(t);if(v!==t){o(t=v,u);$(i).trigger(d)}else{if(u!==t){i[c][l]=i[c][l].replace(/#.*/,"")+"#"+u}}r=setTimeout(s,$[d+"Delay"])})()};m.stop=function(){if(!n){r&&clearTimeout(r);r=0}};return m})()})(jQuery,this);
\ No newline at end of file
(function(b){b.fn.slideto=function(a){a=b.extend({slide_duration:"slow",highlight_duration:3E3,highlight:true,highlight_color:"#FFFF99"},a);return this.each(function(){obj=b(this);b("body").animate({scrollTop:obj.offset().top},a.slide_duration,function(){a.highlight&&b.ui.version&&obj.effect("highlight",{color:a.highlight_color},a.highlight_duration)})})}})(jQuery);
jQuery Wiggle
Author: WonderGroup, Jordan Thomas
License: MIT (
jQuery.fn.wiggle=function(o){var d={speed:50,wiggles:3,travel:5,callback:null};var o=jQuery.extend(d,o);return this.each(function(){var cache=this;var wrap=jQuery(this).wrap('<div class="wiggle-wrap"></div>').css("position","relative");var calls=0;for(i=1;i<=o.wiggles;i++){jQuery(this).animate({left:"-="},o.speed).animate({left:"+="*2},o.speed*2).animate({left:"-="},o.speed,function(){calls++;if(jQuery(cache).parent().hasClass('wiggle-wrap')){jQuery(cache).parent().replaceWith(cache);}
\ No newline at end of file
* searchtools.js_t
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Sphinx JavaScript utilities for the full-text search.
* :copyright: Copyright 2007-2018 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
* :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
/* Non-minified version JS is _stemmer.js if file is provided */
* Porter Stemmer
var Stemmer = function() {
var step2list = {
ational: 'ate',
tional: 'tion',
enci: 'ence',
anci: 'ance',
izer: 'ize',
bli: 'ble',
alli: 'al',
entli: 'ent',
eli: 'e',
ousli: 'ous',
ization: 'ize',
ation: 'ate',
ator: 'ate',
alism: 'al',
iveness: 'ive',
fulness: 'ful',
ousness: 'ous',
aliti: 'al',
iviti: 'ive',
biliti: 'ble',
logi: 'log'
var step3list = {
icate: 'ic',
ative: '',
alize: 'al',
iciti: 'ic',
ical: 'ic',
ful: '',
ness: ''
var c = "[^aeiou]"; // consonant
var v = "[aeiouy]"; // vowel
var C = c + "[^aeiouy]*"; // consonant sequence
var V = v + "[aeiou]*"; // vowel sequence
var mgr0 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C; // [C]VC... is m>0
var meq1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + "(" + V + ")?$"; // [C]VC[V] is m=1
var mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C; // [C]VCVC... is m>1
var s_v = "^(" + C + ")?" + v; // vowel in stem
this.stemWord = function (w) {
var stem;
var suffix;
var firstch;
var origword = w;
if (w.length < 3)
return w;
var re;
var re2;
var re3;
var re4;
firstch = w.substr(0,1);
if (firstch == "y")
w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1);
// Step 1a
re = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/;
re2 = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/;
if (re.test(w))
w = w.replace(re,"$1$2");
else if (re2.test(w))
w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2");
// Step 1b
re = /^(.+?)eed$/;
re2 = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
re = new RegExp(mgr0);
if (re.test(fp[1])) {
re = /.$/;
w = w.replace(re,"");
else if (re2.test(w)) {
var fp = re2.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
re2 = new RegExp(s_v);
if (re2.test(stem)) {
w = stem;
re2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/;
re3 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$");
re4 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
if (re2.test(w))
w = w + "e";
else if (re3.test(w)) {
re = /.$/;
w = w.replace(re,"");
else if (re4.test(w))
w = w + "e";
// Step 1c
re = /^(.+?)y$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
re = new RegExp(s_v);
if (re.test(stem))
w = stem + "i";
// Step 2
re = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
suffix = fp[2];
re = new RegExp(mgr0);
if (re.test(stem))
w = stem + step2list[suffix];
// Step 3
re = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
suffix = fp[2];
re = new RegExp(mgr0);
if (re.test(stem))
w = stem + step3list[suffix];
// Step 4
re = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/;
re2 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
re = new RegExp(mgr1);
if (re.test(stem))
w = stem;
else if (re2.test(w)) {
var fp = re2.exec(w);
stem = fp[1] + fp[2];
re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
if (re2.test(stem))
w = stem;
// Step 5
re = /^(.+?)e$/;
if (re.test(w)) {
var fp = re.exec(w);
stem = fp[1];
re = new RegExp(mgr1);
re2 = new RegExp(meq1);
re3 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem))))
w = stem;
re = /ll$/;
re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) {
re = /.$/;
w = w.replace(re,"");
// and turn initial Y back to y
if (firstch == "y")
w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1);
return w;
* Simple result scoring code.
var Scorer = {
// Implement the following function to further tweak the score for each result
// The function takes a result array [filename, title, anchor, descr, score]
// and returns the new score.
score: function(result) {
return result[4];
// query matches the full name of an object
objNameMatch: 11,
// or matches in the last dotted part of the object name
objPartialMatch: 6,
// Additive scores depending on the priority of the object
objPrio: {0: 15, // used to be importantResults
1: 5, // used to be objectResults
2: -5}, // used to be unimportantResults
// Used when the priority is not in the mapping.
objPrioDefault: 0,
// query found in title
title: 15,
// query found in terms
term: 5
var splitChars = (function() {
var result = {};
var singles = [96, 180, 187, 191, 215, 247, 749, 885, 903, 907, 909, 930, 1014, 1648,
1748, 1809, 2416, 2473, 2481, 2526, 2601, 2609, 2612, 2615, 2653, 2702,
2706, 2729, 2737, 2740, 2857, 2865, 2868, 2910, 2928, 2948, 2961, 2971,
2973, 3085, 3089, 3113, 3124, 3213, 3217, 3241, 3252, 3295, 3341, 3345,
3369, 3506, 3516, 3633, 3715, 3721, 3736, 3744, 3748, 3750, 3756, 3761,
3781, 3912, 4239, 4347, 4681, 4695, 4697, 4745, 4785, 4799, 4801, 4823,
4881, 5760, 5901, 5997, 6313, 7405, 8024, 8026, 8028, 8030, 8117, 8125,
8133, 8181, 8468, 8485, 8487, 8489, 8494, 8527, 11311, 11359, 11687, 11695,
11703, 11711, 11719, 11727, 11735, 12448, 12539, 43010, 43014, 43019, 43587,
43696, 43713, 64286, 64297, 64311, 64317, 64319, 64322, 64325, 65141];
var i, j, start, end;
for (i = 0; i < singles.length; i++) {
result[singles[i]] = true;
var ranges = [[0, 47], [58, 64], [91, 94], [123, 169], [171, 177], [182, 184], [706, 709],
[722, 735], [741, 747], [751, 879], [888, 889], [894, 901], [1154, 1161],
[1318, 1328], [1367, 1368], [1370, 1376], [1416, 1487], [1515, 1519], [1523, 1568],
[1611, 1631], [1642, 1645], [1750, 1764], [1767, 1773], [1789, 1790], [1792, 1807],
[1840, 1868], [1958, 1968], [1970, 1983], [2027, 2035], [2038, 2041], [2043, 2047],
[2070, 2073], [2075, 2083], [2085, 2087], [2089, 2307], [2362, 2364], [2366, 2383],
[2385, 2391], [2402, 2405], [2419, 2424], [2432, 2436], [2445, 2446], [2449, 2450],
[2483, 2485], [2490, 2492], [2494, 2509], [2511, 2523], [2530, 2533], [2546, 2547],
[2554, 2564], [2571, 2574], [2577, 2578], [2618, 2648], [2655, 2661], [2672, 2673],
[2677, 2692], [2746, 2748], [2750, 2767], [2769, 2783], [2786, 2789], [2800, 2820],
[2829, 2830], [2833, 2834], [2874, 2876], [2878, 2907], [2914, 2917], [2930, 2946],
[2955, 2957], [2966, 2968], [2976, 2978], [2981, 2983], [2987, 2989], [3002, 3023],
[3025, 3045], [3059, 3076], [3130, 3132], [3134, 3159], [3162, 3167], [3170, 3173],
[3184, 3191], [3199, 3204], [3258, 3260], [3262, 3293], [3298, 3301], [3312, 3332],
[3386, 3388], [3390, 3423], [3426, 3429], [3446, 3449], [3456, 3460], [3479, 3481],
[3518, 3519], [3527, 3584], [3636, 3647], [3655, 3663], [3674, 3712], [3717, 3718],
[3723, 3724], [3726, 3731], [3752, 3753], [3764, 3772], [3774, 3775], [3783, 3791],
[3802, 3803], [3806, 3839], [3841, 3871], [3892, 3903], [3949, 3975], [3980, 4095],
[4139, 4158], [4170, 4175], [4182, 4185], [4190, 4192], [4194, 4196], [4199, 4205],
[4209, 4212], [4226, 4237], [4250, 4255], [4294, 4303], [4349, 4351], [4686, 4687],
[4702, 4703], [4750, 4751], [4790, 4791], [4806, 4807], [4886, 4887], [4955, 4968],
[4989, 4991], [5008, 5023], [5109, 5120], [5741, 5742], [5787, 5791], [5867, 5869],
[5873, 5887], [5906, 5919], [5938, 5951], [5970, 5983], [6001, 6015], [6068, 6102],
[6104, 6107], [6109, 6111], [6122, 6127], [6138, 6159], [6170, 6175], [6264, 6271],
[6315, 6319], [6390, 6399], [6429, 6469], [6510, 6511], [6517, 6527], [6572, 6592],
[6600, 6607], [6619, 6655], [6679, 6687], [6741, 6783], [6794, 6799], [6810, 6822],
[6824, 6916], [6964, 6980], [6988, 6991], [7002, 7042], [7073, 7085], [7098, 7167],
[7204, 7231], [7242, 7244], [7294, 7400], [7410, 7423], [7616, 7679], [7958, 7959],
[7966, 7967], [8006, 8007], [8014, 8015], [8062, 8063], [8127, 8129], [8141, 8143],
[8148, 8149], [8156, 8159], [8173, 8177], [8189, 8303], [8306, 8307], [8314, 8318],
[8330, 8335], [8341, 8449], [8451, 8454], [8456, 8457], [8470, 8472], [8478, 8483],
[8506, 8507], [8512, 8516], [8522, 8525], [8586, 9311], [9372, 9449], [9472, 10101],
[10132, 11263], [11493, 11498], [11503, 11516], [11518, 11519], [11558, 11567],
[11622, 11630], [11632, 11647], [11671, 11679], [11743, 11822], [11824, 12292],
[12296, 12320], [12330, 12336], [12342, 12343], [12349, 12352], [12439, 12444],
[12544, 12548], [12590, 12592], [12687, 12689], [12694, 12703], [12728, 12783],
[12800, 12831], [12842, 12880], [12896, 12927], [12938, 12976], [12992, 13311],
[19894, 19967], [40908, 40959], [42125, 42191], [42238, 42239], [42509, 42511],
[42540, 42559], [42592, 42593], [42607, 42622], [42648, 42655], [42736, 42774],
[42784, 42785], [42889, 42890], [42893, 43002], [43043, 43055], [43062, 43071],
[43124, 43137], [43188, 43215], [43226, 43249], [43256, 43258], [43260, 43263],
[43302, 43311], [43335, 43359], [43389, 43395], [43443, 43470], [43482, 43519],
[43561, 43583], [43596, 43599], [43610, 43615], [43639, 43641], [43643, 43647],
[43698, 43700], [43703, 43704], [43710, 43711], [43715, 43738], [43742, 43967],
[44003, 44015], [44026, 44031], [55204, 55215], [55239, 55242], [55292, 55295],
[57344, 63743], [64046, 64047], [64110, 64111], [64218, 64255], [64263, 64274],
[64280, 64284], [64434, 64466], [64830, 64847], [64912, 64913], [64968, 65007],
[65020, 65135], [65277, 65295], [65306, 65312], [65339, 65344], [65371, 65381],
[65471, 65473], [65480, 65481], [65488, 65489], [65496, 65497]];
for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
start = ranges[i][0];
end = ranges[i][1];
for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
result[j] = true;
return result;
function splitQuery(query) {
var result = [];
var start = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
if (splitChars[query.charCodeAt(i)]) {
if (start !== -1) {
result.push(query.slice(start, i));
start = -1;
} else if (start === -1) {
start = i;
if (start !== -1) {
return result;
* Search Module
var Search = {
_index : null,
_queued_query : null,
_pulse_status : -1,
init : function() {
var params = $.getQueryParameters();
if (params.q) {
var query = params.q[0];
$('input[name="q"]')[0].value = query;
loadIndex : function(url) {
$.ajax({type: "GET", url: url, data: null,
dataType: "script", cache: true,
complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
if (textstatus != "success") {
document.getElementById("searchindexloader").src = url;
setIndex : function(index) {
var q;
this._index = index;
if ((q = this._queued_query) !== null) {
this._queued_query = null;
hasIndex : function() {
return this._index !== null;
deferQuery : function(query) {
this._queued_query = query;
stopPulse : function() {
this._pulse_status = 0;
startPulse : function() {
if (this._pulse_status >= 0)
function pulse() {
var i;
Search._pulse_status = (Search._pulse_status + 1) % 4;
var dotString = '';
for (i = 0; i < Search._pulse_status; i++)
dotString += '.';
if (Search._pulse_status > -1)
window.setTimeout(pulse, 500);
* perform a search for something (or wait until index is loaded)
performSearch : function(query) {
// create the required interface elements
this.out = $('#search-results');
this.title = $('<h2>' + _('Searching') + '</h2>').appendTo(this.out);
this.dots = $('<span></span>').appendTo(this.title);
this.status = $('<p style="display: none"></p>').appendTo(this.out);
this.output = $('<ul class="search"/>').appendTo(this.out);
$('#search-progress').text(_('Preparing search...'));
// index already loaded, the browser was quick!
if (this.hasIndex())
* execute search (requires search index to be loaded)
query : function(query) {
var i;
var stopwords = ["a","and","are","as","at","be","but","by","for","if","in","into","is","it","near","no","not","of","on","or","such","that","the","their","then","there","these","they","this","to","was","will","with"];
// stem the searchterms and add them to the correct list
var stemmer = new Stemmer();
var searchterms = [];
var excluded = [];
var hlterms = [];
var tmp = splitQuery(query);
var objectterms = [];
for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
if (tmp[i] !== "") {
if ($u.indexOf(stopwords, tmp[i].toLowerCase()) != -1 || tmp[i].match(/^\d+$/) ||
tmp[i] === "") {
// skip this "word"
// stem the word
var word = stemmer.stemWord(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
// prevent stemmer from cutting word smaller than two chars
if(word.length < 3 && tmp[i].length >= 3) {
word = tmp[i];
var toAppend;
// select the correct list
if (word[0] == '-') {
toAppend = excluded;
word = word.substr(1);
else {
toAppend = searchterms;
// only add if not already in the list
if (!$u.contains(toAppend, word))
var highlightstring = '?highlight=' + $.urlencode(hlterms.join(" "));
// console.debug('SEARCH: searching for:');
//'required: ', searchterms);
//'excluded: ', excluded);
// prepare search
var terms = this._index.terms;
var titleterms = this._index.titleterms;
// array of [filename, title, anchor, descr, score]
var results = [];
// lookup as object
for (i = 0; i < objectterms.length; i++) {
var others = [].concat(objectterms.slice(0, i),
objectterms.slice(i+1, objectterms.length));
results = results.concat(this.performObjectSearch(objectterms[i], others));
// lookup as search terms in fulltext
results = results.concat(this.performTermsSearch(searchterms, excluded, terms, titleterms));
// let the scorer override scores with a custom scoring function
if (Scorer.score) {
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
results[i][4] = Scorer.score(results[i]);
// now sort the results by score (in opposite order of appearance, since the
// display function below uses pop() to retrieve items) and then
// alphabetically
results.sort(function(a, b) {
var left = a[4];
var right = b[4];
if (left > right) {
return 1;
} else if (left < right) {
return -1;
} else {
// same score: sort alphabetically
left = a[1].toLowerCase();
right = b[1].toLowerCase();
return (left > right) ? -1 : ((left < right) ? 1 : 0);
// for debugging
//Search.lastresults = results.slice(); // a copy
//'search results:', Search.lastresults);
// print the results
var resultCount = results.length;
function displayNextItem() {
// results left, load the summary and display it
if (results.length) {
var item = results.pop();
var listItem = $('<li style="display:none"></li>');
// dirhtml builder
var dirname = item[0] + '/';
if (dirname.match(/\/index\/$/)) {
dirname = dirname.substring(0, dirname.length-6);
} else if (dirname == 'index/') {
dirname = '';
highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
} else {
// normal html builders
highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
if (item[3]) {
listItem.append($('<span> (' + item[3] + ')</span>'));
listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
if (suffix === undefined) {
suffix = '.txt';
$.ajax({url: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT + '_sources/' + item[5] + (item[5].slice(-suffix.length) === suffix ? '' : suffix),
dataType: "text",
complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
//var data = jqxhr.responseText;
var data = jqxhr.responseText;
if (data !== '' && data !== undefined) {
// strip off much of the ReST syntax:
// .. directivename:: .. _lablehere:
// :rolename:`name`
// runs of 3+ (title) underlines (#*+-_)
// stuff between angle brackets (e.g.,in link definitions)
// stray backticks
listItem.append(Search.makeSearchSummary(data.replace(/(\.\..*:[:]*)|(:[^:]+:`[^`]+`)|([#\*=\-_+]{3,})|(\<[^\>]+\>)|(`_*)/ig,""), searchterms, hlterms));
listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
} else {
// no source available, just display title
listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
// search finished, update title and status message
else {
Search.title.text(_('Search Results'));
if (!resultCount)
Search.status.text(_('Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you\'ve selected enough categories.'));
Search.status.text(_('Search finished, found %s page(s) matching the search query.').replace('%s', resultCount));
* search for object names
performObjectSearch : function(object, otherterms) {
var filenames = this._index.filenames;
var docnames = this._index.docnames;
var objects = this._index.objects;
var objnames = this._index.objnames;
var titles = this._index.titles;
var i;
var results = [];
for (var prefix in objects) {
for (var name in objects[prefix]) {
var fullname = (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + name;
if (fullname.toLowerCase().indexOf(object) > -1) {
var score = 0;
var parts = fullname.split('.');
// check for different match types: exact matches of full name or
// "last name" (i.e. last dotted part)
if (fullname == object || parts[parts.length - 1] == object) {
score += Scorer.objNameMatch;
// matches in last name
} else if (parts[parts.length - 1].indexOf(object) > -1) {
score += Scorer.objPartialMatch;
var match = objects[prefix][name];
var objname = objnames[match[1]][2];
var title = titles[match[0]];
// If more than one term searched for, we require other words to be
// found in the name/title/description
if (otherterms.length > 0) {
var haystack = (prefix + ' ' + name + ' ' +
objname + ' ' + title).toLowerCase();
var allfound = true;
for (i = 0; i < otherterms.length; i++) {
if (haystack.indexOf(otherterms[i]) == -1) {
allfound = false;
if (!allfound) {
var descr = objname + _(', in ') + title;
var anchor = match[3];
if (anchor === '')
anchor = fullname;
else if (anchor == '-')
anchor = objnames[match[1]][1] + '-' + fullname;
// add custom score for some objects according to scorer
if (Scorer.objPrio.hasOwnProperty(match[2])) {
score += Scorer.objPrio[match[2]];
} else {
score += Scorer.objPrioDefault;
results.push([docnames[match[0]], fullname, '#'+anchor, descr, score, filenames[match[0]]]);
return results;
* search for full-text terms in the index
performTermsSearch : function(searchterms, excluded, terms, titleterms) {
var docnames = this._index.docnames;
var filenames = this._index.filenames;
var titles = this._index.titles;
var i, j, file;
var fileMap = {};
var scoreMap = {};
var results = [];
// perform the search on the required terms
for (i = 0; i < searchterms.length; i++) {
var word = searchterms[i];
var files = [];
var _o = [
{files: terms[word], score: Scorer.term},
{files: titleterms[word], score: Scorer.title}
// no match but word was a required one
if ($u.every(_o, function(o){return o.files === undefined;})) {
// found search word in contents
$u.each(_o, function(o) {
var _files = o.files;
if (_files === undefined)
if (_files.length === undefined)
_files = [_files];
files = files.concat(_files);
// set score for the word in each file to Scorer.term
for (j = 0; j < _files.length; j++) {
file = _files[j];
if (!(file in scoreMap))
scoreMap[file] = {}
scoreMap[file][word] = o.score;
// create the mapping
for (j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
file = files[j];
if (file in fileMap)
fileMap[file] = [word];
// now check if the files don't contain excluded terms
for (file in fileMap) {
var valid = true;
// check if all requirements are matched
if (fileMap[file].length != searchterms.length)
// ensure that none of the excluded terms is in the search result
for (i = 0; i < excluded.length; i++) {
if (terms[excluded[i]] == file ||
titleterms[excluded[i]] == file ||
$u.contains(terms[excluded[i]] || [], file) ||
$u.contains(titleterms[excluded[i]] || [], file)) {
valid = false;
// if we have still a valid result we can add it to the result list
if (valid) {
// select one (max) score for the file.
// for better ranking, we should calculate ranking by using words statistics like basic tf-idf...
var score = $u.max($[file], function(w){return scoreMap[file][w]}));
results.push([docnames[file], titles[file], '', null, score, filenames[file]]);
return results;
* helper function to return a node containing the
* search summary for a given text. keywords is a list
* of stemmed words, hlwords is the list of normal, unstemmed
* words. the first one is used to find the occurrence, the
* latter for highlighting it.
makeSearchSummary : function(text, keywords, hlwords) {
var textLower = text.toLowerCase();
var start = 0;
$.each(keywords, function() {
var i = textLower.indexOf(this.toLowerCase());
if (i > -1)
start = i;
start = Math.max(start - 120, 0);
var excerpt = ((start > 0) ? '...' : '') +
$.trim(text.substr(start, 240)) +
((start + 240 - text.length) ? '...' : '');
var rv = $('<div class="context"></div>').text(excerpt);
$.each(hlwords, function() {
rv = rv.highlightText(this, 'highlighted');
return rv;
$(document).ready(function() {
var appName;
var popupMask;
var popupDialog;
var clientId;
var realm;
var oauth2KeyName;
var redirect_uri;
function handleLogin() {
var scopes = [];
var auths = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes || window.swaggerUi.api.securityDefinitions;
if(auths) {
var key;
var defs = auths;
for(key in defs) {
var auth = defs[key];
if(auth.type === 'oauth2' && auth.scopes) {
oauth2KeyName = key;
var scope;
if(Array.isArray(auth.scopes)) {
// 1.2 support
var i;
for(i = 0; i < auth.scopes.length; i++) {
else {
// 2.0 support
for(scope in auth.scopes) {
scopes.push({scope: scope, description: auth.scopes[scope]});
&& {
appName =;
popupDialog = $(
'<div class="api-popup-dialog">',
'<div class="api-popup-title">Select OAuth2.0 Scopes</div>',
'<div class="api-popup-content">',
'<p>Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the end user. Each API may declare one or more scopes.',
'<a href="#">Learn how to use</a>',
'<p><strong>' + appName + '</strong> API requires the following scopes. Select which ones you want to grant to Swagger UI.</p>',
'<ul class="api-popup-scopes">',
'<p class="error-msg"></p>',
'<div class="api-popup-actions"><button class="api-popup-authbtn api-button green" type="button">Authorize</button><button class="api-popup-cancel api-button gray" type="button">Cancel</button></div>',
popup = popupDialog.find('ul.api-popup-scopes').empty();
for (i = 0; i < scopes.length; i ++) {
scope = scopes[i];
str = '<li><input type="checkbox" id="scope_' + i + '" scope="' + scope.scope + '"/>' + '<label for="scope_' + i + '">' + scope.scope;
if (scope.description) {
str += '<br/><span class="api-scope-desc">' + scope.description + '</span>';
str += '</label></li>';
var $win = $(window),
dw = $win.width(),
dh = $win.height(),
st = $win.scrollTop(),
dlgWd = popupDialog.outerWidth(),
dlgHt = popupDialog.outerHeight(),
top = (dh -dlgHt)/2 + st,
left = (dw - dlgWd)/2;
top: (top < 0? 0 : top) + 'px',
left: (left < 0? 0 : left) + 'px'
popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-cancel').click(function() {
popupDialog = [];
popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-authbtn').click(function() {
var authSchemes = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes;
var host = window.location;
var pathname = location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
var defaultRedirectUrl = host.protocol + '//' + + pathname + '/o2c.html';
var redirectUrl = window.oAuthRedirectUrl || defaultRedirectUrl;
var url = null;
for (var key in authSchemes) {
if (authSchemes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var flow = authSchemes[key].flow;
if(authSchemes[key].type === 'oauth2' && flow && (flow === 'implicit' || flow === 'accessCode')) {
var dets = authSchemes[key];
url = dets.authorizationUrl + '?response_type=' + (flow === 'implicit' ? 'token' : 'code');
window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName || 'access_token';
window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl = (flow === 'accessCode' ? dets.tokenUrl : null);
else if(authSchemes[key].grantTypes) {
// 1.2 support
var o = authSchemes[key].grantTypes;
for(var t in o) {
if(o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'implicit') {
var dets = o[t];
var ep = dets.loginEndpoint.url;
url = dets.loginEndpoint.url + '?response_type=token';
window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
else if (o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'accessCode') {
var dets = o[t];
var ep = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url;
url = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url + '?response_type=code';
window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
var scopes = []
var o = $('.api-popup-scopes').find('input:checked');
for(k =0; k < o.length; k++) {
var scope = $(o[k]).attr('scope');
if (scopes.indexOf(scope) === -1)
// Implicit auth recommends a state parameter.
var state = Math.random ();
redirect_uri = redirectUrl;
url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl);
url += '&realm=' + encodeURIComponent(realm);
url += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(clientId);
url += '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scopes.join(' '));
url += '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(state);;
function handleLogout() {
for(key in window.authorizations.authz){
window.enabledScopes = null;
// set the info box
function initOAuth(opts) {
var o = (opts||{});
var errors = [];
appName = (o.appName||errors.push('missing appName'));
popupMask = (o.popupMask||$('#api-common-mask'));
popupDialog = (o.popupDialog||$('.api-popup-dialog'));
clientId = (o.clientId||errors.push('missing client id'));
realm = (o.realm||errors.push('missing realm'));
if(errors.length > 0){
log('auth unable initialize oauth: ' + errors);
$('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)});
$('.api-ic').click(function(s) {
else {
window.processOAuthCode = function processOAuthCode(data) {
var params = {
'client_id': clientId,
'code': data.code,
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri': redirect_uri
url : window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl,
type: "POST",
data: params,
success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
window.onOAuthComplete = function onOAuthComplete(token) {
if(token) {
if(token.error) {
var checkbox = $('input[type=checkbox],.secured')
checkbox[pos].checked = false;
else {
var b = token[window.swaggerUi.tokenName];
// if all roles are satisfied
var o = null;
$.each($('.auth #api_information_panel'), function(k, v) {
var children = v;
if(children && children.childNodes) {
var requiredScopes = [];
$.each((children.childNodes), function (k1, v1){
var inner = v1.innerHTML;
var diff = [];
for(var i=0; i < requiredScopes.length; i++) {
var s = requiredScopes[i];
if(window.enabledScopes && window.enabledScopes.indexOf(s) == -1) {
if(diff.length > 0){
o = v.parentNode;
// sorry, not all scopes are satisfied
else {
o = v.parentNode;
// all scopes are satisfied
window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add(oauth2KeyName, new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + b, 'header'));
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