Commit 22d1e52b authored by Nishant Patel's avatar Nishant Patel Committed by adstraw

Remove examples from pybind wrapper (#698)

* Remove examples from pybind wrapper
* Adding back example (
parent 09706d86
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************
from ngraph.impl import Type, Function
from ngraph.impl import Node, Shape, AxisVector, AxisSet
from ngraph.impl.op import Parameter, Maximum, Reshape, Dot, Broadcast
from ngraph.impl.op import Constant, Exp, Log, Sum
from ngraph.impl.op import Greater, Convert, Reduce
from ngraph.impl.op import OneHot
from typing import List, Dict, Set
float_element_type = Type.f32
int_element_type = Type.i32
bz = 53
lr = 0.2
Input = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([bz, 28, 28]))
Label = Parameter(int_element_type, Shape([bz]))
LabelOneHot = Convert((OneHot(Label, Shape([bz, 10]), 1)), float_element_type)
MaxParam1 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([]))
MaxParam2 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([]))
MaxFn = Function(Maximum(MaxParam1, MaxParam2),
[MaxParam1, MaxParam2],
def make_scalar_constant(elem_type, scalar, shape=None, axis_set=None):
# type: (int, float, List[int], Set[int]) -> float
"""Create a Constant node for scalar value."""
if shape is None:
shape = Shape([])
if axis_set is None:
axis_set = AxisSet(set())
scalar_shape = Shape([]) # type: List[int]
constant_op = Constant(elem_type, scalar_shape, [scalar])
constant_broadcast = Broadcast(constant_op, shape, axis_set)
return constant_broadcast
def make_float32_constant(scalar, shape=None, axis_set=None):
# type: (float, List[int], Set[int]) -> float
"""Create a Constant node for float value."""
if shape is None:
shape = []
if axis_set is None:
axis_set = set()
return make_scalar_constant(Type.f32, scalar, Shape(shape), AxisSet(axis_set))
def make_float32_constant_like(scalar, op): # type: (float, Node) -> float
"""Create a Constant node for float value."""
v = set()
shape = op.get_shape()
for i in range(len(shape)):
return make_float32_constant(scalar, Shape(shape), AxisSet(v))
def transpose(op, order): # type: (Node, List[int]) -> Node
"""Transpose data via reshape."""
v = []
for i in range(len(order)):
new_shape = v
return Reshape(op, AxisVector(order), Shape(new_shape))
def relu(op): # type: (Node) -> Node
"""Relu operator."""
return Maximum(op, make_float32_constant_like(0., op))
# Flatten
X1 = Reshape(Input, AxisVector([0, 1, 2]), Shape([bz, 784]))
# Normalize
X2 = X1 / make_float32_constant_like(255., X1)
# Affine 1
W1 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([784, 100]))
b1 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([100]))
X3 = Dot(X2, W1) + Broadcast(b1, Shape([bz, 100]), AxisSet({0}))
X4 = relu(X3)
# Affine 2
W2 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([100, 10]))
b2 = Parameter(float_element_type, Shape([10]))
X5 = Dot(X4, W2) + Broadcast(b2, Shape([bz, 10]), AxisSet({0}))
# Softmax
Logits = X5
Exp = Exp(Logits)
Max = Reduce(Exp, make_float32_constant(0., [], set()), MaxFn, AxisSet({1}))
MaxBroadcast = Broadcast(Max, Shape([bz, 10]), AxisSet({1}))
Softmax = Exp / MaxBroadcast
# Loss
LogSoftmax = Log(Softmax)
Loss = Sum(LogSoftmax * LabelOneHot, AxisSet({0, 1})) / make_float32_constant(float(bz), [], set())
# Derivatives
dLogits = Softmax - LabelOneHot
dX5 = dLogits
dX4 = Dot(dX5, transpose(W2, Shape([1, 0])))
dW2 = Dot(transpose(X4, Shape([1, 0])), dX5)
db2 = Sum(dX5, AxisSet({0}))
dX3 = Convert((Greater(X3, make_float32_constant(0., [bz, 100], {0, 1}))), float_element_type) * dX4
dX2 = Dot(dX3, transpose(W1, Shape([1, 0])))
dW1 = Dot(transpose(X2, Shape([1, 0])), dX3)
db1 = Sum(dX3, AxisSet({0}))
nW1 = W1 - make_float32_constant_like(lr, dW1) * dW1
nb1 = b1 - make_float32_constant_like(lr, db1) * db1
nW2 = W2 - make_float32_constant_like(lr, dW2) * dW2
nb2 = b2 - make_float32_constant_like(lr, db2) * db2
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