Unverified Commit 22347363 authored by DawnStone's avatar DawnStone Committed by GitHub

modified references to the repo to reflect ngraph-cpp (#589)

parent ef8b5399
# Environment to build and unit-test private-ngraph-cpp
# Environment to build and unit-test ngraph-cpp
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Environment to build and unit-test private-ngraph-cpp on centos74
# Environment to build and unit-test ngraph-cpp on centos74
# with gcc 4.8.5
# with python 2.7
# with cmake3
# Environment to build and unit-test private-ngraph-cpp
# Environment to build and unit-test ngraph-cpp
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Environment to build and unit-test private-ngraph-cpp
# Environment to build and unit-test ngraph-cpp
FROM ubuntu:16.04
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