Commit 08285051 authored by Sergey Shalnov's avatar Sergey Shalnov Committed by Robert Kimball

IntelGPU backend: Concat operation fix for single element (#2579)

parent 407c0bc0
......@@ -1195,15 +1195,16 @@ void runtime::intelgpu::do_concat_operation(cldnn::topology& topology,
if (idx == input_shapes.size() - 1)
// last kernel should produce the output name as overall node required
name_suffix = "";
kernel_arguments = get_kernel_args(2, 1);
// last kernel should produce the output name as overall node required
if (idx == input_shapes.size() - 1)
name_suffix = "";
const cldnn::custom_gpu_primitive op_concat(output_name + name_suffix,
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