Commit 02c56a01 authored by Amy Zhuang's avatar Amy Zhuang Committed by Sang Ik Lee

Fix a bug in mkldnn emitter. (#2878)

parent 0b155f9c
......@@ -853,8 +853,8 @@ void MKLDNNEmitter::build_max_pooling_backward(std::vector<mkldnn::primitive*>&
mkldnn::pooling_forward::primitive_desc fwd_pd{fwd_pool_desc, executor::global_cpu_engine};
size_t ws_index = m_primitive_deps[fwd_pool_index][2];
build_memory_primitive(fwd_pd.workspace_primitive_desc().desc(), ws_index);
size_t ws_index = fdeps[2];
build_memory_primitive(mkldnn_primitives, fwd_pd.workspace_primitive_desc().desc(), ws_index);
bdeps[1] = ws_index;
// Allocate workspace
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