Commit 00333155 authored by tomdol's avatar tomdol

Code documentation

parent 7333a4f5
......@@ -54,22 +54,39 @@ void regclass_pyngraph_Function(py::module m)
return "<" + class_name + ": '" + self.get_friendly_name() + "' (" + shape + ")>";
function.def_static("from_capsule", [](py::object* capsule) {
// get the underlying PyObject* which is a PyCapsule pointer
auto* pybind_capsule_ptr = capsule->ptr();
// extract the pointer stored in the PyCapsule under the name CAPSULE_NAME
auto* capsule_ptr = PyCapsule_GetPointer(pybind_capsule_ptr, CAPSULE_NAME);
auto* ngraph_function = static_cast<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>*>(capsule_ptr);
return *ngraph_function;
auto* ngraph_function = static_cast<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>*>(capsule_ptr);
if (ngraph_function)
return *ngraph_function;
return nullptr;
function.def_static("to_capsule", [](std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>& ngraph_function) {
// create a shared pointer on the heap before putting it in the capsule
// this secures the lifetime of the object transferred by the capsule
auto* sp_copy = new std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>(ngraph_function);
auto pybind_capsule = py::capsule(sp_copy, CAPSULE_NAME, [](PyObject* capsule) {
// a destructor callback that will delete the heap allocated shared_ptr
// when the capsule is destructed
auto sp_deleter = [](PyObject* capsule) {
auto* capsule_ptr = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, CAPSULE_NAME);
auto* function_sp = static_cast<std::shared_ptr<ngraph::Function>*>(capsule_ptr);
if (function_sp)
delete function_sp;
// put the shared_ptr in a new capsule under the same name as in "from_capsule"
auto pybind_capsule = py::capsule(sp_copy, CAPSULE_NAME, sp_deleter);
return pybind_capsule;
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