Unverified Commit 00125a23 authored by Adam Procter's avatar Adam Procter Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #235 from NervanaSystems/cyphers/adiffinout

Get tuples out of autodiff
parents 5fe18494 2e42fe27
......@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
using namespace ngraph;
/// @brief Make a zero matching a value type.
std::shared_ptr<Node> make_zero(const std::shared_ptr<const ValueType>& value_type);
std::shared_ptr<Node> make_zero(const std::shared_ptr<const TensorViewType>& tensor_view_type)
std::shared_ptr<Node> zero =
......@@ -50,34 +47,6 @@ std::shared_ptr<Node> make_zero(const std::shared_ptr<const TensorViewType>& ten
return zero;
std::shared_ptr<Node> make_zero(const std::shared_ptr<const TupleType>& tuple_type)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> elements;
for (auto& value_type : tuple_type->get_element_types())
return std::make_shared<op::Tuple>(elements);
std::shared_ptr<Node> make_zero(const std::shared_ptr<const ValueType>& value_type)
std::shared_ptr<const TensorViewType> tensor_view_type =
std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const TensorViewType>(value_type);
if (nullptr != tensor_view_type)
return (make_zero(tensor_view_type));
std::shared_ptr<const TupleType> tuple_type =
std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const TupleType>(value_type);
if (nullptr != tuple_type)
return make_zero(tuple_type);
// Should be impossible
throw ngraph_error("Unknown value type");
autodiff::Adjoints::Adjoints(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& y, const std::shared_ptr<Node>& c)
// Pass 1 determines which nodes contribute to y as well as setting up a reverse
......@@ -143,7 +112,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<Node> autodiff::Adjoints::get(const std::shared_ptr<Node>& x)
auto adjoint_it = m_adjoint_map.find(x.get());
if (m_adjoint_map.end() == adjoint_it)
auto result = make_zero(x->get_value_type());
auto result = make_zero(x->get_outputs().at(0).get_tensor_view_type());
adjoint_it = m_adjoint_map.insert({x.get(), result}).first;
return adjoint_it->second;
......@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ namespace ngraph
const std::set<Input*>& get_inputs() const { return m_inputs; }
const Tensor& get_tensor() const;
Tensor& get_tensor();
/// @return the tensor view type for the connected output
std::shared_ptr<const TensorViewType> get_tensor_view_type() const
return get_tensor_view()->get_tensor_view_type();
Node* m_node;
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