• L.S. Cook's avatar
    Leona/alpha docrelease cleanup (#538) · 3e5aa370
    L.S. Cook authored
    * More op doc
    * Add working doxygenclass import to reST file
    * Cleanup punctuation on wording in tables, no punctuation for fragments, remove autodoc extension since we use breathe
    * Support Github rendering of cc-README
    * Fix sp for basic accessors and update to show mathcal syntax in rst
    * modify earlier change after checking what is supposed to render
    * Resolve spacing error on rst syntax
    * updates for PR to be even with master
floor.rst 1.6 KB


Floor  // Elementwise floor operation


Produces a single output tensor of the same element type and shape as arg, where the value at each coordinate of output is the floor of the value at each arg coordinate.


Name Element Type Shape
arg Any Any


Name Element Type Shape
output Same as arg Same as arg

Mathematical Definition

\mathtt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} = \lfloor \mathtt{arg}_{i_0,
\ldots, i_{n-1}}\rfloor


Not defined by nGraph.

The backprop would be zero for non-integer input and undefined for integer input; a zero backprop would have no effect on the backprop to arg, so there is no need for Floor to define a backprop.

C++ Interface