batch_norm_training_backprop.rst 4.76 KB
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.. batch_norm_training_backprop.rst:


.. code-block:: cpp

   BatchNormTrainingBackprop  // Compute mean and variance backprop from the input.


Computes the ``input``, ``gamma`` and ``beta`` backprop increments.


| Name                 | Element Type            | Shape                        |
| ``input``            | real                    | :math:`(\bullet, C, \ldots)` |
| ``gamma``            | same as ``input``       | :math:`(C)`                  |
| ``beta``             | same as ``input``       | :math:`(C)`                  |
| ``mean``             | same as ``input``       | :math:`(C)`                  |
| ``variance``         | same as ``input``       | :math:`(C)`                  |
| ``normalized_delta`` | same as ``input``       | same as ``input``            |


| Name             | Type               | Notes                                                  |
| ``epsilon``      | ``double``         | Small bias added to variance to avoid division by 0.   |


| Name                | Element Type            | Shape                       |
| ``input_delta``     | same as ``input``       | Same as ``input``           |
| ``gamma_delta``     | same as ``gamma``       | :math:`(C)`                 |
| ``beta_delta``      | same as ``beta``        | :math:`(C)`                 |

Mathematical Definition

It is easiest to simplify by looking at a single channel and flattening the
remaining axes into a vector; so ``gamma`` and ``beta`` are scalars, and ``input`` is an
:math:`N`-element vector.

The step by step forward training computation is

.. math::
   \mathtt{mean} &= \frac{\sum{\mathtt{input}_i}}{N}\\
   \mathtt{centered}_i &= \mathtt{input}_i - \mathtt{mean}\\
   \mathtt{square}_i &= \mathtt{centered}_i^2\\
   \mathtt{variance} &= \frac{\sum \mathtt{square}_i}{N}\\
   \mathtt{invsqrt} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mathtt{variance}+\epsilon}}\\
   \mathtt{gmul} &= \texttt{gamma}\cdot \mathtt{invsqrt}\\
   \mathtt{normed}_i &= \mathtt{centered}_i\mathtt{gmul}+\texttt{beta}

Using the notation :math:`\overline{\texttt{name}}` for :math:`\texttt{name_delta}`
and :math:`\overline{x} \leftarrow y`
to mean the backprop value for :math:`\texttt{x_delta}` is a sum that includes :math:`y`.

We work backwards

.. math::

   \overline{\texttt{beta}}&\leftarrow \overline{\texttt{normed}}\\
   \overline{\texttt{gmul}}&\leftarrow \sum \overline{\texttt{normed}}_i\\
   \overline{\texttt{gamma}}&\leftarrow \overline{\texttt{gmul}}\cdot\texttt{invsqrt}\\
   \overline{\texttt{variance}}&\leftarrow -\frac{\overline{\texttt{invsqrt}}\cdot\texttt{invsqrt}}{2\cdot(\texttt{variance}+\epsilon)}\\
   \overline{\texttt{centered}}_i&\leftarrow 2\cdot\texttt{centered}_i\cdot\overline{\texttt{square}}_i\\

C++ Interface

.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::BatchNormTrainingBackprop
   :project: ngraph