one_hot.rst 2 KB
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.. one_hot.rst:


.. code-block:: cpp

   OneHot  // One-hot expansion



| Name            | Element Type            | Shape                                                   |
| ``arg``         | Any                     | :math:`d_1,\dots,d_{m-1},d_{m+1},\dots,d_n)~(n \geq 0)` |


| Name             | Description                                                    |
| ``shape``        | The desired output shape, including the new one-hot axis.      |
| ``one_hot_axis`` | The index within the output shape of the new one-hot axis.     |


| Name            | Element Type            | Shape                          |
| ``output``      | Same as ``arg``         | ``shape``                      |

Mathematical Definition

.. math::

   \mathtt{output}_{i_0, \ldots, i_{n-1}} =
   1&\text{if }i_{\mathtt{one\_hot\_axis}} = \mathtt{arg}_{(i : i\ne \mathtt{one\_hot\_axis})}\\

C++ Interface

.. doxygenclass:: ngraph::op::OneHot
   :project: ngraph