--- title: "mg_next_comma_list_entry()" decl_name: "mg_next_comma_list_entry" symbol_kind: "func" signature: | const char *mg_next_comma_list_entry(const char *list, struct mg_str *val, struct mg_str *eq_val); --- A helper function for traversing a comma separated list of values. It returns a list pointer shifted to the next value, or NULL if the end of the list found. Value is stored in val vector. If value has form "x=y", then eq_val vector is initialized to point to the "y" part, and val vector length is adjusted to point only to "x". If list is just a comma separated list of entries, like "aa,bb,cc" then `eq_val` will contain zero-length string. The purpose of this function is to parse comma separated string without any copying/memory allocation.