/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cesanta Software Limited * All rights reserved */ #include "data.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "gpio_if.h" #include "bm222.h" #include "tmp006.h" struct temp_data { double ts; double volt; double temp; }; struct conn_state { struct temp_data td; double last_sent_td; unsigned char led; double last_sent_led; double last_sent_acc; }; static int s_tmp006_addr; static struct temp_data s_temp_data; static struct bm222_ctx *s_accel_ctx; void data_init_sensors(int tmp006_addr, int bm222_addr) { s_tmp006_addr = tmp006_addr; if (!tmp006_init(tmp006_addr, TMP006_CONV_2, false)) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to init temperature sensor")); } else { LOG(LL_INFO, ("Temperature sensor initialized")); } s_accel_ctx = bm222_init(bm222_addr); if (s_accel_ctx == NULL) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Failed to init accelerometer")); } else { LOG(LL_INFO, ("Accelerometer initialized")); } } void data_collect() { double volt = tmp006_read_sensor_voltage(s_tmp006_addr); double temp = tmp006_read_die_temp(s_tmp006_addr); if (volt != TMP006_INVALID_READING && temp != TMP006_INVALID_READING) { s_temp_data.temp = temp; s_temp_data.volt = volt; s_temp_data.ts = mg_time(); LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("V = %lf mV, T = %lf C", volt, temp)); } bm222_get_data(s_accel_ctx); } static void send_temp(struct mg_connection *nc, const struct temp_data *td) { if (td->ts == 0) return; mg_printf_websocket_frame(nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, "{\"t\": 0, \"ts\": %lf, \"sv\": %lf, \"dt\": %lf}", td->ts, td->volt, td->temp); } static void send_led(struct mg_connection *nc, double ts, unsigned char led) { if (ts == 0) return; mg_printf_websocket_frame(nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, "{\"t\": 1, \"ts\": %lf, \"v\": %d}", ts, led); } static void send_acc_sample(struct mg_connection *nc, const struct bm222_sample *s) { if (s->ts == 0) return; mg_printf_websocket_frame( nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, "{\"t\": 2, \"ts\": %lf, \"x\": %d, \"y\": %d, \"z\": %d}", s->ts, s->x, s->y, s->z); } static double send_acc_data_since(struct mg_connection *nc, const struct bm222_ctx *ctx, double since) { int i = (ctx->last_index + 1) % BM222_NUM_SAMPLES, n = BM222_NUM_SAMPLES; double last_sent_ts = 0; for (; n > 0; i = (i + 1) % BM222_NUM_SAMPLES, n--) { const struct bm222_sample *s = ctx->data + i; if (s->ts <= since) continue; send_acc_sample(nc, s); last_sent_ts = s->ts; } return last_sent_ts; } static void process_command(struct mg_connection *nc, unsigned char *data, size_t len) { struct json_token *toks = parse_json2((const char *) data, len); if (toks == NULL) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Invalid command: %.*s", (int) len, data)); return; } struct json_token *t = find_json_token(toks, "t"); if (t == NULL) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Missing type field: %.*s", (int) len, data)); goto out_free; } if (t->len == 1 && *t->ptr == '1') { struct json_token *v = find_json_token(toks, "v"); if (v == NULL) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Missing value: %.*s", (int) len, data)); goto out_free; } if (v->len != 1) { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Invalid value: %.*s", (int) len, data)); goto out_free; } switch (*v->ptr) { case '0': { GPIO_IF_LedOff(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); break; } case '1': { GPIO_IF_LedOn(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); break; } case '2': { GPIO_IF_LedToggle(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); break; } default: { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Invalid value: %.*s", (int) len, data)); goto out_free; } } } else { LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Unknown command: %.*s", (int) t->len, t->ptr)); goto out_free; } out_free: free(toks); } void data_conn_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) { struct conn_state *cs = (struct conn_state *) nc->user_data; if (cs == NULL) { cs = (struct conn_state *) calloc(1, sizeof(*cs)); nc->user_data = cs; } switch (ev) { case MG_EV_POLL: case MG_EV_TIMER: { const double now = mg_time(); const unsigned char led = GPIO_IF_LedStatus(MCU_RED_LED_GPIO); /* Send if there was a change or repeat last data every second. */ if (s_temp_data.volt != cs->td.volt || s_temp_data.temp != cs->td.temp || now > cs->last_sent_td + 1.0) { memcpy(&cs->td, &s_temp_data, sizeof(cs->td)); send_temp(nc, &cs->td); cs->last_sent_td = now; } if (led != cs->led || now > cs->last_sent_led + 1.0) { send_led(nc, now, led); cs->led = led; cs->last_sent_led = now; } if (s_accel_ctx != NULL) { const struct bm222_sample *ls = s_accel_ctx->data + s_accel_ctx->last_index; if (cs->last_sent_acc == 0) { send_acc_sample(nc, ls); cs->last_sent_acc = ls->ts; } else { double last_sent_ts = send_acc_data_since(nc, s_accel_ctx, cs->last_sent_acc); if (last_sent_ts > 0) cs->last_sent_acc = last_sent_ts; } } nc->ev_timer_time = now + 0.05; break; } case MG_EV_WEBSOCKET_FRAME: { struct websocket_message *wm = (struct websocket_message *) ev_data; process_command(nc, wm->data, wm->size); break; } case MG_EV_CLOSE: { LOG(LL_INFO, ("%p closed", nc)); free(cs); break; } } }