Commit 95a36b17 authored by Deomid Ryabkov's avatar Deomid Ryabkov Committed by Cesanta Bot

Log file:line instead of function; add cs_log_set_file_level()

cs_log_set_filter() is removed in favor of cs_log_set_file_level() which
allows setting log verbosity of individual files and/or lines.

E.g.: `mg_=1,mjs=1,=4` - level for for everything except mjs and mongoose.

We use the fact that we are usually pretty careful with our file names and use prefixes consistently.

In mos, `debug.file_level` sets the option on boot and `Sys.SetDebug` is updated to parse `file_level` option to change it at runtime.

CL: Log file:line instead of function; add cs_log_set_file_level()

parent 86ffa3a3
......@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ bool bm222_get_data(struct bm222_ctx *ctx) {
s->y = v[3];
s->z = v[5];
if (d > max_d) max_d = d;
LOG(LL_VERBOSE_DEBUG, ("dx %d dy %d dz %d d %d", dx, dy, dz, d));
("dx %d dy %d dz %d d %d", (int) dx, (int) dy, (int) dz, (int) d));
return (overflow ? bm222_fifo_init(ctx) : true); /* Clear the ovf flag. */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cesanta Software Limited
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Cesanta Software Limited
* All rights reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License"");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an ""AS IS"" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "common/platform.h"
#include <stdio.h>
......@@ -14,6 +28,10 @@
#define CS_LOG_PREFIX_LEN 24
......@@ -22,6 +40,9 @@
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Log level; `LL_INFO` is the default. Use `cs_log_set_level()` to change it.
enum cs_log_level {
LL_NONE = -1,
......@@ -34,29 +55,78 @@ enum cs_log_level {
_LL_MAX = 5,
* Set max log level to print; messages with the level above the given one will
* not be printed.
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level);
* A comma-separated set of prefix=level.
* prefix is matched against the log prefix exactly as printed, including line
* number, but partial match is ok. Check stops on first matching entry.
* If nothing matches, default level is used.
* Examples:
* main.c:=4 - everything from main C at verbose debug level.
* mongoose.c=1,mjs.c=1,=4 - everything at verbose debug except mg_* and mjs_*
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level);
* Helper function which prints message prefix with the given `level`.
* If message should be printed (according to the current log level
* and filter), prints the prefix and returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
* Clients should typically just use `LOG()` macro.
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *fname, int line);
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_level;
* Set file to write logs into. If `NULL`, logs go to `stderr`.
void cs_log_set_file(FILE *file);
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold;
void cs_log_print_prefix(const char *func);
void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
* Prints log to the current log file, appends "\n" in the end and flushes the
* stream.
void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE(1, 2);
* Format and print message `x` with the given level `l`. Example:
* ```c
* LOG(LL_INFO, ("my info message: %d", 123));
* LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("my debug message: %d", 123));
* ```
#define LOG(l, x) \
if (cs_log_threshold >= l) { \
cs_log_print_prefix(__func__); \
do { \
if (cs_log_print_prefix(l, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { \
cs_log_printf x; \
} \
} while (0)
#define LOG(l, x) ((void) l)
#ifndef CS_NDEBUG
#define DBG(x) \
if (cs_log_threshold >= LL_VERBOSE_DEBUG) { \
cs_log_print_prefix(__func__); \
cs_log_printf x; \
* Shortcut for `LOG(LL_VERBOSE_DEBUG, (...))`
#else /* NDEBUG */
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ void SimpleLinkWlanEventHandler(SlWlanEvent_t *e) {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("WiFi: station disconnected"));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("WiFi: event %d", e->Event));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("WiFi: event %d", (int) e->Event));
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void SimpleLinkNetAppEventHandler(SlNetAppEvent_t *e) {
} else if (e->Event == SL_NETAPP_IP_LEASED_EVENT) {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("IP leased"));
} else {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("NetApp event %d", e->Event));
LOG(LL_INFO, ("NetApp event %d", (int) e->Event));
......@@ -462,6 +462,10 @@ int cs_base64_decode(const unsigned char *s, int len, char *dst, int *dec_len) {
#define CS_LOG_PREFIX_LEN 24
......@@ -492,51 +496,28 @@ enum cs_log_level {
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level);
* Set log filter. NULL (a default) logs everything.
* Otherwise, function name and file name will be tested against the given
* pattern, and only matching messages will be printed.
* For the pattern syntax, refer to `mg_match_prefix()` in `str_util.h`.
* Example:
* ```c
* void foo(void) {
* LOG(LL_INFO, ("hello from foo"));
* }
* A comma-separated set of prefix=level.
* prefix is matched against the log prefix exactly as printed, including line
* number, but partial match is ok. Check stops on first matching entry.
* If nothing matches, default level is used.
* void bar(void) {
* LOG(LL_INFO, ("hello from bar"));
* }
* Examples:
* main.c:=4 - everything from main C at verbose debug level.
* mongoose.c=1,mjs.c=1,=4 - everything at verbose debug except mg_* and mjs_*
* void test(void) {
* cs_log_set_filter(NULL);
* foo();
* bar();
* cs_log_set_filter("f*");
* foo();
* bar(); // Will NOT print anything
* cs_log_set_filter("bar");
* foo(); // Will NOT print anything
* bar();
* }
* ```
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern);
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level);
* Helper function which prints message prefix with the given `level`, function
* name `func` and `filename`. If message should be printed (accordingly to the
* current log level and filter), prints the prefix and returns 1, otherwise
* returns 0.
* Helper function which prints message prefix with the given `level`.
* If message should be printed (according to the current log level
* and filter), prints the prefix and returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
* Clients should typically just use `LOG()` macro.
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *func,
const char *filename);
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *fname, int line);
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold;
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_level;
......@@ -563,7 +544,9 @@ void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE(1, 2);
#define LOG(l, x) \
do { \
if (cs_log_print_prefix(l, __func__, __FILE__)) cs_log_printf x; \
if (cs_log_print_prefix(l, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { \
cs_log_printf x; \
} \
} while (0)
......@@ -626,7 +609,7 @@ void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE(1, 2);
/* Amalgamated: #include "common/cs_time.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "common/str_util.h" */
enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold WEAK =
enum cs_log_level cs_log_level WEAK =
......@@ -634,10 +617,9 @@ enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold WEAK =
static char *s_filter_pattern = NULL;
static size_t s_filter_pattern_len;
static char *s_file_level = NULL;
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) WEAK;
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) WEAK;
FILE *cs_log_file WEAK = NULL;
......@@ -647,34 +629,62 @@ double cs_log_ts WEAK;
enum cs_log_level cs_log_cur_msg_level WEAK = LL_NONE;
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) {
if (pattern != NULL) {
s_filter_pattern = strdup(pattern);
s_filter_pattern_len = strlen(pattern);
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) {
char *fl = s_file_level;
if (file_level != NULL) {
s_file_level = strdup(file_level);
} else {
s_filter_pattern = NULL;
s_filter_pattern_len = 0;
s_file_level = NULL;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level, const char *, const char *) WEAK;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *func,
const char *filename) {
char prefix[21];
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *file, int ln) WEAK;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *file, int ln) {
char prefix[CS_LOG_PREFIX_LEN], *q;
const char *p;
size_t fl = 0, ll = 0, pl = 0;
if (level > cs_log_threshold) return 0;
if (s_filter_pattern != NULL &&
mg_match_prefix(s_filter_pattern, s_filter_pattern_len, func) == 0 &&
mg_match_prefix(s_filter_pattern, s_filter_pattern_len, filename) == 0) {
return 0;
if (level > cs_log_level && s_file_level == NULL) return 0;
p = file + strlen(file);
while (p != file) {
const char c = *(p - 1);
if (c == '/' || c == '\\') break;
ll = (ln < 10000 ? (ln < 1000 ? (ln < 100 ? (ln < 10 ? 1 : 2) : 3) : 4) : 5);
if (fl > (sizeof(prefix) - ll - 2)) fl = (sizeof(prefix) - ll - 2);
pl = fl + 1 + ll;
memcpy(prefix, p, fl);
q = prefix + pl;
memset(q, ' ', sizeof(prefix) - pl);
do {
*(--q) = '0' + (ln % 10);
ln /= 10;
} while (ln > 0);
*(--q) = ':';
if (s_file_level != NULL) {
enum cs_log_level pll = cs_log_level;
struct mg_str fl = mg_mk_str(s_file_level), ps = MG_MK_STR_N(prefix, pl);
struct mg_str k, v;
while ((fl = mg_next_comma_list_entry_n(fl, &k, &v)).p != NULL) {
bool yes = !(!mg_str_starts_with(ps, k) || v.len == 0);
if (!yes) continue;
pll = (enum cs_log_level)(*v.p - '0');
if (level > pll) return 0;
strncpy(prefix, func, 20);
prefix[20] = '\0';
if (cs_log_file == NULL) cs_log_file = stderr;
cs_log_cur_msg_level = level;
fprintf(cs_log_file, "%-20s ", prefix);
fwrite(prefix, 1, sizeof(prefix), cs_log_file);
double now = cs_time();
......@@ -703,15 +713,15 @@ void cs_log_set_file(FILE *file) {
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) {
(void) pattern;
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) {
(void) file_level;
#endif /* CS_ENABLE_STDIO */
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level) WEAK;
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level) {
cs_log_threshold = level;
cs_log_level = level;
cs_log_ts = cs_time();
......@@ -2647,6 +2647,8 @@ const char *mg_next_comma_list_entry(const char *list, struct mg_str *val,
* Like `mg_next_comma_list_entry()`, but takes `list` as `struct mg_str`.
* NB: Test return value's .p, not .len. On last itreation that yields result
* .len will be 0 but .p will not. When finished, .p will be NULL.
struct mg_str mg_next_comma_list_entry_n(struct mg_str list, struct mg_str *val,
struct mg_str *eq_val);
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include "common/cs_time.h"
#include "common/str_util.h"
enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold WEAK =
enum cs_log_level cs_log_level WEAK =
......@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold WEAK =
static char *s_filter_pattern = NULL;
static size_t s_filter_pattern_len;
static char *s_file_level = NULL;
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) WEAK;
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) WEAK;
FILE *cs_log_file WEAK = NULL;
......@@ -45,34 +44,62 @@ double cs_log_ts WEAK;
enum cs_log_level cs_log_cur_msg_level WEAK = LL_NONE;
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) {
if (pattern != NULL) {
s_filter_pattern = strdup(pattern);
s_filter_pattern_len = strlen(pattern);
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) {
char *fl = s_file_level;
if (file_level != NULL) {
s_file_level = strdup(file_level);
} else {
s_filter_pattern = NULL;
s_filter_pattern_len = 0;
s_file_level = NULL;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level, const char *, const char *) WEAK;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *func,
const char *filename) {
char prefix[21];
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *file, int ln) WEAK;
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *file, int ln) {
char prefix[CS_LOG_PREFIX_LEN], *q;
const char *p;
size_t fl = 0, ll = 0, pl = 0;
if (level > cs_log_threshold) return 0;
if (s_filter_pattern != NULL &&
mg_match_prefix(s_filter_pattern, s_filter_pattern_len, func) == 0 &&
mg_match_prefix(s_filter_pattern, s_filter_pattern_len, filename) == 0) {
return 0;
if (level > cs_log_level && s_file_level == NULL) return 0;
p = file + strlen(file);
while (p != file) {
const char c = *(p - 1);
if (c == '/' || c == '\\') break;
ll = (ln < 10000 ? (ln < 1000 ? (ln < 100 ? (ln < 10 ? 1 : 2) : 3) : 4) : 5);
if (fl > (sizeof(prefix) - ll - 2)) fl = (sizeof(prefix) - ll - 2);
pl = fl + 1 + ll;
memcpy(prefix, p, fl);
q = prefix + pl;
memset(q, ' ', sizeof(prefix) - pl);
do {
*(--q) = '0' + (ln % 10);
ln /= 10;
} while (ln > 0);
*(--q) = ':';
if (s_file_level != NULL) {
enum cs_log_level pll = cs_log_level;
struct mg_str fl = mg_mk_str(s_file_level), ps = MG_MK_STR_N(prefix, pl);
struct mg_str k, v;
while ((fl = mg_next_comma_list_entry_n(fl, &k, &v)).p != NULL) {
bool yes = !(!mg_str_starts_with(ps, k) || v.len == 0);
if (!yes) continue;
pll = (enum cs_log_level)(*v.p - '0');
if (level > pll) return 0;
strncpy(prefix, func, 20);
prefix[20] = '\0';
if (cs_log_file == NULL) cs_log_file = stderr;
cs_log_cur_msg_level = level;
fprintf(cs_log_file, "%-20s ", prefix);
fwrite(prefix, 1, sizeof(prefix), cs_log_file);
double now = cs_time();
......@@ -101,15 +128,15 @@ void cs_log_set_file(FILE *file) {
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern) {
(void) pattern;
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level) {
(void) file_level;
#endif /* CS_ENABLE_STDIO */
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level) WEAK;
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level) {
cs_log_threshold = level;
cs_log_level = level;
cs_log_ts = cs_time();
......@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
#define CS_LOG_PREFIX_LEN 24
......@@ -58,51 +62,28 @@ enum cs_log_level {
void cs_log_set_level(enum cs_log_level level);
* Set log filter. NULL (a default) logs everything.
* Otherwise, function name and file name will be tested against the given
* pattern, and only matching messages will be printed.
* For the pattern syntax, refer to `mg_match_prefix()` in `str_util.h`.
* Example:
* ```c
* void foo(void) {
* LOG(LL_INFO, ("hello from foo"));
* }
* void bar(void) {
* LOG(LL_INFO, ("hello from bar"));
* }
* A comma-separated set of prefix=level.
* prefix is matched against the log prefix exactly as printed, including line
* number, but partial match is ok. Check stops on first matching entry.
* If nothing matches, default level is used.
* void test(void) {
* cs_log_set_filter(NULL);
* foo();
* bar();
* Examples:
* main.c:=4 - everything from main C at verbose debug level.
* mongoose.c=1,mjs.c=1,=4 - everything at verbose debug except mg_* and mjs_*
* cs_log_set_filter("f*");
* foo();
* bar(); // Will NOT print anything
* cs_log_set_filter("bar");
* foo(); // Will NOT print anything
* bar();
* }
* ```
void cs_log_set_filter(const char *pattern);
void cs_log_set_file_level(const char *file_level);
* Helper function which prints message prefix with the given `level`, function
* name `func` and `filename`. If message should be printed (accordingly to the
* current log level and filter), prints the prefix and returns 1, otherwise
* returns 0.
* Helper function which prints message prefix with the given `level`.
* If message should be printed (according to the current log level
* and filter), prints the prefix and returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
* Clients should typically just use `LOG()` macro.
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *func,
const char *filename);
int cs_log_print_prefix(enum cs_log_level level, const char *fname, int line);
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_threshold;
extern enum cs_log_level cs_log_level;
......@@ -129,7 +110,9 @@ void cs_log_printf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_LIKE(1, 2);
#define LOG(l, x) \
do { \
if (cs_log_print_prefix(l, __func__, __FILE__)) cs_log_printf x; \
if (cs_log_print_prefix(l, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { \
cs_log_printf x; \
} \
} while (0)
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