Commit 5c9ab406 authored by Sergey Lyubka's avatar Sergey Lyubka

Using MAP_PRIVATE for mmap, to fix mac build for Lua

parent 451d0771
......@@ -3969,7 +3969,7 @@ static void handle_lsp_request(struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path,
if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) {
send_http_error(conn, 404, "Not Found", "%s", "File not found");
} else if ((p = mmap(NULL, st->size, PROT_READ, 0,
} else if ((p = mmap(NULL, st->size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE,
fileno(fp), 0)) == MAP_FAILED) {
send_http_error(conn, 500, http_500_error, "%s", "x");
} else if ((L = luaL_newstate()) == NULL) {
......@@ -4343,7 +4343,7 @@ static int load_dll(struct mg_context *ctx, const char *dll_name,
static int set_ssl_option(struct mg_context *ctx) {
int i, size;
const char *pem;
// If PEM file is not specified, skip SSL initialization.
if ((pem = ctx->config[SSL_CERTIFICATE]) == NULL) {
return 1;
......@@ -4368,7 +4368,7 @@ static int set_ssl_option(struct mg_context *ctx) {
cry(fc(ctx), "SSL_CTX_new (server) error: %s", ssl_error());
return 0;
// If user callback returned non-NULL, that means that user callback has
// set up certificate itself. In this case, skip sertificate setting.
if (call_user(fc(ctx), MG_INIT_SSL) == NULL &&
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