amalgam 4.8 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Generate a reversible amalgamation of several C source files
# along with their required internal headers.
# This script assumes that there are a bunch of C files, a bunch
# of private header files and one public header file.
# The script takes a list of C file names, parses `#include` directives
# found in them and recursively resolves dependencies in such a way
# that a header referenced from an included header will be emitted before the
# header that depends on it. All headers will always be emitted before the
# source files.
# The embedded include files usually contain private internals.
# However sometimes it's necessary for some other tools or for advanced users
# to have access to internal definitions. One such example is the generated
# C source containing frozen heap. The amalgamation script will allow users
# to include the amalgamated C file and cause extract only the internal headers:
#     #include "v7.c"
# Where `NS` can be overridden via the --prefix flag.
# This feature can be enabled with the --exportable-headers, and basically
# all it does is to wrap the C body in a preprocessor guard.
# TODO(mkm): make it work also for mongoose where we also generate
# the public header from a bunch of unamalgamated header files.
# Currently this script can handle mongoose amalgamation because it doesn't
# flip the --autoinc flag.

import argparse
import re
import sys
import os
from StringIO import StringIO

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce an amalgamated source')
parser.add_argument('--prefix', default="NS",
                    help='prefix for MODULE_LINES guard')
parser.add_argument('--srcdir', default=".", help='source dir')
parser.add_argument('--ignore', default="",
                    help='comma separated list of files to not amalgam')
# hack, teach amalgam to render the LICENSE file instead
parser.add_argument('--first', type=str, help='put this file in first position.'
                    ' Usually contains licensing info')
parser.add_argument('--public-header', dest="public",
                    help='name of the public header file that will be'
                    ' included at the beginning of the file')
parser.add_argument('--autoinc', action='store_true',
                    help='automatically embed include files')
parser.add_argument('--exportable-headers', dest="export", action='store_true',
                    help='allow exporting internal headers')
parser.add_argument('-I', default=".", dest='include_path', help='include path')
parser.add_argument('sources', nargs='*', help='sources')

class File(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.buf = StringIO()

    def emit(self):
        print self.buf.getvalue(),

args = parser.parse_args()

sources = []
includes = []

already_included = set()

ignore_files = [i.strip() for i in args.ignore.split(',')]

def should_ignore(name):
    return (name in already_included
            or not os.path.exists(resolve(name))
            or name in ignore_files)

def resolve(path):
    if os.path.isabs(path) or os.path.exists(path):
        p = path
        p = os.path.join(args.include_path, path)
    if os.path.exists(p):
        p = os.path.realpath(p).replace('%s/' % os.getcwd(), '')
#    print >>sys.stderr, '%s -> %s' % (path, p)
    return p

def emit_line_directive(out, name):
    print >>out, '''#ifdef %(prefix)s_MODULE_LINES
#line 1 "%(name)s"
#endif''' % dict(
    prefix = args.prefix,
    name = resolve(name),

def emit_body(out, name):
    path = resolve(name)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print >>out, '#include "%s"' % (name,)

    with open(resolve(name)) as f:
        for l in f:
            match = re.match('(#include "(.*)")', l)
            if match:
                all, path = match.groups()
                if args.autoinc:
                    if not should_ignore(path):
                print >>out, '/* Amalgamated: %s */' % (all,)
                print >>out, l,

def emit_file(out, name):
    emit_line_directive(out, name)
    emit_body(out, name)

for i in args.sources:

if args.first:
    for inc in reversed(args.first.split(',')):
        for i, f in enumerate(includes):
            if == inc:
                del includes[i]
                includes.insert(0, f)

# emitting

if args.public:
    print '#include "%s"' % (args.public)

for i in includes:

if args.export:
    print '#ifndef %s_EXPORT_INTERNAL_HEADERS' % (args.prefix,)
for i in sources:
if args.export:
    print '#endif /* %s_EXPORT_INTERNAL_HEADERS */' % (args.prefix,)