cs_time.c 3.09 KB
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#include "common/cs_time.h"

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <stddef.h>
 * There is no sys/time.h on ARMCC.
#if !(defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || defined(__ICCARM__)) && \
    !defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) &&                  \
    (!defined(CS_PLATFORM) || CS_PLATFORM != CS_P_NXP_LPC)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <windows.h>

double cs_time(void) WEAK;
double cs_time(void) {
  double now;
#ifndef _WIN32
  struct timeval tv;
  if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL /* tz */) != 0) return 0;
  now = (double) tv.tv_sec + (((double) tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.0);
  SYSTEMTIME sysnow;
  FILETIME ftime;
  SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysnow, &ftime);
   * 1. VC 6.0 doesn't support conversion uint64 -> double, so, using int64
   * This should not cause a problems in this (21th) century
   * 2. Windows FILETIME is a number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January
   * 1, 1601 while time_t is a number of _seconds_ since January 1, 1970 UTC,
   * thus, we need to convert to seconds and adjust amount (subtract 11644473600
   * seconds)
  now = (double) (((int64_t) ftime.dwLowDateTime +
                   ((int64_t) ftime.dwHighDateTime << 32)) /
                  10000000.0) -
#endif /* _WIN32 */
  return now;

double cs_timegm(const struct tm *tm) {
  /* Month-to-day offset for non-leap-years. */
  static const int month_day[12] = {0,   31,  59,  90,  120, 151,
                                    181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};

  /* Most of the calculation is easy; leap years are the main difficulty. */
  int month = tm->tm_mon % 12;
  int year = tm->tm_year + tm->tm_mon / 12;
  int year_for_leap;
  int64_t rt;

  if (month < 0) { /* Negative values % 12 are still negative. */
    month += 12;

  /* This is the number of Februaries since 1900. */
  year_for_leap = (month > 1) ? year + 1 : year;

  rt =
      tm->tm_sec /* Seconds */
      60 *
          (tm->tm_min /* Minute = 60 seconds */
           60 * (tm->tm_hour /* Hour = 60 minutes */
                 24 * (month_day[month] + tm->tm_mday - 1 /* Day = 24 hours */
                       + 365 * (year - 70)                /* Year = 365 days */
                       + (year_for_leap - 69) / 4 /* Every 4 years is leap... */
                       - (year_for_leap - 1) / 100 /* Except centuries... */
                       + (year_for_leap + 299) / 400))); /* Except 400s. */
  return rt < 0 ? -1 : (double) rt;