test.mk 4.39 KB
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
# All rights reserved
# = Requires:
# - SRC_DIR = path to directory with source files
# - AMALGAMATED_SOURCES = path to amalgamated C file(s)
# - PROG = name of main unit test source file
# - CFLAGS = default compiler flags
# - LDFLAGS = default linker flags
# = Parameters:
# - V=1 -> show commandlines of executed commands
# - TEST_FILTER -> test name (substring match)
# - CMD -> run wrapped in cmd (e.g. make test_cxx CMD=lldb)
# = Useful targets
# - compile:   perform a very fast syntax check for all dialects
# - presubmit: suggested presubmit tests
# - cpplint:   run the linter
# - lcov:      generate coverage HTML in test/lcov/index.html
# - test_asan: run with AddressSanitizer
# - test_valgrind: run with valgrind

# OSX clang doesn't build ASAN. Use brew:
#  $ brew tap homebrew/versions
#  $ brew install llvm36 --with-clang --with-asan
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

PEDANTIC=$(shell gcc --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q clang && echo -pedantic)


DIALECTS=cxx ansi c99 c11
SPECIALS=asan gcov valgrind

# Each test target might require either a different compiler name
# a compiler flag, or a wrapper to be invoked before executing the test
# they can be overriden here with <VAR>_<target>
# Vars are:
# - CC: compiler
# - CFLAGS: flags passed to the compiler, useful to set dialect and to disable incompatible tests
# - LDFLAGS: flags passed to the compiler only when linking (e.g. not in syntax only)
# - SOURCES: non-test source files. To be overriden if needs to build on non amalgamated files
# - CMD: command wrapper or env variables required to run the test binary


CFLAGS_cxx=-x c++

CFLAGS_c99=$(PEDANTIC) -std=c99

# Path to `gcov` binary

CFLAGS_gcov=$(PEDANTIC) -std=c99 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
#SOURCES_gcov=$(addprefix $(SRC_DIR)/, $(SOURCES))

CFLAGS_asan=-fsanitize=address -fcolor-diagnostics -std=c99 -DNO_DNS_TEST -UMG_ENABLE_SSL
CMD_asan=ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer ASAN_OPTIONS=allocator_may_return_null=1,symbolize=1 $(CMD)



SHELL := /bin/bash


ALL_PROGS=$(foreach p,$(SUFFIXES),$(PROG)-$(p))
ALL_TESTS=$(foreach p,$(SUFFIXES),test_$(p))
SHORT_TESTS=$(foreach p,$(DIALECTS),test_$(p))

all: clean compile $(SHORT_TESTS) coverage
alltests: $(ALL_TESTS) lcov cpplint

# currently both valgrind and asan tests are failing for some test cases
# it's still useful to be able to run asan/valgrind on some specific test cases
# but we don't enforce them for presubmit until they are stable again.
presubmit: $(SHORT_TESTS) cpplint

.PHONY: clean clean_coverage lcov valgrind docker cpplint test_sources_resolved
91 92 93 94 95 96 97
ifneq ($(V), 1)

	@make $(foreach p,$(DIALECTS),$(PROG)-$(p)) CFLAGS_EXTRA="$(CFLAGS_EXTRA) -fsyntax-only" LDFLAGS=

98 99 100 101 102 103 104
# A target which is only needed to VPATH-resolve $(TEST_SOURCES).
# Other targets which need exact (VPATH-resolved) paths to $(TEST_SOURCES),
# need to depend on this phony target, and then use $(TEST_SOURCES_RESOLVED)
# instead.
test_sources_resolved: $(TEST_SOURCES)

# HACK: cannot have two underscores
$(PROG)-%: Makefile test_sources_resolved $(or $(SOURCES_$*), $(AMALGAMATED_SOURCES)) data/cgi/index.cgi
	@echo -e "CC\t$(PROG)_$*"
109 110 111 112 113

$(ALL_TESTS): test_%: Makefile $(PROG)-%
	@echo -e "RUN\t$(PROG)_$* $(TEST_FILTER)"
	@$(or $(CMD_$*), $(CMD)) ./$(PROG)_$* $(TEST_FILTER)

coverage: Makefile clean_coverage test_gcov test_sources_resolved
	@echo -e "RUN\tGCOV"
	@$(GCOV) -p $(notdir $(TEST_SOURCES_RESOLVED)) $(notdir $(GCOV_SOURCES)) >/dev/null
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

test_leaks: Makefile
	$(MAKE) test_valgrind CMD_valgrind="$(CMD_valgrind) --leak-check=full"

lcov: clean coverage
	@echo -e "RUN\tlcov"
	@lcov -q -o lcov.info -c -d . 2>/dev/null
	@genhtml -q -o lcov lcov.info

	@echo -e "RUN\tcpplint"
	@cpplint.py --verbose=0 --extensions=c,h $(SRC_DIR)/*.[ch] 2>&1 >/dev/null| grep -v "Done processing" | grep -v "file excluded by"

clean: clean_coverage
	@echo -e "CLEAN\tall"
	@rm -rf $(PROG) $(PROG)_* lcov.info *.txt *.exe *.obj *.o a.out *.pdb *.opt $(EXTRA_CLEAN_TARGETS)

	@echo -e "CLEAN\tcoverage"
	@rm -rf *.gc* *.dSYM index.html