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title: HTTP client example

To create an HTTP client, follow this pattern:

1. Create an outbound connection by calling `mg_connect_http()`
2. Create an event handler function that handles `MG_EV_HTTP_REPLY` event

Here's an example of the simplest HTTP client.
Error checking is omitted for the sake of clarity:

#include "mongoose.h"

static const char *url = "";
static int exit_flag = 0;

static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *p) {
  if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_REPLY) {
    c->flags |= MG_F_CLOSE_IMMEDIATELY;
    fwrite(hm->message.p, 1, hm->message.len, stdout);
    exit_flag = 1;
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  } else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
    exit_flag = 1;
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int main(void) {
  struct mg_mgr mgr;

  mg_mgr_init(&mgr, NULL);
  mg_connect_http(mgr, ev_handler, url, NULL, NULL);

  while (exit_flag == 0) {
    mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000);

  return 0;

See full source code at [HTTP client example](