MSP432_MG_hello.cfg 17 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * *  Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
 *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *    from this software without specific prior written permission.

/* ================ Clock configuration ================ */
var Clock = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Clock');
 * Default value is family dependent. For example, Linux systems often only
 * support a minimum period of 10000 us and multiples of 10000 us.
 * TI platforms have a default of 1000 us.
Clock.tickPeriod = 1000;

/* ================ Defaults (module) configuration ================ */
var Defaults = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
 * A flag to allow module names to be loaded on the target. Module name
 * strings are placed in the .const section for debugging purposes.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Setting this parameter to true will include name strings in the .const
 *      section so that Errors and Asserts are easier to debug.
 *  - false
 *      Setting this parameter to false will reduce footprint in the .const
 *      section. As a result, Error and Assert messages will contain an
 *      "unknown module" prefix instead of the actual module name.
Defaults.common$.namedModule = true;
//Defaults.common$.namedModule = false;

/* ================ Error configuration ================ */
var Error = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Error');
 * This function is called to handle all raised errors, but unlike
 * Error.raiseHook, this function is responsible for completely handling the
 * error with an appropriately initialized Error_Block.
 * Pick one:
 *  - Error.policyDefault (default)
 *      Calls Error.raiseHook with an initialized Error_Block structure and logs
 *      the error using the module's logger.
 *  - Error.policySpin
 *      Simple alternative that traps on a while(1) loop for minimized target
 *      footprint.
 *      Using Error.policySpin, the Error.raiseHook will NOT called.
Error.policyFxn = Error.policyDefault;
//Error.policyFxn = Error.policySpin;

 * If Error.policyFxn is set to Error.policyDefault, this function is called
 * whenever an error is raised by the Error module.
 * Pick one:
 *  - Error.print (default)
 *      Errors are formatted and output via System_printf() for easier
 *      debugging.
 *  - null
 *      Errors are not formatted or logged. This option reduces code footprint.
 *  - non-null function
 *      Errors invoke custom user function. See the Error module documentation
 *      for more details.
Error.raiseHook = Error.print;
//Error.raiseHook = null;
//Error.raiseHook = "&myErrorFxn";

 * If Error.policyFxn is set to Error.policyDefault, this option applies to the
 * maximum number of times the Error.raiseHook function can be recursively
 * invoked. This option limits the possibility of an infinite recursion that
 * could lead to a stack overflow.
 * The default value is 16.
Error.maxDepth = 2;

/* ================ Hwi configuration ================ */
var halHwi = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.hal.Hwi');
var m3Hwi = xdc.useModule('');
 * Checks for Hwi (system) stack overruns while in the Idle loop.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Checks the top word for system stack overflows during the idle loop and
 *      raises an Error if one is detected.
 *  - false
 *      Disabling the runtime check improves runtime performance and yields a
 *      reduced flash footprint.
halHwi.checkStackFlag = true;
//halHwi.checkStackFlag = false;

 * The following options alter the system's behavior when a hardware exception
 * is detected.
 * Pick one:
 *  - Hwi.enableException = true
 *      This option causes the default m3Hwi.excHandlerFunc function to fully
 *      decode an exception and dump the registers to the system console.
 *      This option raises errors in the Error module and displays the
 *      exception in ROV.
 *  - Hwi.enableException = false
 *      This option reduces code footprint by not decoding or printing the
 *      exception to the system console.
 *      It however still raises errors in the Error module and displays the
 *      exception in ROV.
 *  - Hwi.excHandlerFunc = null
 *      This is the most aggressive option for code footprint savings; but it
 *      can difficult to debug exceptions. It reduces flash footprint by
 *      plugging in a default while(1) trap when exception occur. This option
 *      does not raise an error with the Error module.
m3Hwi.enableException = true;
//m3Hwi.enableException = false;
//m3Hwi.excHandlerFunc = null;

 * Enable hardware exception generation when dividing by zero.
 * Pick one:
 *  - 0 (default)
 *      Disables hardware exceptions when dividing by zero
 *  - 1
 *      Enables hardware exceptions when dividing by zero
m3Hwi.nvicCCR.DIV_0_TRP = 0;
//m3Hwi.nvicCCR.DIV_0_TRP = 1;

 * Enable hardware exception generation for invalid data alignment.
 * Pick one:
 *  - 0 (default)
 *      Disables hardware exceptions for data alignment
 *  - 1
 *      Enables hardware exceptions for data alignment
m3Hwi.nvicCCR.UNALIGN_TRP = 0;
//m3Hwi.nvicCCR.UNALIGN_TRP = 1;

/* ================ Idle configuration ================ */
var Idle = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Idle');
 * The Idle module is used to specify a list of functions to be called when no
 * other tasks are running in the system.
 * Functions added here will be run continuously within the idle task.
 * Function signature:
 *     Void func(Void);

/* ================ Kernel (SYS/BIOS) configuration ================ */
var BIOS = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');
 * Enable asserts in the BIOS library.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Enables asserts for debugging purposes.
 *  - false
 *      Disables asserts for a reduced code footprint and better performance.
//BIOS.assertsEnabled = true;
BIOS.assertsEnabled = false;

 * Specify default heap size for BIOS.
BIOS.heapSize = 32768;

 * A flag to determine if xdc.runtime sources are to be included in a custom
 * built BIOS library.
 * Pick one:
 *  - false (default)
 *      The pre-built xdc.runtime library is provided by the respective target
 *      used to build the application.
 *  - true
 *      xdc.runtime library souces are to be included in the custom BIOS
 *      library. This option yields the most efficient library in both code
 *      footprint and runtime performance.
BIOS.includeXdcRuntime = false;
//BIOS.includeXdcRuntime = true;

 * The SYS/BIOS runtime is provided in the form of a library that is linked
 * with the application. Several forms of this library are provided with the
 * SYS/BIOS product.
 * Pick one:
 *   - BIOS.LibType_Custom
 *      Custom built library that is highly optimized for code footprint and
 *      runtime performance.
 *   - BIOS.LibType_Debug
 *      Custom built library that is non-optimized that can be used to
 *      single-step through APIs with a debugger.
BIOS.libType = BIOS.LibType_Custom;
//BIOS.libType = BIOS.LibType_Debug;

 * Runtime instance creation enable flag.
 * Pick one:
 *   - true (default)
 *      Allows Mod_create() and Mod_delete() to be called at runtime which
 *      requires a default heap for dynamic memory allocation.
 *   - false
 *      Reduces code footprint by disallowing Mod_create() and Mod_delete() to
 *      be called at runtime. Object instances are constructed via
 *      Mod_construct() and destructed via Mod_destruct().
BIOS.runtimeCreatesEnabled = true;
//BIOS.runtimeCreatesEnabled = false;

 * Enable logs in the BIOS library.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Enables logs for debugging purposes.
 *  - false
 *      Disables logging for reduced code footprint and improved runtime
 *      performance.
//BIOS.logsEnabled = true;
BIOS.logsEnabled = false;

/* ================ Memory configuration ================ */
var Memory = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Memory');
 * The Memory module itself simply provides a common interface for any
 * variety of system and application specific memory management policies
 * implemented by the IHeap modules(Ex. HeapMem, HeapBuf).

/* ================ Program configuration ================ */
 *  Program.stack is ignored with IAR. Use the project options in
 *  IAR Embedded Workbench to alter the system stack size.
if (!$name.match(/iar/)) {
     *  Reducing the system stack size (used by ISRs and Swis) to reduce
     *  RAM usage.
    Program.stack = 1024;

 * Enable Semihosting for GNU targets to print to CCS console
if ($name.match(/gnu/)) {
    var SemiHost = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rts.gnu.SemiHostSupport');
/* ================ Semaphore configuration ================ */
var Semaphore = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Semaphore');
 * Enables global support for Task priority pend queuing.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      This allows pending tasks to be serviced based on their task priority.
 *  - false
 *      Pending tasks are services based on first in, first out basis.
 *  When using BIOS in ROM:
 *      This option must be set to false.
//Semaphore.supportsPriority = true;
Semaphore.supportsPriority = false;

 * Allows for the implicit posting of events through the semaphore,
 * disable for additional code saving.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true
 *      This allows the Semaphore module to post semaphores and events
 *      simultaneously.
 *  - false (default)
 *      Events must be explicitly posted to unblock tasks.
//Semaphore.supportsEvents = true;
Semaphore.supportsEvents = false;

/* ================ Swi configuration ================ */
var Swi = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Swi');
 * A software interrupt is an object that encapsulates a function to be
 * executed and a priority. Software interrupts are prioritized, preempt tasks
 * and are preempted by hardware interrupt service routines.
 * This module is included to allow Swi's in a users' application.

/* ================ System configuration ================ */
var System = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.System');
 * The Abort handler is called when the system exits abnormally.
 * Pick one:
 *  - System.abortStd (default)
 *      Call the ANSI C Standard 'abort()' to terminate the application.
 *  - System.abortSpin
 *      A lightweight abort function that loops indefinitely in a while(1) trap
 *      function.
 *  - A custom abort handler
 *      A user-defined function. See the System module documentation for
 *      details.
System.abortFxn = System.abortStd;
//System.abortFxn = System.abortSpin;
//System.abortFxn = "&myAbortSystem";

 * The Exit handler is called when the system exits normally.
 * Pick one:
 *  - System.exitStd (default)
 *      Call the ANSI C Standard 'exit()' to terminate the application.
 *  - System.exitSpin
 *      A lightweight exit function that loops indefinitely in a while(1) trap
 *      function.
 *  - A custom exit function
 *      A user-defined function. See the System module documentation for
 *      details.
System.exitFxn = System.exitStd;
//System.exitFxn = System.exitSpin;
//System.exitFxn = "&myExitSystem";

 * Minimize exit handler array in the System module. The System module includes
 * an array of functions that are registered with System_atexit() which is
 * called by System_exit(). The default value is 8.
System.maxAtexitHandlers = 2;

 * The System.SupportProxy defines a low-level implementation of System
 * functions such as System_printf(), System_flush(), etc.
 * Pick one pair:
 *  - SysMin
 *      This module maintains an internal configurable circular buffer that
 *      stores the output until System_flush() is called.
 *      The size of the circular buffer is set via SysMin.bufSize.
 *  - SysCallback
 *      SysCallback allows for user-defined implementations for System APIs.
 *      The SysCallback support proxy has a smaller code footprint and can be
 *      used to supply custom System_printf services.
 *      The default SysCallback functions point to stub functions. See the
 *      SysCallback module's documentation.
var SysMin = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.SysMin');
SysMin.bufSize = 512;
System.SupportProxy = SysMin;
//var SysCallback = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.SysCallback');
//System.SupportProxy = SysCallback;
//SysCallback.abortFxn = "&myUserAbort";
//SysCallback.exitFxn  = "&myUserExit";
//SysCallback.flushFxn = "&myUserFlush";
//SysCallback.putchFxn = "&myUserPutch";
//SysCallback.readyFxn = "&myUserReady";

/* ================ Task configuration ================ */
var Task = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Task');
 * Check task stacks for overflow conditions.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Enables runtime checks for task stack overflow conditions during
 *      context switching ("from" and "to")
 *  - false
 *      Disables runtime checks for task stack overflow conditions.
Task.checkStackFlag = true;
//Task.checkStackFlag = false;

 * Set the default task stack size when creating tasks.
 * The default is dependent on the device being used. Reducing the default stack
 * size yields greater memory savings.
Task.defaultStackSize = 512;

 * Enables the idle task.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      Creates a task with priority of 0 which calls idle hook functions. This
 *      option must be set to true to gain power savings provided by the Power
 *      module.
 *  - false
 *      No idle task is created. This option consumes less memory as no
 *      additional default task stack is needed.
 *      To gain power savings by the Power module without having the idle task,
 *      add as the Task.allBlockedFunc.
Task.enableIdleTask = true;
//Task.enableIdleTask = false;
//Task.allBlockedFunc =;

 * If Task.enableIdleTask is set to true, this option sets the idle task's
 * stack size.
 * Reducing the idle stack size yields greater memory savings.
Task.idleTaskStackSize = 512;

 * Reduce the number of task priorities.
 * The default is 16.
 * Decreasing the number of task priorities yield memory savings.
Task.numPriorities = 16;

/* ================ Text configuration ================ */
var Text = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Text');
 * These strings are placed in the .const section. Setting this parameter to
 * false will save space in the .const section. Error, Assert and Log messages
 * will print raw ids and args instead of a formatted message.
 * Pick one:
 *  - true (default)
 *      This option loads test string into the .const for easier debugging.
 *  - false
 *      This option reduces the .const footprint.
Text.isLoaded = true;
//Text.isLoaded = false;

/* ================ Types configuration ================ */
var Types = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Types');
 * This module defines basic constants and types used throughout the
 * xdc.runtime package.

/* ================ TI-RTOS middleware configuration ================ */
var mwConfig = xdc.useModule('');
 * Include TI-RTOS middleware libraries

/* ================ TI-RTOS drivers' configuration ================ */
var driversConfig = xdc.useModule('ti.drivers.Config');
 * Include TI-RTOS drivers
 * Pick one:
 *  - driversConfig.LibType_NonInstrumented (default)
 *      Use TI-RTOS drivers library optimized for footprint and performance
 *      without asserts or logs.
 *  - driversConfig.LibType_Instrumented
 *      Use TI-RTOS drivers library for debugging with asserts and logs enabled.
driversConfig.libType = driversConfig.LibType_NonInstrumented;
//driversConfig.libType = driversConfig.LibType_Instrumented;

/* ================ Application Specific Instances ================ */
var Mailbox = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Mailbox');