/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file This file is part of 0MQ. 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include "err.hpp" #include "platform.hpp" #include "socks.hpp" #include "tcp.hpp" #ifndef ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #endif zmq::socks_greeting_t::socks_greeting_t (uint8_t method_) : num_methods (1) { methods [0] = method_; } zmq::socks_greeting_t::socks_greeting_t ( uint8_t *methods_, size_t num_methods_) : num_methods (num_methods_) { zmq_assert (num_methods_ <= 255); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_methods_; i++) methods [i] = methods_ [i]; } zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::socks_greeting_encoder_t () : bytes_encoded (0), bytes_written (0) {} void zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::encode (const socks_greeting_t &greeting_) { uint8_t *ptr = buf; *ptr++ = 0x05; *ptr++ = greeting_.num_methods; for (size_t i = 0; i < greeting_.num_methods; i++) *ptr++ = greeting_.methods [i]; bytes_encoded = 2 + greeting_.num_methods; bytes_written = 0; } int zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::output (fd_t fd_) { const int rc = tcp_write ( fd_, buf + bytes_written, bytes_encoded - bytes_written); if (rc > 0) bytes_written += static_cast <size_t> (rc); return rc; } bool zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::has_pending_data () const { return bytes_written < bytes_encoded; } void zmq::socks_greeting_encoder_t::reset () { bytes_encoded = bytes_written = 0; } zmq::socks_choice_t::socks_choice_t (unsigned char method_) : method (method_) {} zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::socks_choice_decoder_t () : bytes_read (0) {} int zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::input (fd_t fd_) { zmq_assert (bytes_read < 2); const int rc = tcp_read (fd_, buf + bytes_read, 2 - bytes_read); if (rc > 0) { bytes_read += static_cast <size_t> (rc); if (buf [0] != 0x05) return -1; } return rc; } bool zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::message_ready () const { return bytes_read == 2; } zmq::socks_choice_t zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::decode () { zmq_assert (message_ready ()); return socks_choice_t (buf [1]); } void zmq::socks_choice_decoder_t::reset () { bytes_read = 0; } zmq::socks_request_t::socks_request_t ( uint8_t command_, std::string hostname_, uint16_t port_) : command (command_), hostname (hostname_), port (port_) {} zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::socks_request_encoder_t () : bytes_encoded (0), bytes_written (0) {} void zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::encode (const socks_request_t &req) { unsigned char *ptr = buf; *ptr++ = 0x05; *ptr++ = req.command; *ptr++ = 0x00; #if defined ZMQ_HAVE_OPENVMS && defined __ia64 && __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64 __addrinfo64 hints, *res = NULL; #else addrinfo hints, *res = NULL; #endif memset (&hints, 0, sizeof hints); // Suppress potential DNS lookups. hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; const int rc = getaddrinfo (req.hostname.c_str (), NULL, &hints, &res); if (rc == 0 && res->ai_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sockaddr_in = reinterpret_cast <struct sockaddr_in *> (res->ai_addr); *ptr++ = 0x01; memcpy (ptr, &sockaddr_in->sin_addr, 4); ptr += 4; } else if (rc == 0 && res->ai_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sockaddr_in6 = reinterpret_cast <struct sockaddr_in6 *> (res->ai_addr); *ptr++ = 0x04; memcpy (ptr, &sockaddr_in6->sin6_addr, 16); ptr += 16; } else { *ptr++ = 0x03; *ptr++ = req.hostname.size (); memcpy (ptr, req.hostname.c_str (), req.hostname.size ()); ptr += req.hostname.size (); } if (rc == 0) freeaddrinfo (res); *ptr++ = req.port / 256; *ptr++ = req.port % 256; bytes_encoded = ptr - buf; bytes_written = 0; } int zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::output (fd_t fd_) { const int rc = tcp_write ( fd_, buf + bytes_written, bytes_encoded - bytes_written); if (rc > 0) bytes_written += static_cast <size_t> (rc); return rc; } bool zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::has_pending_data () const { return bytes_written < bytes_encoded; } void zmq::socks_request_encoder_t::reset () { bytes_encoded = bytes_written = 0; } zmq::socks_response_t::socks_response_t ( uint8_t response_code_, std::string address_, uint16_t port_) : response_code (response_code_), address (address_), port (port_) {} zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::socks_response_decoder_t () : bytes_read (0) {} int zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::input (fd_t fd_) { size_t n = 0; if (bytes_read < 5) n = 5 - bytes_read; else { const uint8_t atyp = buf [3]; zmq_assert (atyp == 0x01 || atyp == 0x03 || atyp == 0x04); if (atyp == 0x01) n = 3 + 2; else if (atyp == 0x03) n = buf [4] + 2; else if (atyp == 0x04) n = 15 + 2; } const int rc = tcp_read (fd_, buf + bytes_read, n); if (rc > 0) { bytes_read += static_cast <size_t> (rc); if (buf [0] != 0x05) return -1; if (bytes_read >= 2) if (buf [1] > 0x08) return -1; if (bytes_read >= 3) if (buf [2] != 0x00) return -1; if (bytes_read >= 4) { const uint8_t atyp = buf [3]; if (atyp != 0x01 && atyp != 0x03 && atyp != 0x04) return -1; } } return rc; } bool zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::message_ready () const { if (bytes_read < 4) return false; else { const uint8_t atyp = buf [3]; zmq_assert (atyp == 0x01 || atyp == 0x03 || atyp == 0x04); if (atyp == 0x01) return bytes_read == 10; else if (atyp == 0x03) return bytes_read > 4 && bytes_read == 4 + 1 + buf [4] + 2u; else return bytes_read == 22; } } zmq::socks_response_t zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::decode () { zmq_assert (message_ready ()); return socks_response_t (buf [1], "", 0); } void zmq::socks_response_decoder_t::reset () { bytes_read = 0; }