/* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file This file is part of 0MQ. 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "platform.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_LIBSODIUM #ifdef ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS #include "windows.hpp" #endif #include "msg.hpp" #include "session_base.hpp" #include "err.hpp" #include "curve_server.hpp" #include "wire.hpp" zmq::curve_server_t::curve_server_t (session_base_t *session_, const std::string &peer_address_, const options_t &options_) : mechanism_t (options_), session (session_), peer_address (peer_address_), state (expect_hello), cn_nonce (1), cn_peer_nonce(1), sync() { int rc; // Fetch our secret key from socket options memcpy (secret_key, options_.curve_secret_key, crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES); scoped_lock_t lock (sync); #if defined(HAVE_TWEETNACL) // allow opening of /dev/urandom unsigned char tmpbytes[4]; randombytes(tmpbytes, 4); #else rc = sodium_init (); zmq_assert (rc != -1); #endif // Generate short-term key pair rc = crypto_box_keypair (cn_public, cn_secret); zmq_assert (rc == 0); } zmq::curve_server_t::~curve_server_t () { } int zmq::curve_server_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_) { int rc = 0; switch (state) { case send_welcome: rc = produce_welcome (msg_); if (rc == 0) state = expect_initiate; break; case send_ready: rc = produce_ready (msg_); if (rc == 0) state = connected; break; case send_error: rc = produce_error (msg_); if (rc == 0) state = error_sent; break; default: errno = EAGAIN; rc = -1; break; } return rc; } int zmq::curve_server_t::process_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_) { int rc = 0; switch (state) { case expect_hello: rc = process_hello (msg_); break; case expect_initiate: rc = process_initiate (msg_); break; default: // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: invalid handshake command"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; break; } if (rc == 0) { rc = msg_->close (); errno_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->init (); errno_assert (rc == 0); } return rc; } int zmq::curve_server_t::encode (msg_t *msg_) { zmq_assert (state == connected); const size_t mlen = crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1 + msg_->size (); uint8_t message_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; memcpy (message_nonce, "CurveZMQMESSAGES", 16); put_uint64 (message_nonce + 16, cn_nonce); uint8_t flags = 0; if (msg_->flags () & msg_t::more) flags |= 0x01; uint8_t *message_plaintext = static_cast <uint8_t *> (malloc (mlen)); alloc_assert (message_plaintext); memset (message_plaintext, 0, crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); message_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES] = flags; memcpy (message_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1, msg_->data (), msg_->size ()); uint8_t *message_box = static_cast <uint8_t *> (malloc (mlen)); alloc_assert (message_box); int rc = crypto_box_afternm (message_box, message_plaintext, mlen, message_nonce, cn_precom); zmq_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->close (); zmq_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->init_size (16 + mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); zmq_assert (rc == 0); uint8_t *message = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); memcpy (message, "\x07MESSAGE", 8); memcpy (message + 8, message_nonce + 16, 8); memcpy (message + 16, message_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); free (message_plaintext); free (message_box); cn_nonce++; return 0; } int zmq::curve_server_t::decode (msg_t *msg_) { zmq_assert (state == connected); if (msg_->size () < 33) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: invalid CURVE client, sent malformed command"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const uint8_t *message = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); if (memcmp (message, "\x07MESSAGE", 8)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: invalid CURVE client, did not send MESSAGE"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } uint8_t message_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; memcpy (message_nonce, "CurveZMQMESSAGEC", 16); memcpy (message_nonce + 16, message + 8, 8); uint64_t nonce = get_uint64(message + 8); if (nonce <= cn_peer_nonce) { errno = EPROTO; return -1; } cn_peer_nonce = nonce; const size_t clen = crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + msg_->size () - 16; uint8_t *message_plaintext = static_cast <uint8_t *> (malloc (clen)); alloc_assert (message_plaintext); uint8_t *message_box = static_cast <uint8_t *> (malloc (clen)); alloc_assert (message_box); memset (message_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (message_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, message + 16, msg_->size () - 16); int rc = crypto_box_open_afternm (message_plaintext, message_box, clen, message_nonce, cn_precom); if (rc == 0) { rc = msg_->close (); zmq_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->init_size (clen - 1 - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); zmq_assert (rc == 0); const uint8_t flags = message_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES]; if (flags & 0x01) msg_->set_flags (msg_t::more); memcpy (msg_->data (), message_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 1, msg_->size ()); } else { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: connection key used for MESSAGE is wrong"); errno = EPROTO; } free (message_plaintext); free (message_box); return rc; } int zmq::curve_server_t::zap_msg_available () { if (state != expect_zap_reply) { errno = EFSM; return -1; } const int rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply (); if (rc == 0) state = status_code == "200" ? send_ready : send_error; return rc; } zmq::mechanism_t::status_t zmq::curve_server_t::status () const { if (state == connected) return mechanism_t::ready; else if (state == error_sent) return mechanism_t::error; else return mechanism_t::handshaking; } int zmq::curve_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_) { if (msg_->size () != 200) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client HELLO is not correct size"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const uint8_t * const hello = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); if (memcmp (hello, "\x05HELLO", 6)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client HELLO has invalid command name"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const uint8_t major = hello [6]; const uint8_t minor = hello [7]; if (major != 1 || minor != 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client HELLO has unknown version number"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } // Save client's short-term public key (C') memcpy (cn_client, hello + 80, 32); uint8_t hello_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t hello_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64]; uint8_t hello_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80]; memcpy (hello_nonce, "CurveZMQHELLO---", 16); memcpy (hello_nonce + 16, hello + 112, 8); cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64(hello + 112); memset (hello_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (hello_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, hello + 120, 80); // Open Box [64 * %x0](C'->S) int rc = crypto_box_open (hello_plaintext, hello_box, sizeof hello_box, hello_nonce, cn_client, secret_key); if (rc != 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client HELLO -- wrong server key?"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } state = send_welcome; return rc; } int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_welcome (msg_t *msg_) { uint8_t cookie_nonce [crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t cookie_plaintext [crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64]; uint8_t cookie_ciphertext [crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + 80]; // Create full nonce for encryption // 8-byte prefix plus 16-byte random nonce memcpy (cookie_nonce, "COOKIE--", 8); randombytes (cookie_nonce + 8, 16); // Generate cookie = Box [C' + s'](t) memset (cookie_plaintext, 0, crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES); memcpy (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32); memcpy (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32, cn_secret, 32); // Generate fresh cookie key randombytes (cookie_key, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); // Encrypt using symmetric cookie key int rc = crypto_secretbox (cookie_ciphertext, cookie_plaintext, sizeof cookie_plaintext, cookie_nonce, cookie_key); zmq_assert (rc == 0); uint8_t welcome_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t welcome_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128]; uint8_t welcome_ciphertext [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144]; // Create full nonce for encryption // 8-byte prefix plus 16-byte random nonce memcpy (welcome_nonce, "WELCOME-", 8); randombytes (welcome_nonce + 8, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES - 8); // Create 144-byte Box [S' + cookie](S->C') memset (welcome_plaintext, 0, crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, cn_public, 32); memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, cookie_nonce + 8, 16); memcpy (welcome_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48, cookie_ciphertext + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, 80); rc = crypto_box (welcome_ciphertext, welcome_plaintext, sizeof welcome_plaintext, welcome_nonce, cn_client, secret_key); zmq_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->init_size (168); errno_assert (rc == 0); uint8_t * const welcome = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); memcpy (welcome, "\x07WELCOME", 8); memcpy (welcome + 8, welcome_nonce + 8, 16); memcpy (welcome + 24, welcome_ciphertext + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, 144); return 0; } int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_) { if (msg_->size () < 257) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE is not correct size"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const uint8_t *initiate = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); if (memcmp (initiate, "\x08INITIATE", 9)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE has invalid command name"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } uint8_t cookie_nonce [crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t cookie_plaintext [crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64]; uint8_t cookie_box [crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + 80]; // Open Box [C' + s'](t) memset (cookie_box, 0, crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (cookie_box + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, initiate + 25, 80); memcpy (cookie_nonce, "COOKIE--", 8); memcpy (cookie_nonce + 8, initiate + 9, 16); int rc = crypto_secretbox_open (cookie_plaintext, cookie_box, sizeof cookie_box, cookie_nonce, cookie_key); if (rc != 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE cookie"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } // Check cookie plain text is as expected [C' + s'] if (memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32) || memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32, cn_secret, 32)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE cookie is not valid"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const size_t clen = (msg_->size () - 113) + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES; uint8_t initiate_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t initiate_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128 + 256]; uint8_t initiate_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144 + 256]; // Open Box [C + vouch + metadata](C'->S') memset (initiate_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (initiate_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, initiate + 113, clen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (initiate_nonce, "CurveZMQINITIATE", 16); memcpy (initiate_nonce + 16, initiate + 105, 8); cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64(initiate + 105); rc = crypto_box_open (initiate_plaintext, initiate_box, clen, initiate_nonce, cn_client, cn_secret); if (rc != 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } const uint8_t *client_key = initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES; uint8_t vouch_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t vouch_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64]; uint8_t vouch_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80]; // Open Box Box [C',S](C->S') and check contents memset (vouch_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); memcpy (vouch_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48, 80); memcpy (vouch_nonce, "VOUCH---", 8); memcpy (vouch_nonce + 8, initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, 16); rc = crypto_box_open (vouch_plaintext, vouch_box, sizeof vouch_box, vouch_nonce, client_key, cn_secret); if (rc != 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE vouch"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } // What we decrypted must be the client's short-term public key if (memcmp (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: invalid handshake from client (public key)"); errno = EPROTO; return -1; } // Precompute connection secret from client key rc = crypto_box_beforenm (cn_precom, cn_client, cn_secret); zmq_assert (rc == 0); // Use ZAP protocol (RFC 27) to authenticate the user. rc = session->zap_connect (); if (rc == 0) { send_zap_request (client_key); rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply (); if (rc == 0) state = status_code == "200" ? send_ready : send_error; else if (errno == EAGAIN) state = expect_zap_reply; else return -1; } else state = send_ready; return parse_metadata (initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128, clen - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES - 128); } int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_ready (msg_t *msg_) { uint8_t ready_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES]; uint8_t ready_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 256]; uint8_t ready_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 16 + 256]; // Create Box [metadata](S'->C') memset (ready_plaintext, 0, crypto_box_ZEROBYTES); uint8_t *ptr = ready_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES; // Add socket type property const char *socket_type = socket_type_string (options.type); ptr += add_property (ptr, "Socket-Type", socket_type, strlen (socket_type)); // Add identity property if (options.type == ZMQ_REQ || options.type == ZMQ_DEALER || options.type == ZMQ_ROUTER) ptr += add_property (ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size); const size_t mlen = ptr - ready_plaintext; memcpy (ready_nonce, "CurveZMQREADY---", 16); put_uint64 (ready_nonce + 16, cn_nonce); int rc = crypto_box_afternm (ready_box, ready_plaintext, mlen, ready_nonce, cn_precom); zmq_assert (rc == 0); rc = msg_->init_size (14 + mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); errno_assert (rc == 0); uint8_t *ready = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ()); memcpy (ready, "\x05READY", 6); // Short nonce, prefixed by "CurveZMQREADY---" memcpy (ready + 6, ready_nonce + 16, 8); // Box [metadata](S'->C') memcpy (ready + 14, ready_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES, mlen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES); cn_nonce++; return 0; } int zmq::curve_server_t::produce_error (msg_t *msg_) const { zmq_assert (status_code.length () == 3); const int rc = msg_->init_size (6 + 1 + status_code.length ()); zmq_assert (rc == 0); char *msg_data = static_cast <char *> (msg_->data ()); memcpy (msg_data, "\5ERROR", 6); msg_data [6] = sizeof status_code; memcpy (msg_data + 7, status_code.c_str (), status_code.length ()); return 0; } void zmq::curve_server_t::send_zap_request (const uint8_t *key) { int rc; msg_t msg; // Address delimiter frame rc = msg.init (); errno_assert (rc == 0); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Version frame rc = msg.init_size (3); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), "1.0", 3); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Request ID frame rc = msg.init_size (1); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), "1", 1); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Domain frame rc = msg.init_size (options.zap_domain.length ()); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), options.zap_domain.c_str (), options.zap_domain.length ()); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Address frame rc = msg.init_size (peer_address.length ()); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), peer_address.c_str (), peer_address.length ()); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Identity frame rc = msg.init_size (options.identity_size); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), options.identity, options.identity_size); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Mechanism frame rc = msg.init_size (5); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), "CURVE", 5); msg.set_flags (msg_t::more); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); // Credentials frame rc = msg.init_size (crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); errno_assert (rc == 0); memcpy (msg.data (), key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES); rc = session->write_zap_msg (&msg); errno_assert (rc == 0); } int zmq::curve_server_t::receive_and_process_zap_reply () { int rc = 0; msg_t msg [7]; // ZAP reply consists of 7 frames // Initialize all reply frames for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = msg [i].init (); errno_assert (rc == 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { rc = session->read_zap_msg (&msg [i]); if (rc == -1) break; if ((msg [i].flags () & msg_t::more) == (i < 6? 0: msg_t::more)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent incomplete reply message"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; break; } } if (rc != 0) goto error; // Address delimiter frame if (msg [0].size () > 0) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent malformed reply message"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Version frame if (msg [1].size () != 3 || memcmp (msg [1].data (), "1.0", 3)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent bad version number"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Request id frame if (msg [2].size () != 1 || memcmp (msg [2].data (), "1", 1)) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler sent bad request ID"); errno = EPROTO; rc = -1; goto error; } // Status code frame if (msg [3].size () != 3) { // Temporary support for security debugging puts ("CURVE I: ZAP handler rejected client authentication"); errno = EACCES; rc = -1; goto error; } // Save status code status_code.assign (static_cast <char *> (msg [3].data ()), 3); // Save user id set_user_id (msg [5].data (), msg [5].size ()); // Process metadata frame rc = parse_metadata (static_cast <const unsigned char*> (msg [6].data ()), msg [6].size (), true); error: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const int rc2 = msg [i].close (); errno_assert (rc2 == 0); } return rc; } #endif