/* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file This file is part of 0MQ. 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef __ZMQ_MSG_HPP_INCLUDE__ #define __ZMQ_MSG_HPP_INCLUDE__ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "config.hpp" #include "atomic_counter.hpp" #include "metadata.hpp" // Signature for free function to deallocate the message content. // Note that it has to be declared as "C" so that it is the same as // zmq_free_fn defined in zmq.h. extern "C" { typedef void (msg_free_fn) (void *data, void *hint); } namespace zmq { // Note that this structure needs to be explicitly constructed // (init functions) and destructed (close function). class msg_t { public: // Message flags. enum { more = 1, // Followed by more parts command = 2, // Command frame (see ZMTP spec) credential = 32, identity = 64, shared = 128 }; bool check (); int init (); int init_size (size_t size_); int init_data (void *data_, size_t size_, msg_free_fn *ffn_, void *hint_); int init_delimiter (); int close (); int move (msg_t &src_); int copy (msg_t &src_); void *data (); size_t size (); unsigned char flags (); void set_flags (unsigned char flags_); void reset_flags (unsigned char flags_); int64_t fd (); void set_fd (int64_t fd_); metadata_t *metadata () const; void set_metadata (metadata_t *metadata_); void reset_metadata (); bool is_identity () const; bool is_credential () const; bool is_delimiter () const; bool is_vsm (); bool is_cmsg (); // After calling this function you can copy the message in POD-style // refs_ times. No need to call copy. void add_refs (int refs_); // Removes references previously added by add_refs. If the number of // references drops to 0, the message is closed and false is returned. bool rm_refs (int refs_); private: // Size in bytes of the largest message that is still copied around // rather than being reference-counted. enum { msg_t_size = 48 }; enum { max_vsm_size = msg_t_size - (8 + sizeof (metadata_t *) + 3) }; // Shared message buffer. Message data are either allocated in one // continuous block along with this structure - thus avoiding one // malloc/free pair or they are stored in used-supplied memory. // In the latter case, ffn member stores pointer to the function to be // used to deallocate the data. If the buffer is actually shared (there // are at least 2 references to it) refcount member contains number of // references. struct content_t { void *data; size_t size; msg_free_fn *ffn; void *hint; zmq::atomic_counter_t refcnt; }; // Different message types. enum type_t { type_min = 101, // VSM messages store the content in the message itself type_vsm = 101, // LMSG messages store the content in malloc-ed memory type_lmsg = 102, // Delimiter messages are used in envelopes type_delimiter = 103, // CMSG messages point to constant data type_cmsg = 104, type_max = 104 }; // the file descriptor where this message originated, needs to be 64bit due to alignment int64_t file_desc; // Note that fields shared between different message types are not // moved to tha parent class (msg_t). This way we get tighter packing // of the data. Shared fields can be accessed via 'base' member of // the union. union { struct { metadata_t *metadata; unsigned char unused [msg_t_size - (8 + sizeof (metadata_t *) + 2)]; unsigned char type; unsigned char flags; } base; struct { metadata_t *metadata; unsigned char data [max_vsm_size]; unsigned char size; unsigned char type; unsigned char flags; } vsm; struct { metadata_t *metadata; content_t *content; unsigned char unused [msg_t_size - (8 + sizeof (metadata_t *) + sizeof (content_t*) + 2)]; unsigned char type; unsigned char flags; } lmsg; struct { metadata_t *metadata; void* data; size_t size; unsigned char unused [msg_t_size - (8 + sizeof (metadata_t *) + sizeof (void*) + sizeof (size_t) + 2)]; unsigned char type; unsigned char flags; } cmsg; struct { metadata_t *metadata; unsigned char unused [msg_t_size - (8 + sizeof (metadata_t *) + 2)]; unsigned char type; unsigned char flags; } delimiter; } u; }; } #endif