    Copyright (c) 2011 250bpm s.r.o.
    Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Spotify AB
    Copyright (c) 2011 Other contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file

    This file is part of 0MQ.

    0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <new>
#include <algorithm>

#include "platform.hpp"
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_WINDOWS
#include "windows.hpp"

#include "err.hpp"
#include "pipe.hpp"
#include "mtrie.hpp"

zmq::mtrie_t::mtrie_t () :
    pipes (0),
    min (0),
    count (0),
    live_nodes (0)

zmq::mtrie_t::~mtrie_t ()
    if (pipes) {
        delete pipes;
        pipes = 0;

    if (count == 1) {
        zmq_assert (next.node);
        delete next.node;
        next.node = 0;
    else if (count > 1) {
        for (unsigned short i = 0; i != count; ++i)
            if (next.table [i])
                delete next.table [i];
        free (next.table);

bool zmq::mtrie_t::add (unsigned char *prefix_, size_t size_, pipe_t *pipe_)
    return add_helper (prefix_, size_, pipe_);

bool zmq::mtrie_t::add_helper (unsigned char *prefix_, size_t size_,
    pipe_t *pipe_)
    //  We are at the node corresponding to the prefix. We are done.
    if (!size_) {
        bool result = !pipes;
        if (!pipes)
            pipes = new pipes_t;
        pipes->insert (pipe_);
        return result;

    unsigned char c = *prefix_;
    if (c < min || c >= min + count) {

        //  The character is out of range of currently handled
        //  charcters. We have to extend the table.
        if (!count) {
            min = c;
            count = 1;
            next.node = NULL;
        else if (count == 1) {
            unsigned char oldc = min;
            mtrie_t *oldp = next.node;
            count = (min < c ? c - min : min - c) + 1;
            next.table = (mtrie_t**)
                malloc (sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
            alloc_assert (next.table);
            for (unsigned short i = 0; i != count; ++i)
                next.table [i] = 0;
            min = std::min (min, c);
            next.table [oldc - min] = oldp;
        else if (min < c) {

            //  The new character is above the current character range.
            unsigned short old_count = count;
            count = c - min + 1;
            next.table = (mtrie_t**) realloc ((void*) next.table,
                sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
            alloc_assert (next.table);
            for (unsigned short i = old_count; i != count; i++)
                next.table [i] = NULL;
        else {

            //  The new character is below the current character range.
            unsigned short old_count = count;
            count = (min + old_count) - c;
            next.table = (mtrie_t**) realloc ((void*) next.table,
                sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
            alloc_assert (next.table);
            memmove (next.table + min - c, next.table,
                old_count * sizeof (mtrie_t*));
            for (unsigned short i = 0; i != min - c; i++)
                next.table [i] = NULL;
            min = c;

    //  If next node does not exist, create one.
    if (count == 1) {
        if (!next.node) {
            next.node = new (std::nothrow) mtrie_t;
            alloc_assert (next.node);
        return next.node->add_helper (prefix_ + 1, size_ - 1, pipe_);
    else {
        if (!next.table [c - min]) {
            next.table [c - min] = new (std::nothrow) mtrie_t;
            alloc_assert (next.table [c - min]);
        return next.table [c - min]->add_helper (prefix_ + 1, size_ - 1, pipe_);

void zmq::mtrie_t::rm (pipe_t *pipe_,
    void (*func_) (unsigned char *data_, size_t size_, void *arg_),
    void *arg_)
    unsigned char *buff = NULL;
    rm_helper (pipe_, &buff, 0, 0, func_, arg_);
    free (buff);

void zmq::mtrie_t::rm_helper (pipe_t *pipe_, unsigned char **buff_,
    size_t buffsize_, size_t maxbuffsize_,
    void (*func_) (unsigned char *data_, size_t size_, void *arg_),
    void *arg_)
    //  Remove the subscription from this node.
    if (pipes && pipes->erase (pipe_) && pipes->empty ()) {
        func_ (*buff_, buffsize_, arg_);
        delete pipes;
        pipes = 0;

    //  Adjust the buffer.
    if (buffsize_ >= maxbuffsize_) {
        maxbuffsize_ = buffsize_ + 256;
        *buff_ = (unsigned char*) realloc (*buff_, maxbuffsize_);
        alloc_assert (*buff_);

    //  If there are no subnodes in the trie, return.
    if (count == 0)

    //  If there's one subnode (optimisation).
    if (count == 1) {
        (*buff_) [buffsize_] = min;
        next.node->rm_helper (pipe_, buff_, buffsize_, maxbuffsize_,
            func_, arg_);

        //  Prune the node if it was made redundant by the removal
        if (next.node->is_redundant ()) {
            delete next.node;
            next.node = 0;
            count = 0;
            zmq_assert (live_nodes == 0);

    //  If there are multiple subnodes.
    //  New min non-null character in the node table after the removal
    unsigned char new_min = min + count - 1;
    //  New max non-null character in the node table after the removal
    unsigned char new_max = min;
    for (unsigned short c = 0; c != count; c++) {
        (*buff_) [buffsize_] = min + c;
        if (next.table [c]) {
            next.table [c]->rm_helper (pipe_, buff_, buffsize_ + 1,
                maxbuffsize_, func_, arg_);

            //  Prune redundant nodes from the mtrie
            if (next.table [c]->is_redundant ()) {
                delete next.table [c];
                next.table [c] = 0;

                zmq_assert (live_nodes > 0);
            else {
                //  The node is not redundant, so it's a candidate for being
                //  the new min/max node.
                //  We loop through the node array from left to right, so the
                //  first non-null, non-redundant node encountered is the new
                //  minimum index. Conversely, the last non-redundant, non-null
                //  node encountered is the new maximum index.
                if (c + min < new_min)
                    new_min = c + min;
                if (c + min > new_max)
                    new_max = c + min;

    zmq_assert (count > 1);

    //  Compact the node table if possible
    if (live_nodes == 1) {
        //  If there's only one live node in the table we can
        //  switch to using the more compact single-node
        //  representation
        zmq_assert (new_min == new_max);
        zmq_assert (new_min >= min && new_min < min + count);
        mtrie_t *node = next.table [new_min - min];
        zmq_assert (node);
        free (next.table);
        next.node = node;
        count = 1;
        min = new_min;
    else if (live_nodes > 1 && (new_min > min || new_max < min + count - 1)) {
        zmq_assert (new_max - new_min + 1 > 1);

        mtrie_t **old_table = next.table;
        zmq_assert (new_min > min || new_max < min + count - 1);
        zmq_assert (new_min >= min);
        zmq_assert (new_max <= min + count - 1);
        zmq_assert (new_max - new_min + 1 < count);

        count = new_max - new_min + 1;
        next.table = (mtrie_t**) malloc (sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
        alloc_assert (next.table);

        memmove (next.table, old_table + (new_min - min),
                 sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
        free (old_table);

        min = new_min;

bool zmq::mtrie_t::rm (unsigned char *prefix_, size_t size_, pipe_t *pipe_)
    return rm_helper (prefix_, size_, pipe_);

bool zmq::mtrie_t::rm_helper (unsigned char *prefix_, size_t size_,
    pipe_t *pipe_)
    if (!size_) {
        if (pipes) {
            pipes_t::size_type erased = pipes->erase (pipe_);
            zmq_assert (erased == 1);
            if (pipes->empty ()) {
                delete pipes;
                pipes = 0;
        return !pipes;

    unsigned char c = *prefix_;
    if (!count || c < min || c >= min + count)
        return false;

    mtrie_t *next_node =
        count == 1 ? next.node : next.table [c - min];

    if (!next_node)
        return false;

    bool ret = next_node->rm_helper (prefix_ + 1, size_ - 1, pipe_);

    if (next_node->is_redundant ()) {
        delete next_node;
        zmq_assert (count > 0);

        if (count == 1) {
            next.node = 0;
            count = 0;
            zmq_assert (live_nodes == 0);
        else {
            next.table [c - min] = 0;
            zmq_assert (live_nodes > 1);

            //  Compact the table if possible
            if (live_nodes == 1) {
                //  If there's only one live node in the table we can
                //  switch to using the more compact single-node
                //  representation
                mtrie_t *node = 0;
                for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                    if (next.table [i]) {
                        node = next.table [i];
                        min = i + min;

                zmq_assert (node);
                free (next.table);
                next.node = node;
                count = 1;
            else if (c == min) {
                //  We can compact the table "from the left"
                unsigned char new_min = min;
                for (unsigned short i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
                    if (next.table [i]) {
                        new_min = i + min;
                zmq_assert (new_min != min);

                mtrie_t **old_table = next.table;
                zmq_assert (new_min > min);
                zmq_assert (count > new_min - min);

                count = count - (new_min - min);
                next.table = (mtrie_t**) malloc (sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
                alloc_assert (next.table);

                memmove (next.table, old_table + (new_min - min),
                         sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
                free (old_table);

                min = new_min;
            else if (c == min + count - 1) {
                //  We can compact the table "from the right"
                unsigned short new_count = count;
                for (unsigned short i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
                    if (next.table [count - 1 - i]) {
                        new_count = count - i;
                zmq_assert (new_count != count);
                count = new_count;

                mtrie_t **old_table = next.table;
                next.table = (mtrie_t**) malloc (sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
                alloc_assert (next.table);

                memmove (next.table, old_table, sizeof (mtrie_t*) * count);
                free (old_table);

    return ret;

void zmq::mtrie_t::match (unsigned char *data_, size_t size_,
    void (*func_) (pipe_t *pipe_, void *arg_), void *arg_)
    mtrie_t *current = this;
    while (true) {

        //  Signal the pipes attached to this node.
        if (current->pipes) {
            for (pipes_t::iterator it = current->pipes->begin ();
                  it != current->pipes->end (); ++it)
                func_ (*it, arg_);

        //  If we are at the end of the message, there's nothing more to match.
        if (!size_)

        //  If there are no subnodes in the trie, return.
        if (current->count == 0)

        //  If there's one subnode (optimisation).
		if (current->count == 1) {
            if (data_ [0] != current->min)
            current = current->next.node;

		//  If there are multiple subnodes.
        if (data_ [0] < current->min || data_ [0] >=
              current->min + current->count)
        if (!current->next.table [data_ [0] - current->min])
        current = current->next.table [data_ [0] - current->min];

bool zmq::mtrie_t::is_redundant () const
    return !pipes && live_nodes == 0;