/* Copyright (c) 2018 Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file This file is part of 0MQ. 0MQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 0MQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "../tests/testutil.hpp" #include <poller.hpp> #include <i_poll_events.hpp> #include <ip.hpp> #include <unity.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #define closesocket close #endif void setUp () { } void tearDown () { } void test_create () { zmq::thread_ctx_t thread_ctx; zmq::poller_t poller (thread_ctx); } #if 0 // TODO this triggers an assertion. should it be a valid use case? void test_start_empty () { zmq::thread_ctx_t thread_ctx; zmq::poller_t poller (thread_ctx); poller.start (); msleep (SETTLE_TIME); } #endif struct test_events_t : zmq::i_poll_events { test_events_t (zmq::fd_t fd_, zmq::poller_t &poller_) : fd (fd_), poller (poller_) { } virtual void in_event () { poller.rm_fd (handle); handle = (zmq::poller_t::handle_t) NULL; // this must only be incremented after rm_fd in_events.add (1); } virtual void out_event () { // TODO } virtual void timer_event (int id_) { LIBZMQ_UNUSED (id_); poller.rm_fd (handle); handle = (zmq::poller_t::handle_t) NULL; // this must only be incremented after rm_fd timer_events.add (1); } void set_handle (zmq::poller_t::handle_t handle_) { handle = handle_; } zmq::atomic_counter_t in_events, timer_events; private: zmq::fd_t fd; zmq::poller_t &poller; zmq::poller_t::handle_t handle; }; void wait_in_events (test_events_t &events) { void *watch = zmq_stopwatch_start (); while (events.in_events.get () < 1) { #ifdef ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT TEST_ASSERT_LESS_OR_EQUAL_MESSAGE (SETTLE_TIME, zmq_stopwatch_intermediate (watch), "Timeout waiting for in event"); #endif } zmq_stopwatch_stop (watch); } void wait_timer_events (test_events_t &events) { void *watch = zmq_stopwatch_start (); while (events.timer_events.get () < 1) { #ifdef ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT TEST_ASSERT_LESS_OR_EQUAL_MESSAGE (SETTLE_TIME, zmq_stopwatch_intermediate (watch), "Timeout waiting for timer event"); #endif } zmq_stopwatch_stop (watch); } void create_nonblocking_fdpair (zmq::fd_t *r, zmq::fd_t *w) { int rc = zmq::make_fdpair (r, w); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, rc); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL (zmq::retired_fd, *r); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL (zmq::retired_fd, *w); zmq::unblock_socket (*r); zmq::unblock_socket (*w); } void send_signal (zmq::fd_t w) { #if defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD const uint64_t inc = 1; ssize_t sz = write (w, &inc, sizeof (inc)); assert (sz == sizeof (inc)); #else { char msg[] = "test"; int rc = send (w, msg, sizeof (msg), 0); assert (rc == sizeof (msg)); } #endif } void close_fdpair (zmq::fd_t w, zmq::fd_t r) { int rc = closesocket (w); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, rc); #if !defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD rc = closesocket (r); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT (0, rc); #else LIBZMQ_UNUSED (r); #endif } void test_add_fd_and_start_and_receive_data () { zmq::thread_ctx_t thread_ctx; zmq::poller_t poller (thread_ctx); zmq::fd_t r, w; create_nonblocking_fdpair (&r, &w); test_events_t events (r, poller); zmq::poller_t::handle_t handle = poller.add_fd (r, &events); events.set_handle (handle); poller.set_pollin (handle); poller.start (); send_signal (w); wait_in_events (events); // required cleanup close_fdpair (w, r); } void test_add_fd_and_remove_by_timer () { zmq::fd_t r, w; create_nonblocking_fdpair (&r, &w); zmq::thread_ctx_t thread_ctx; zmq::poller_t poller (thread_ctx); test_events_t events (r, poller); zmq::poller_t::handle_t handle = poller.add_fd (r, &events); events.set_handle (handle); poller.add_timer (50, &events, 0); poller.start (); wait_timer_events (events); // required cleanup close_fdpair (w, r); } int main (void) { UNITY_BEGIN (); zmq::initialize_network (); setup_test_environment (); RUN_TEST (test_create); RUN_TEST (test_add_fd_and_start_and_receive_data); RUN_TEST (test_add_fd_and_remove_by_timer); zmq::shutdown_network (); return UNITY_END (); }