1. 03 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Simon Giesecke's avatar
      Replace console output by monitoring events for curve security issues (#2645) · 5d4e30eb
      Simon Giesecke authored
      * Fixing #2002 one way of doing it
       * Mechanisms can implement a new method `error_detail()`
       * This error detail have three values for the moment: no_detail
       (default), protocol, encryption.
          + generic enough to make sense for all mechanisms.
          - low granularity level on information.
      * Fixing #2002: implementation of the error details
      The ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED event carries the error details
      as value.
      * Removed Microsoft extenstion for enum member access
      This was leading to compilation error under linux.
      * Adaptation of CURVE test cases
      * Monitoring event: changed API for detailed events
      Removed ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED and replaced it by:
      Adaptation of text case `security_curve`
      * Removed event value comparison
      This was introduced for the previous API model adaptation
      * Removed the prints in std output and added missing details
      `current_error_detail` was not set in every protocol error cases
      * Fixed initialization of current_error_detail
      * Fixed error in greeting test case
      The handshake failure due to mechanism mismatch in greeting is actually
      a protocol error. The error handling method consider it like so and
      send a protocol handshake failure monitoring event instead of no_detail.
      Fixed the test_security_curve expectation as well.
      * Upgraded tests of monitoring events
      The tests check the number of monitoring events received
      * Problem: does not build under Linux or without ZMQ_DRAFT_API
      - properly use ZMQ_DRAFT_API conditional compilation
      - use receive timeouts instead of Sleep
      * Problem: duplicate definition of variable 'timeout'
      Solution: merged definitions
      * Problem: inconsistent timing dependencies
      Solution: reduce timing dependency by using timeouts at more places
      * Problem: assertion failure under Linux due to unexpected monitor event
      Solution: output event type to aid debugging
      * Problem: erroneous assertion code
      * Problem: assertion failure with a garbage server key due to an extra third event
      Solution: changed assertion to expect three events (needs to be checked)
      * Problem: extra include directive to non-existent file
      Solution: removed include directive
      * Problem: assertion failure on appveyor for unknown reason
      Solution: improve debug output
      * Problem: no build with libsodium and draft api
      Solution: add build configurations with libsodium and draft api
      * Problem: assertion failure on CI
      Solution: change assertion to reflect actual behaviour on CI (at least temporarily)
      * Problem: error in condition in assertion code
      * Problem: assertion failure on CI
      Solution: generalize assertion to match behavior on CI
      * Problem: assertion failures on CI
      Solution: removed inconsistent assertion on no monitor events before flushing
      improved debuggability by converting function into macro
      * Problem: diverging test code for three analogous test cases with garbage key
      Solution: extract common code into function
      * Problem: does not build without ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API
      Solution: introduce dummy variable
      * Attempt to remove workaround regarding ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_NO_DETAIL again
      * Problem: EAGAIN error after handshake complete if there is no more data in inbuffer
      Solution: Skip tcp_read attempt in that case
      * Problem: handshaking event emitted after handshaking failed
      Solution: use stream_engine_t::handshaking instead of mechanism_t::status() to determine whether still handshaking
      * Include error code in debug output
      * Improve debugging output: output flushed events
      * Fixed compilation without ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API
      * Fixed assert_monitor_event (require event instead of allowing no event)
      Reverted erroneous change to handshaking condition
      Renamed test_wrong_key to test_garbage_key
      Generalized assumption in test_garbage_key to allow for ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_NO_DETAIL with error == EPIPE
      * Better isolate test cases from each other by providing a fresh context & server for each
      * Added diagnostic output
      * Changed assertion to reflect actual behavior on CI
      * Fixed formatting, observe maximum line length
      * Fixed formatting, observe maximum line length
      * Increase timeout to check if this fixes valgrind run
      * Close server with close_zero_linger
      * Increase timeout to check if this fixes valgrind run
      * Increase timeout to check if this fixes valgrind run
      * Generalize assertion to also work with valgrind
      * Fixed formatting
      * Add more diagnostic output
      * Generalize assertion to also work with valgrind
  2. 30 Dec, 2016 2 commits
    • Vincent Tellier's avatar
      Code formatting + reverted hard error handshake fail · 48bc75e8
      Vincent Tellier authored
       - Moved new events in draft section + added to zmq_draft.h
       - Removed the remainning tabs
       - Reverted the hard error (back to soft error) in curve_server.cpp
      => The feature doesn't works anymore
    • Vincent Tellier's avatar
      Fixed issue #2227 · b6e9e0c2
      Vincent Tellier authored
      Added two new monitoring events:
       - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_SUCCEED is raised once the encryption handshake succeed
       - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED is raised when it failed
      Both events are raised on server and client side.
  3. 12 Oct, 2016 1 commit
    • Jens Auer's avatar
      Fixed problems from previous PR for #2158 (#2160) · b0313259
      Jens Auer authored
      * - Fixed windows build errors
      - Extended monitor lock scope to prevent race-condition between
        process_stop and monitor
      * - Fixed windows build errors
      - Extended monitor lock scope to prevent race-condition between
        process_stop and monitor
  4. 11 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  5. 20 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  6. 04 May, 2016 1 commit
  7. 09 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Pieter Hintjens's avatar
      Problem: test_large_msg kills my system temporarily · 62c66ae7
      Pieter Hintjens authored
      And I'm on a reasonably sized laptop. I think allocating INT_MAX
      memory is dangerous in a test case.
      Solution: expose this as a context option. I've used ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ
      and documented it and implemented the API. However I don't know how
      to get the parent context for a socket, so the code in zmq.cpp is
      still unfinished.
  8. 28 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  9. 27 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  10. 17 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  11. 30 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  12. 09 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  13. 06 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  14. 16 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  15. 05 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  16. 02 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  17. 12 Feb, 2015 2 commits
  18. 22 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  19. 09 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  20. 20 May, 2014 1 commit
  21. 30 Apr, 2014 1 commit
  22. 28 Apr, 2014 1 commit
    • Pieter Hintjens's avatar
      Problem: zmq_socket_monitor code is dirty · 9753de85
      Pieter Hintjens authored
      * zmq_event_t should not be used internally in libzmq, it was
        meant to be an outward facing structure.
      * In 4.x, zmq_event_t does not correspond to monitor events, so
        I removed the structure entirely.
      * man page for zmq_socket_monitor is incomplete and the example
        code was particularly nasty.
      * test_monitor.cpp needed rewriting, it was not clean.
  23. 19 Jan, 2014 2 commits
    • Pieter Hintjens's avatar
      Cleaned up option to force identity on outgoing connection · 50bd28c0
      Pieter Hintjens authored
      - renamed to ZMQ_CONNECT_RID
      - fixed whitespace malformating around previous patch
      - renamamed next_peer_id to next_rid in preparation for
        larger rename of IDENTITY to ROUTING_ID
      Note: ZMQ_CONNECT_RID has no test case and no entry in the man
      page, as yet.
    • Tim M's avatar
      Fixed compile issue with missing member of socket_base. Changed… · b1920bdf
      Tim M authored
      Fixed compile issue with missing member of socket_base.  Changed ZMQ_NEXT_IDENTITY to ZMQ_NEXT_CONNECT_PEER_ID.
      Fixed case where ZMQ_NEXT_CONNECT_PEER_ID is used in ROUTER, and ROUTER does not read the identity message from the connected pipe.
  24. 12 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  25. 08 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  26. 07 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  27. 06 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  28. 02 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  29. 31 Aug, 2013 1 commit
    • Shawn J. Goff's avatar
      Change name of icanhasall to subscribe_to_all · 6a18f595
      Shawn J. Goff authored
      icanhasall is cute (for now), but the effect of the variable is clear
      only after tracking down its origin reading the commit. This change is
      intended to make it easier for people to have some intuition about its
      effect from its name.
  30. 18 Aug, 2013 1 commit
    • Ian Barber's avatar
      Attempt to fix disconnect not respecting linger · cb35fd7b
      Ian Barber authored
      Looks like linger is honoured properly, but shutting down the session
      causes the pipe termination to come from that side - because the local
      pipe then shuts down right away it seems to trigger a terminated on the
      other end instead of waiting. This way we trigger the termination from
      the local end and then terminate the session.
  31. 29 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  32. 06 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  33. 12 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Pieter Hintjens's avatar
      Removed corporate advertisements from source file headers · f0f16505
      Pieter Hintjens authored
      Copyrights had become ads for Sustrik's corporate sponsors, going against the original
      agreement to share copyrights with the community (that agreement was: one line stating
      iMatix copyright + one reference to AUTHORS file). The proliferation of corporate ads
      is also unfair to the many individual authors. I've removed ALL corporate title from
      the source files so the copyright statements can now be centralized in AUTHORS and
      source files can be properly updated on an annual basis.
  34. 08 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  35. 04 Dec, 2012 1 commit
  36. 21 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  37. 17 Nov, 2012 1 commit