1. 14 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • boris@boressoft.ru's avatar
      Add WinCE support. · 318ba883
      boris@boressoft.ru authored
      * Added two new files: errno.hpp and errno.cpp. They are required to use errno functionality on WM.
      * zmq.cpp, msg.h: removed inclusion of errno.h because it is included in zmq.h that is also included by .cpp.
      * windows.hpp: process.h is included only for desktop builds.
      * thread.cpp: on CE CreateThread is used instead of __beginthreadex
      * socket_base.cpp, clock.cpp: on CE include cmnintrin.h instead on intrin.h
      * signaler.cpp: on Windows should use special macro around event name (for unicode builds)
      * err.hpp: make it include errno.hpp (my file) instead on errno.h when building for CE
      * err.cpp: use FormatMessage when building for CE (because CE does not have ANSI API functions)
      * zmq.h: do not include errno.h whe building for CE
      * libzmq.vcproj: add tro new files
  2. 01 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  3. 31 Oct, 2011 1 commit
  4. 15 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  5. 29 Jun, 2011 1 commit
  6. 04 Apr, 2011 1 commit
  7. 02 Apr, 2011 1 commit
  8. 02 Mar, 2011 1 commit
  9. 29 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  10. 27 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  11. 30 Oct, 2010 1 commit
  12. 25 Aug, 2010 1 commit
    • Martin Sustrik's avatar
      WIP: Socket migration between threads, new zmq_close() semantics · 05d90849
      Martin Sustrik authored
      Sockets may now be migrated between OS threads; sockets may not be used by
      more than one thread at any time. To migrate a socket to another thread the
      caller must ensure that a full memory barrier is called before using the
      socket from the target thread.
      The new zmq_close() semantics implement the behaviour discussed at:
      Specifically, zmq_close() is now deterministic and while it still returns
      immediately, it does not discard any data that may still be queued for
      sending. Further, zmq_term() will now block until all outstanding data has
      been sent.
      TODO: Many bugs have been introduced, needs testing. Further, SO_LINGER or
      an equivalent mechanism (possibly a configurable timeout to zmq_term())
      needs to be implemented.
  13. 05 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  14. 29 Aug, 2009 1 commit
  15. 03 Aug, 2009 1 commit
  16. 29 Jul, 2009 1 commit