Commit fcc80d4f authored by Doron Somech's avatar Doron Somech

add draft option to windows configure

parent 91394d27
......@@ -25,5 +25,18 @@ IF EXIST "..\..\..\libsodium" (
ECHO #undef HAVE_LIBSODIUM>> platform.hpp
:- Check if we want to build the draft API
if "%1" == "--enable-drafts" goto :with_draft
if "%1" == "--disable-drafts" goto :no_draft
IF NOT EXIST "..\..\.git" GOTO no_draft
ECHO Building with draft API (stable + legacy + draft API)
ECHO // Provide draft classes and methods>>platform.hpp
ECHO #define ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API 1>>platform.hpp
GOTO end_draft
ECHO Building without draft API (stable + legacy API)
ECHO #undef ZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API 1>>platform.hpp
ECHO. >> platform.hpp
ECHO #endif>> platform.hpp
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