Commit f44b215a authored by malosek's avatar malosek

added out_event call into pgm_sender_t revive

parent 712c7bd8
......@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::unplug ()
void zmq::pgm_sender_t::revive ()
set_pollout (handle);
out_event ();
zmq::pgm_sender_t::~pgm_sender_t ()
......@@ -181,28 +182,6 @@ void zmq::pgm_sender_t::out_event ()
void zmq::bp_pgm_sender_t::revive (pipe_t *pipe_)
// We have some messages in encoder.
if (!shutting_down) {
// Forward the revive command to the pipe.
engine_base_t <false, true>::revive (pipe_);
// There is at least one engine (that one which sent revive) that
// has messages ready. Try to write data to the socket, thus
// eliminating one polling for POLLOUT event.
// Note that if write_size is zero it means that buffer is empty and
// we can read data from encoder.
if (!write_size) {
poller->set_pollout (handle);
out_event (handle);
size_t zmq::pgm_sender_t::write_one_pkt_with_offset (unsigned char *data_,
size_t size_, uint16_t offset_)
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